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  1. #1
    scaredycat is offline Junior Member
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    Total test levels from TRT

    What would normal total test levels be for someone taking 100mg/week?

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    @ 80 mg/week, split into 2x/week, my total T was 750. Hopefully someone who does 100/week can give you more info. My 750 was a trough level. I feel really good at this level and not so good when I doo 100mg/week, which is why I do 80.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by scaredycat View Post
    What would normal total test levels be for someone taking 100mg/week?
    There is no standard; it's different for every man. That's why BW is always needed on a regular schedule.

  4. #4
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Mine, 100mg Cyp EW

    4 days after injection -- 829
    6.99 days after injection -- 493

    Scale is like 300-830

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Mine, 100mg Cyp EW

    4 days after injection -- 829
    6.99 days after injection -- 493

    Scale is like 300-830
    Considering half life of T Cyp that looks about right.

    Peak at about day 3/4 and half it about day 6/7.

    Pretty typical.

  6. #6
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Thought peak was typically around day 2?

  7. #7
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Interesting graph. Never seen that one before. Always have agree w gd on timing of spike based on other data. Will look into it. Thanks for posting. Op, numbers above should answer your question.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Thought peak was typically around day 2?
    Read the link and the date of the source is 1980...almost 32 years ago. Many things have changed including formulary of todays long esters.

    This pretty much says it all:

    A paper for Doctors about a testosteron enanthate 250mg/ml from the German co. Jenapharm; a chart is shown where blood plasma levels are recorded (y-axis) for every hour after a single injection (x-axis).
    It shows that:

    - before injection, the subjects had testosterone concentrations of around 4.5 ng/ml = baseline
    - maximum blood levels are reached 54.25 hours after injection at 14.31 nanograms/mililiter (page 2), this is 300% of baseline or 200% = 10ng/ml above baseline
    - blood plasma levels increase very rapidly for the first 24h and stay highest for around the first 2.5 days (chart at page 3)
    - half life is reached when blood levels reach around 9.5 ng/ml at 144h, 6d after injection
    - baseline levels are reached after 12-13 days, this means that after 13 days the product is completely metabolized and out of the system

    bioavailability and half life differ greatly between subjects (page 2): peaks have been recorded as being between 9 and 19 ng/ml; this means, that one person gets 200% baseline levels from one injection of TE 250mg while another person might get 400% = double the results.
    there are also huge differences how fast the steroid is metabolized; one extreme reaches its peak at hour 16, the other extreme has to wait up to hour 92 (!) after injection to reach its (probably lower) peak.

    The whole bioavailabilty (ng multiplied by hours) differs between 2000 and 3000, which means that some people get 50% more out the same injection, for the compared TE it was even 100%.

    if we factor in that the number of androgen receptors also varies greatly among people one can imagine that the results of a steroid cylce do vary in huge numbers; there must be men out there who gain close to nothing off a 250mg weekly protocol while others pack on serious pounds with the exact same product.

    btw., the bioavialability has an even greater variance for orals, in clinical trials plasma concentration vary up to 1000% (10 times) between subjects. If you only grow on 100mg of dbol ed while your buddy grows on only 10mg, nothing is wrong, its all within normal range.

    6 days half life for Test is average, but 4 or 8 days can also be true for you, it depends on the individual.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    scaredy.....what would you do with that info if you got an EXACT answer to that question

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