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  1. #81
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    I did find this from the University of Vanderbilt: AND ATHLETES


    What evidence is there to support or disprove claims that high intake levels of protein help build muscle mass and better athletes? Muscles are made mostly of protein, so logically one would think that the more protein in the diet, the more muscle one should have. Certain types of exercise, weight lifting for example, do stimulate muscle growth. So, a combination of weight training and large amounts (the more, the better) should be beneficial, right? Not exactly. The most recent indications are that dietary protein in excess of the current recommended dietary allowance (0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day) is likely needed for optimal muscle growth (5.) "The current recommended dietary allowance doesn't seem to be enough for elite athletes who are training every day, who are growing, or who are training especially hard right before an event" (6.) However, the benefit appears to plateau at intakes well below the levels typically consumed by many athletes. Thus, for best results, a diet high in protein is beneficial for muscle growth, but only to an extent. Once a certain intake level is reached, any additional protein taken in will not help build muscle mass any more.

    A study done by Fern et. al (1991) showed that greater gains in body mass occur over four weeks of heavy weight training when young men consumed 3.3 versus 1.3 grams if protein per kilogram of body mass. In addition a study done by Meredith et al. (1992) found that a daily dietary supplement containing 23 grams of protein combined with weight training can enhance muscle mass gains relative to similar subjects who trained with out the supplement. Both of the studies show support for the belief that increased protein in the diet can help increase muscle mass, but it should be noted that these effects were found with a combination of intake and training. These two studies further indicated that a protein intake of about 1.7 - 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, when combined with weight training will enhance muscle development compared with similar training with an intake of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (5.) However, it is important to note that there is little good evidence that the very high protein intakes (more than 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day) typically consumed by strength athletes are beneficial. Moreover, it is possible to obtain this quantity of protein without special supplementation assuming a mixed diet containing sufficient energy is consumed.

  2. #82
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    good information but i think it would have been better to start a new thread for this.

  3. #83
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Seem to be getting things dialed in now. I've settled on .75mg of AI a week vs. the 1mg.

    Still seeing some decent gains from the workouts. My workout bench press weight has increased 45lbs since starting this thread. I'd say I'm definitely gaining faster than I ever have......including in my late teens/early twenties.

    Still need to tighten up my diet and throw in some cardio. I've settled on a 2 days on 1 day off routine. Seems to work out perfectly for getting enough rest time in between workouts hitting Chest/Tri's on one day, Back/Bi's on another and then legs/shoulders. Abs each time.

    One very cool thing I've noticed. My tendon/ligament issues have nearly disappeared. In fact my shoulder issue appears completely resolved and my long time tennis elbow (actually a golf injury) is about 90%. Looks like strengthening the muscles has taken some strain of the tendons.

  4. #84
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    45 lbs on you bench in 2 and a half months...thats good stuff bro...reminds me of when i started bout your other lifts...glas your overall well too

  5. #85
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Well a lot of the gains are due to me rededicating myself to training. I had all but stopped before starting TRT.

    My legs had been completely ignored for years so my squats are lagging way behind my bench press right now but I'm assuming it will eventually catch up and probably surpass.

    I hate working legs but I'm going to keep at it. Looking to achieve some decent symmetry.

    Right now I'm focusing on heavier weight with fewer reps. The plan is to start incorporating more cardio and maybe reduce the weight and add reps as spring/summer approaches. I'm not really familiar with a "cutting process" and really have no idea how long that may take. I'm assuming several months? I need to research it.

    Might take me quite a bit longer since I'm still dealing with too much body fat.

  6. #86
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    good work Fred! keep lifting heavy even while cutting. most bodybuilders today lift heavy all year around even through cutting! keep your reps between 8-12 to failure, thats what the pros do.

  7. #87
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks Bass,

    Right now I'm doing two warm up sets and then 4 sets of 6 reps for both bench & squat.

    I seem to get my best strength gains at 6 reps. Bi's & Tri's I hit anywhere from 8-12 reps depending on what I'm doing. My back I do 8-10.

  8. #88
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    So I decided on some new goals:

    300 Bench
    350 Squat
    400 Deadlift.

    I figure these are reasonable given the gains I've made over the last three months. Honestly I think the squat mark will take the longest to get to......My legs are WAY behind.

    I'm going to pick up a power rack so I can squat without worrying about killing myself. Might be nice to have for benching as well.

    My wife keeps laughing at me Like I will never get bigger legs (yes they have always been small)......but I plan on having the last laugh. I'm not kidding myself about getting huge thighs.....won't happen, but I plan on making them respectable....and strong.
    Last edited by Fred40; 11-22-2011 at 12:39 AM.

  9. #89
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    I could only wish LOL.

  10. #90
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigfoot66 View Post
    I could only wish LOL.
    What do you mean? You're huge compared to me.....I would think these numbers would be easy for you to hit (baring injuries).

    These are long term goals for me......I have a ways to go before I'll see these numbers.

  11. #91
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    I assume you're using my height/weight/bf to make your statement? If so, thanks...

    Judging by your avatar you're there!

    I am nowhere near those strength levels..I have difficulty with increasing my weights in the gym....maybe bc I'm so tall with long limbs.

  12. #92
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i'd be happy with


    but be quick as a cat

  13. #93
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    how is ur puss these days JP?

  14. #94
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  15. #95
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    he happens to have a VERY cool cat bro - geeze

  16. #96
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL, quick as a cat would be cool, but I also want 600,400,600. I started doing days of body weight training in between my barbell work.

  17. #97
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    LOL, quick as a cat would be cool, but I also want 600,400,600. I started doing days of body weight training in between my barbell work.
    those are some big ass numbers for a trt'er...quick would have to be a necessity

    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    how is ur puss these days JP?
    big and hairy my brutha

  18. #98
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    those are some big ass numbers for a trt'er...quick would have to be a necessity

    big and hairy my brutha
    Those were basically my goals I wanted to reach naturally, haven't started TRT yet and won't for a few more months, My current lifts are 425,345,465, but the bench is the only one that has increased in the past two years. Hoping thyroid treatment will help me get my BF down so I can be done eating like a woman, I think that combined with my below perfect test is what has kept me so stagnant.

  19. #99
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i'd be happy with


    but be quick as a cat
    Maybe......but I've seen some fairly average looking guys get to 400 on deadlifts. I just started deadlifting....never did it before. I'm at 205 for 5 reps right now. I kind of enjoy them. Hate squating but I'll keep at it.

  20. #100
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigfoot66 View Post
    I assume you're using my height/weight/bf to make your statement? If so, thanks...

    Judging by your avatar you're there!
    It's an optical illusion created by my tiny forearms and incredibly tiny wrists (although you don't really see my wrist in that shot)

    My wrists are literally 6.5 inches. I have to wrap them for virtually every lift I do. Injured them too many times when I was lifting as a young adult to even consider lifting today without wraps.

  21. #101
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fred40 View Post
    Maybe......but I've seen some fairly average looking guys get to 400 on deadlifts. I just started deadlifting....never did it before. I'm at 205 for 5 reps right now. I kind of enjoy them. Hate squating but I'll keep at it.
    I think you are correct personally, my 135 lb little brother went from a 235 lb deadlift to over 300 in a month from no training prior. You shouldn't have any problem reaching a 400 lb deadlift, yeah it will take a little time and proper training, but it isn't really that big of a deadlift, I think it is a very good goal, but plan on having a new goal when you reach it.

  22. #102
    nc_pi is offline New Member
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    Hey Fred,

    I am in the same boat as you. About to start on TRT. Some of the posters on this thread have helped me out so much. Welcome to the community.

  23. #103
    ConArmas is offline Junior Member
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    Fred, thanks so much for the update. Can you talk about how you are doing with the Test/AI now that you are a few months in?
    Also, did you start HCG ?

  24. #104
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConArmas View Post
    Fred, thanks so much for the update. Can you talk about how you are doing with the Test/AI now that you are a few months in?
    Also, did you start HCG?
    So far so good with my current levels of Test (100mg/week) and A.I. (.75mg/week). I have not started HCG to this point. My current Dr is not up to speed with it and I'm not comfortable doing that one on my own.

    I have however decided to try very low dose Clomid just to prevent complete testicular atrophy. I'm taking 25mg 3x a week and it appears to be working. Absolutely zero sides at this level.

  25. #105
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm very stoked this evening.

    Just finished putting together my new Power Rack. Set it up in my basement and I'm excited to break it in. It's probably the lowest priced power rack out there ($300 from Sams Club) but it certainly is not cheaply made. It appears to be very solid and I will have no reservations using even the weight I hope to someday achieve on this rack.

    Not only does it serve as a safety net for squatting but bench press as well. Nice piece of mind when you workout alone.

    I'm going to be trying Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" program for a while ( It's a fairly intense power-lifting routine that focus on the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Power Clean and Standing front press. I'll probably make some minor modifications as I see fit. For now I'm set up okay for these lifts but I can see I'm going to need a deadlift platform soon and some bumper plates would be really nice for both the deadlift and the power cleans.

    This is the rack I picked up:

  26. #106
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    Fred the biggest thing is droppping fat and increasing muscle is diet. Get a account at (free)

    Try to get 2200 cals or so with 40% protein 40% carb and 20% fat.

    You can cut more cals when on TRT because your body will not drop test like a natural would do. So this is an advantage. Your metabolism should increase along w/ your IGF-1 level's. All good for losing weight and increasing LBM.

    Research diet's on the web. Ton's of info. Look at stuff like simplyshreadded and the diet section of websites like this. You can post your meals and get critiques based on your goals.

    You can even hire a nutrition coach (recommended)
    Last edited by Brohim; 11-29-2011 at 12:57 AM.

  27. #107
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Hello everyone, it's been awhile.

    Mostly because things are going well. I had to actually lower my Test Cyp to 75mg a week.....crazy. I got tested (twice) on the day of injection BEFORE the injection and my levels were 1200 total and 42 Free! So we dropped it back a little.

    Still working out but I must admit I've been coasting for a while now so the weight has not increased in quite a while. I did finally get my son to start working out with me. He's my height now (5' 9") at the age of 14 and weighs roughly 65 lbs less than me! Trying to get more protein into him but it's a battle.....he's a carb freak.

    I did start myself on a low dose of daily Cialis. LOVE IT! Highly recommended. I'm at 2.5mg a day with no negs.

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