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  1. #1
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011

    What Do You Guys Suggest?

    Hey everyone, hope all is well. I have a couple real quick questions and sure could use some advice. Background: I started my protocol on 6/23 with 200mg Test Cyp EOW. I switched that to 100mg Test Cyp EW (I inject on Monday morning) on 7/11. On 7/18 I added L-Dex to hopefully lower E2. Around that same time I began supplementing with DHEA, and last week I added Calcium Glucarate as well as Pregnenolone to my protocol. I will be getting HCG either tomorrow or Thursday and plan on following Crisler's protocol for that. I am also going to start taking a very low dose (5mg) of Cialis a day. Long way to go for a couple questions, I know.

    1. Am I throwing too many variables at this thing too soon without finding out what is working or not?

    2. I have not had my follow up BW completed yet. I'm thinking of going right before I inject either 8/15 or 8/22. Any suggestions?

    3. Finally, should I add the HCG when it arrives, or should I wait to start that until after my BW has been complete? I know that HCG will raise my Test, but don't know if that will stay consistent, and don't want my BW to come in "artificially" high due to the addition of the HCG. (Does that even make sense)?

    Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks fellas.....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Titleesq View Post
    Hey everyone, hope all is well. I have a couple real quick questions and sure could use some advice. Background: I started my protocol on 6/23 with 200mg Test Cyp EOW. I switched that to 100mg Test Cyp EW (I inject on Monday morning) on 7/11. On 7/18 I added L-Dex to hopefully lower E2. Around that same time I began supplementing with DHEA, and last week I added Calcium Glucarate as well as Pregnenolone to my protocol. I will be getting HCG either tomorrow or Thursday and plan on following Crisler's protocol for that. I am also going to start taking a very low dose (5mg) of Cialis a day. Long way to go for a couple questions, I know.

    1. Am I throwing too many variables at this thing too soon without finding out what is working or not?
    IMO, no. My Doc, a well known TRT physician started me out over a year ago pretty much the same way.

    2. I have not had my follow up BW completed yet. I'm thinking of going right before I inject either 8/15 or 8/22. Any suggestions?
    With long esters your Test will be pretty consistent since you're now on a weekly schedule. I'd go the day of your next shot BEFORE you inject.

    3. Finally, should I add the HCG when it arrives, or should I wait to start that until after my BW has been complete? I know that HCG will raise my Test, but don't know if that will stay consistent, and don't want my BW to come in "artificially" high due to the addition of the HCG. (Does that even make sense)?
    It does but not for the right reasons. You need DHT and will be on it for life as you are Test so take the HCG and start your evaluation from some point you will need to.

    Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks fellas.....

    You got it going man with a nce protocol!

    Keep us posted on how you feel.

  3. #3
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    "You need DHT and will be on it for life as you are Test so take the HCG and start your evaluation from some point you will need to."


    I haven't come across anything as of yet stating that HCG increases DHT. Is that what you meant?

    Thanks for the input bro, much appreciated as always.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    if your feeling good i would quit double g said...all looks good...

    bloodwork either one of those weeks/days is gonna be fine broskin

  5. #5
    Titleesq is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2011
    Thanks JP. Can anyone with some experience with HCG let me know approximately how long it takes to feel the effects? Also, I have seen conflicting information regarding dosing. Some say 250ius per inject, while some say 500ius per inject.


  6. #6
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I started seeing my boys growing, after major shrinkage, after 2 weeks.

    500 IU is too much in a single dose for HRT when taken with Test. You want it to keep you leydig cells functioning, but you don't need to over stimulate them to produce more Test.

    Do 250 IU either 2x/week or EOD. If you don't see results after a few weeks, then consider upping the dosage. But it is very unlikely you need more than 250 IU per dose.

  7. #7
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    South Fla
    GNBM got it right! Also, too much HCG can cause an increase in intratesticular E2 which an AI can't control. Better to have smaller doses of HCG over time rather then banging trhe boys hard...if you get what I am saying.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Titleesq View Post
    "You need DHT and will be on it for life as you are Test so take the HCG and start your evaluation from some point you will need to."


    I haven't come across anything as of yet stating that HCG increases DHT. Is that what you meant?

    Thanks for the input bro, much appreciated as always.
    Sorry men; typo here. Didn't mean DHT meant HCG.

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