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Thread: Doctors today

  1. #1
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Doctors today

    Well guys after proving a point by self medicating low dose @ 200 of test cyp a week to help depression , low sex drive and fatigue works ( I FEEL LIKE A NEW MAN NOW) .. after docs would not do anything. Seem like at last they are going to listen to me and hopefully will put me on trt . All they have tried so far is antidepressants and mood stabilizers and talk therapy, since iv self medicated with test cyp nearly all symptoms have vanished and i have reduced all meds slowly and safely. TODAY WILL TELL.. If they don't trt me then i will carry on with self med and will tell them that as i dont want to drop back to a miserable life. Plus my wife loves the sex drive back after so many years

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    200 /week is not a low dose. You may not want to say it is a low dose to your doc. You will lose some credibility and your doc will feel justified in dismissing your claim.

  3. #3
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Good luck with your doctor visit. Many of us know how frustrating this thing can get treated and treated correctly. I'd further venture that many of us are self-medicating to a degree. I am hoping to get some HCG in the mail soon and will give that a try at Dr. Crisler's recommended protocol. My endo would not even consider the HCG.

  4. #4
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Im not sure how i will get on as uk doctors are well behind with trt.But im going to be truthful with him as they know iv been having problems for year and know i will self medicate if i have too too at least have a better quality of life which is better than being a unhappy man and not able to laugh and enjoy my wife and her to enjoy .. they even treated me thinking i have bi-pola but now they dont think i have..pmsl

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sirupate, your endo would'nt consider it? Retarded. They deny you because they don't understand and trt is just a sideline to them. His real specialty is elsewhere. Mine was the same way with AI's and HCG . I switched to a Euro who actually knows what he is doing. Ask your current endo how he would feel if his nuts were half the normal size. Or the opposite, how he would feel if his wife's breasts shrunk by 50%! I'd love to know his answer.

  6. #6
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Sirupate, your endo would'nt consider it? Retarded. They deny you because they don't understand and trt is just a sideline to them. His real specialty is elsewhere. Mine was the same way with AI's and HCG. I switched to a Euro who actually knows what he is doing. Ask your current endo how he would feel if his nuts were half the normal size. Or the opposite, how he would feel if his wife's breasts shrunk by 50%! I'd love to know his answer.
    Yeah...I finally had "that talk" with him about HCG and AI's. Inappropriate/risky/not covered were his excuses. He seems to do more diabetes work than anything. With the rise in Type II diabetes...well, no wonder. TRT is a sideline for him at best. Maybe a urologist is the answer. I promised myself I'd do some looking around after we had that talk. My PCP agreed that a second opinion was warranted, though he is thinking another endo and not a uro. Need to get off my butt and get this done.

  7. #7
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Back from doctors tho i proved results of test cyp on me he refused me on the grounds my free test levels was 15 last year higher than normal for a 43y old ..He told me to stop injecting as its bad for me even tho he sees a dramatic change in me on the plus told him im not stopping as i dont want to be a wreck ever again .. If i was a heroine addict he would jump through hoops to help me get

  8. #8
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    also refused to monitor my bloods if i keep on

  9. #9
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Wow. Sorry man. If you can source the meds., I'd certainly be tempted to keep going if I were you. Be somewhat conservative though. 200mgs./wk. is about the top end of the normal TRT dose. A few guys are doing more than 200mgs., but a number are doing 100mgs./wk. and feeling fine.

    Socialized medicine will be the death...literally, for some of us when we get it here in the USA.

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