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  1. #1
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    coming off t injections

    I started t injections , adex, and hcg 2 months ago. My t levels shot through the roof, and I have felt actually worse than before starting trt. My e levels stayed normal btw. Being 25, my boys seem to be responding well to hcg. So I want to stop t injections and just take hcg. Is this going to be a problem or will I be fine since I've been taking hcg the whole time

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If your Test levels shot through the roof, why don't you try reducing the amount of T first? HCG only is a viable option for some people. To know if you are one of those people, you first have to have low baseline LH and low T. I assume you had low T, but where were your LH values? If they were decent, then the HCG won't help you that much. Some people who have low LH still don't respond to HCG treatment for raising T levels, because their leydig cells just don't respond to the LH, on top of the pituitary not producing much LH.

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Feeling worse could also be progesterone related. HCG stiumlates a rise in progesterone too. For me, if my T levels get high, I feel like crap too.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    why dont/didnt you include the levels?

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaxbrah View Post
    I started t injections , adex, and hcg 2 months ago. My t levels shot through the roof, and I have felt actually worse than before starting trt. My e levels stayed normal btw. Being 25, my boys seem to be responding well to hcg. So I want to stop t injections and just take hcg. Is this going to be a problem or will I be fine since I've been taking hcg the whole time
    if you decide to come off then head to the PCT section!

  6. #6
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    well, im only 25 years old and had a baseline of 200t back in november of 2010. everything else was fine. Estrogen levels were prime, fsh and lh levels were within range but barely (on the low side). At the time i was going through a stressful period (birth of a child, amongst other things). My doc had me start trt this past july, without taking new bloodwork. she also suggested i try just HCG to start. I think i have secondary hypogonadism which would benefit from hcg. So, i admit there was some irresponsibilty on both mine and the doctors behalf. For me, i wanted fast results and an impact at the gym, irresponsible.

    So what I want to do is come off of t shots and try hcg alone and other natural remedies such as a better diet and vitamins.

    btw, with 100 testcyp a week and 250hcg e3d, my t levels skyrocketed to 1880. my e level remained at 14

    also, there is a possibility i dont have any hypogonadism and it was all just stress induced.
    Last edited by jaxbrah; 09-14-2011 at 05:13 PM.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    interesting thread nevertheless...hope you keep it updated and good luck

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaxbrah View Post
    well, im only 25 years old and had a baseline of 200t back in november of 2010. everything else was fine. Estrogen levels were prime, fsh and lh levels were within range but barely (on the low side). At the time i was going through a stressful period (birth of a child, amongst other things). My doc had me start trt this past july, without taking new bloodwork. she also suggested i try just HCG to start. I think i have secondary hypogonadism which would benefit from hcg. So, i admit there was some irresponsibilty on both mine and the doctors behalf. For me, i wanted fast results and an impact at the gym, irresponsible.

    So what I want to do is come off of t shots and try hcg alone and other natural remedies such as a better diet and vitamins.

    btw, with 100 testcyp a week and 250hcg e3d, my t levels skyrocketed to 1880. my e level remained at 14

    also, there is a possibility i dont have any hypogonadism and it was all just stress induced.
    then do what GNBM suggested, keep lowering your dose and have your level be at around 1000, and you e2 at around 20-30, i bet you will feel much better at these levels. remember, everyone reacts differently to TRT, so this may take some time to get it all tweaked out! good luck!

  9. #9
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You've been on TRT for only two months and now you want out? No offense, but it sounds like it was an ill-conceived plan from the get-go. Just hoping you havent done any further damage. Good luck...

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