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  1. #1
    agq8 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Full Time Usage for Older Guy?

    I'm 37 yrs old and have been working out fairly consistently for the last few years. I'm 5 weeks in to 200mg test cyp 2 x week and decca 200 once week. 1st 4 weeks I also took 30 mg/day dbol .
    I started out at 6' 2" 210 (roughly 8% bf) and I'm at 220 now with a very slight puffiness. I get a swollen feeling in my hands from time to time but other than that I feel wonderful. My strength is really surprising me but the best effect in my opinion is the fact that I sleep like a rock! I work in Afghanistan w/ the Military and my sleep is sometimes sporadic. Now, with even as little as 4 hrs sleep I still feel refreshed and energized! Hope it's not due mostly from the dbol. I also seem to have a much better sense of well being.

    Questions: I have contemplated starting HGH but I think I will wait. My idea is that w/ the boost in quality of sleep, I'll most probably be producing a little extra GH anyways???
    Also, I am contemplating going to a full time usage of test cyp alone after my cycle/pct. What dosage would be ideal to maintain a VERY HIGH level of test that could still be within the natural levels??? The Military could pop a test but as long as I'm even close to a normal range they won't bother me.

  2. #2
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    200mg every week would you keep you in the upper part of the normal ranges. I am at 250mgs I got tested 12 weeks ago and it was 765. Tested 6 weeks ago and it was 1077.

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