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  1. #1
    scaredycat is offline Junior Member
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    How to pick a doc. HRT clinics are too pricey. Test levels at 318 for a 32 year old

    I am 32 and went to the doc because I had many of the low test symptoms. I told the doc my symptoms and that I thought that I had low T. He seemed annoyed that I was trying to diagnose myself. He reluctantly tested my levels. They came back at 318 ng/dl. He stated that that was normal and sent me on my way. When I researched testosterone levels online later, mine seemed really low for a young, active, and slim man. I called the local HRT clinics and they quoted me $1700 just to get the RX(labs and consultations). Others sold a package for the year for $3K - $4K(labs, consultations, and test). They are not included on my insurance. My doc is a GP and is included. What are your thoughts? Should I pursue HRT? Is there a another type of doc that my be open to giving me an RX?

  2. #2
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yr current Dr is a tool. Get rid of him. Yes, you can finds docs in yr network that treat low T. You just need to do the legwork to find one that is "schooled" in TRT. Start by finding Endocrinologists nearby that are in yr network. Call their offices & ask whether the Dr. currently treats men with low testosterone . Before you do this, you need to be informed yourself & know exactly what questions to ask the office staff. There are also experts in the field that work off a retainer, but you can make them your primary PCP if they're in your network and the test, BW and some or most of the meds will be covered by your script plan. I'm sure others can chime in...

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Most insurance companies do NOT require a GP referal to go to another doc. Go online to your insurance company's website, look at in-network docs. You are looking for endoctrinology and eurology (probably spelled both of those wrong).

    Next google the docs, see if they have a website, etc. See if any talk about anti-aging, treating menopause, etc. Also you can call a local compounding pharmacy and ask them if they can refer you to a doc that prescribes HRT. Tell the coumponding pharmacy what insurance you have. Lots of times they know what docs take what insurance.

    There are decent clinics, but they are hard to come by too. I got lucky in finding a good clinic with a good doc. My yearly costs for doc, labs, and meds is less than the $1700 you were quoted the clinic. If you get stuck, go to the lounge forum and get your post count above 50 (maybe it's 100 I can't remember) posts so you can send and receive IM's. Then I can give you a clinic referal. If you let us know what state you are in, maybe someone can give you a referal for a doc. But that all has to be done via IM and not in the forums.

    Good luck!

    Oh, and follow APIs advice: "Yr current Dr is a tool. Get rid of him."
    Last edited by GotNoBlueMilk; 08-13-2011 at 03:05 AM.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with the around and ask how do they treat patients with low T before you book/waste appts

  5. #5
    KeithO54 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thanks for the info>

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