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  1. #1
    cboyer5 is offline New Member
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    BAD NEWS. Please Help! (Worried)

    Hi guys,

    I'm brand new to the forum and hope I can get some help here. I've done quite a bit of reading and know that I should have never done this so please (at least try) to refrain from beating in my head that I shouldn't have done a cycle at my age.. I have already realized that, and regret it.

    I'm currently 22 years old now, but previously at the age of 17 I did a pretty decent sized cycle .. The source of the juice as well as the PCT were questionable, infact I'm not sure if the capsules I took for PCT were even legit.

    I did a cycle of if I'm not mistaken it consisted of about 500mg/week of test -e and I was also taking another one and I think it was Deca but I can't remember.
    I also did the first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks of 50mg Test -Prop EoD.

    Anyways, I gained about 25 pounds and then later lost most of it...

    Lately, I have been feeling a sense of depression, foggy-minded, lack of energy, bad memory, etc... I did my research on these symptoms and it linked to hormone levels.. I then realized that this could be due to the cycle I did previously..

    I went and got a blood test done and and I have a few things that are abnormal.

    My testosterone level is at 374 ng/dL and I also have other blood levels that are abnormal such as my good/bad cholosterol, and my AST/ALT (SGOT/SGPT) levels which are EXTREMELY high which could potentially be dangerous to my liver and I'm still trying to figure out what might be causing this.

    I have posted the picture to my test results for you to view them. What I'm asking you guys is if I'm screwed for life or is there any chance of recovery here and what should my next steps be? My dad is a specialized doctor and can perscribe anything, however that is only if NEEDED.

    I would really appreciate anyones help and I thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm refocusing my habbits and trying to become a healthier person.


    Heres the link to view results (or you can click image below)

    (click image to enlarge)
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	reults.jpg 
Views:	226 
Size:	408.5 KB 
ID:	116752

  2. #2
    sirupate is offline Member
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    The only numbers that would really alarm me would be your liver enzyme numbers. You'll have to find out what is going on there and if you don't have some obvious ideas about what might be causing that, you really need to consult a doctor. Otherwise, maybe you just need a good round of PCT to kick start your test. production again. HCG and/or Clomid can be found that are legit and you should post in the PCT section of this site and ask around about how to get started. Otherwise, perhaps an endo. will be willing to work with you on this if you just tell him what you did.

    But...I'd get answers on your liver "problems" first, then address peaking up your test. levels. Oh...the cholesterol may be able to address that with diet and exercise. Not great numbers, but no reason to panic.

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you are having an issue with your liver, then address that first. Health issues can lower T. Your liver numbers scream health issue. After the liver numbers are back in normal range, you may find that your T returns to a decent level. You claim symptoms "lately". So if you haven't had these symptoms since you were 17 (after your PCT), then it is not something caused by the cycle.

  4. #4
    Mr Tick's Avatar
    Mr Tick is offline Associate Member
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    Im in a job that take blood work yearly. Last year I was taking pre work out supplements and protein a few times a day. I also took animal pack and my numbers was in the 580 range. I stopped taking everything when I was going to the doc to get my testosterone levels looked at and my numbers was back in the normal range. Several of us at work hit the gym hard and take supps and protein and all of our numbers are in the 500-650 ranges. I think it just comes with the territory with the supplement game. I would say that if your not taking these kinds of things to get it looked at. If you are taking them then come off of all of it and go back to the the doc for more blood work just to see if they even out. You can always take things to help ur liver process the things you are taking in.

  5. #5
    cboyer5 is offline New Member
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    Yes I was having some major back pain and I started taking the Roxicodones.. However, I have already been tapering off and I will not be taking any more of it at this point, and I'm not drinking alcohol either.. I guess I'm going to wait it out 2 weeks and retake the blood test and see the results... hopefully everything is okay.

    Any other thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.

  6. #6
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cboyer5 View Post
    Yes I was having some major back pain and I started taking the Roxicodones.. However, I have already been tapering off and I will not be taking any more of it at this point, and I'm not drinking alcohol either.. I guess I'm going to wait it out 2 weeks and retake the blood test and see the results... hopefully everything is okay.

    Any other thoughts/suggestions are appreciated.
    Assume that roxicodone is fairly powerful pain that may be impacting your liver enzymes. It may take more than a few weeks to bring your levels right again. As someone above posted, if your liver is impaired, your test. numbers may be messed up too.

  7. #7
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirupate View Post
    Assume that roxicodone is fairly powerful pain that may be impacting your liver enzymes. It may take more than a few weeks to bring your levels right again. As someone above posted, if your liver is impaired, your test. numbers may be messed up too.
    x 2. Especially if Roxicodone has large amounts of Acetaminophen in each dose. High amounts of Acetaminophen, taken on a regular basis, will really screw up your liver values. FYI - Acetaminophen is added to many pain killers to give a synergistic effect...

  8. #8
    cboyer5 is offline New Member
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    Roxicodone has no tylenol (acetaminophen) in it... strictly narcotic. Can it still cause this high of numbers?

    Also update: Today I got the Hepatitis Panel A,B, & C done so I should have results by monday to see if this is a factor.. How common is hepatitis?

    Thanks for everyones help - I've been very worried lately.. Ive been off the meds for 2 days now and will not be drinking anymore. I will be getting another blood test in 2 weeks.

  9. #9
    turkishexpress's Avatar
    turkishexpress is offline Junior Member
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    If your cycle was 5 years ago, its highly unlikely to effect your liver enzymes now. I would actually say its very very unlikely with what you used. Now your low T is likely to be attributed to you cycling improperly at an early age. There is an underlying issue that you need to figure out. And yes, heavy pain killers will fack with your liver enzymes. I would get another blood test a few weeks after getting off the meds.

  10. #10
    cboyer5 is offline New Member
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    Update: I got my hepatitis results back in today and I'm negative for all three (huge relief)

    Yes I have been tapering off even with the suboxone.. I started with 8mg/day and tapered down to 1mg EoD.. I'm now off completely.

    At this point I'm relieved to know that it's not a uncurable hepatitis, but still need to figure out the reason. I'm hoping it was just the roxicodones causing this and hopefully I'll have a better result next blood test in 2 weeks.

    I almost want to get on TRT if my Test levels don't increase because honestly my life feels so shitty and Ive been depressed about all of these symptoms I'm feeling for years now. I had a daughter early and figured I was having depression and stress issues from all of that, however it seems that I've found out it is because of the low test.

    Thanks everyone for giving input, it's really helped me a lot.

  11. #11
    cboyer5 is offline New Member
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    I just got my Free Test levels back and it is at 13.65 mg/dL - however I still feel almost every symptom of low test. My Total is at 374 mg/dL which is very low.

    Once I get my liver levels back in order and if my test levels stay close to the above results.. would you guys still suggest TRT? I know some say if your free levels are good, your fine.. but I don't feel good.


  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    get injectable Glutathione to treat your liver. i took pain killers for a while and my liver enzymes went up, not near to your levels, but slightly above normal, within two weeks of injecting Glutathione my levels went back to normal. besides, Glutathione can fix allot of other things as well! once your liver is fixed i bet you your test levels with increase as well! but first thing you need to take care of is your liver like everyone have suggested!

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