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Thread: Opinions please

  1. #1
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Opinions please

    I called my doctor to see if he had ever prescribed Aromasin or Letrozole for an AI instead of Arimidex . I did this because I was thinking one of the two might help me out with the acne on my back. Well I get a call back from the nurse and she tells me that they only prescribe Arimidex, but that the doctor said I might want to try Test e instead of Test Cyp. I said okay. She said my husband was on Arimidex and Cyp and was having trouble with breakouts and he switched to Test E and it went away. Does anybody have any opinion on this. I though Cyp and E were basically the same. So why would her husbands acne go away switching from Cyp to E.

    The breakouts on my back are my only gripe with TRT. If I could fix that it would be great. And believe me I have tried every wash and home remedy out there.

  2. #2
    Sicko's Avatar
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    I didnt know there was a difference either, at least not one that would change the side effect of acne. I get a few here and there on my ass now. Never really had acne even as a child, and especially not on my ass!!

  3. #3
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    I didn't know there was a difference either. I had acne bad as a teenager and did accutane. Cleared me up!!!! I would only get 1 or 2 a year on my back. Now with TRT it's back.....on my back only.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Just guessing/trying to remember but i thought i read a thread with something similar a while back...maybe the esters make the patient react differently...idk....

    are u going to try

  5. #5
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    I am wondering if I should. You know a while back I was wOndering if splitting my dosage would help the acne. With being on 3mg of AI a week and 200mg test a week I don't think it's an estrogen problem. So I have no idea.

  6. #6
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    Acne from exogenous test is a result of blocked pours from oily skin as a result of higher DHT levels. How men metabolically convert Test to DHT, the amount of oily skin and resulting acne is probably genetic dependent and very individual in my opinion. I don't see how splitting dosages or injecting cyp or e will really make much of a difference.

    It's more a function of how men convert Test to DHT is what matters.

  7. #7
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Is there a way to lower that conversion? Or is that something you would even want to do?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOSUPERMODEL View Post
    Is there a way to lower that conversion? Or is that something you would even want to do?
    NSM - Test and acne are like a marriage; it can be fantastic at times and down right hell at's just how it is.

    For me, I don't screw with DHT levels; it's one reason why we optimize test levels as it is the king of all male hormones.

    Talk to your Doc about some meds to help with your acne as there some good stuff they can prescribe.

    For me, it's one of the minor inconveniences of my protocol...but I can live with easily given the upside of it all.

  9. #9
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Just a question, how did you go about asking what your Dr prescribes? Did you just call in and ask to talk to a nurse or the dr?

  10. #10
    APIs's Avatar
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    Hey NSM, I suffered from this also only I had cystic facial acne for quite awhile. It was bad, but finally about 1.5 years in it started to subside. IMO, I think our bodies have to adjust to all the new hormone levels etc. I'd say just stick it out for awhile & see what happens. Changing your protocal now may only worsen the condition.

  11. #11
    Sicko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOSUPERMODEL View Post
    I am wondering if I should. You know a while back I was wOndering if splitting my dosage would help the acne. With being on 3mg of AI a week and 200mg test a week I don't think it's an estrogen problem. So I have no idea.
    This I believe to be true...I split my dose for that very reason...It did seem to help, but I also stopped taking two showers a day the same time I switched to split dose. I dated a dermatologist about a decade ago or so and she told me many people/women wash their faces every morning and night with face cleansers and use alcohol astringents etc... actually causing their skin to produce more oil than if they just washed it with regular soap once a day. She said by depleting your face/ body of its natural oils it defends itself by producing more oils at a faster rate to protect itself from the depleting agents.
    I was taking a shower once int the morning and another at I figured maybe I was creating the situation she spoke of. I only started taking two a day because TRT caused me to get some acne and I felt greasier...
    After I split my dose and only took one shower a day the acne definitely reduced...
    Fact or fiction?? Dont know, but thats my story....

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    The reason for the switch is that test e is a shorter ester which means its closer shots. This is good because cyp sits in the adipose tissue where aromatization is heavy. The estered test won't convert but by paracrine action it will up regulate the aromatase enzyme so there is more waiting when the ester finally does come off. It's not that substantial of a difference but for some it's just pass that barrier before getting esre (estro related side effects)

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    This I believe to be true...I split my dose for that very reason...It did seem to help, but I also stopped taking two showers a day the same time I switched to split dose. I dated a dermatologist about a decade ago or so and she told me many people/women wash their faces every morning and night with face cleansers and use alcohol astringents etc... actually causing their skin to produce more oil than if they just washed it with regular soap once a day. She said by depleting your face/ body of its natural oils it defends itself by producing more oils at a faster rate to protect itself from the depleting agents.
    I was taking a shower once int the morning and another at I figured maybe I was creating the situation she spoke of. I only started taking two a day because TRT caused me to get some acne and I felt greasier...
    After I split my dose and only took one shower a day the acne definitely reduced...
    Fact or fiction?? Dont know, but thats my story....
    i'd say neither fact or fiction just i take multi showers a day using different soaps, etc. and get very little acne
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    The reason for the switch is that test e is a shorter ester which means its closer shots. This is good because cyp sits in the adipose tissue where aromatization is heavy. The estered test won't convert but by paracrine action it will up regulate the aromatase enzyme so there is more waiting when the ester finally does come off. It's not that substantial of a difference but for some it's just pass that barrier before getting esre (estro related side effects)
    i knew i had heard something to this notion...interesting

    nsm- i'm sure you'll update if/when u try/switch to enanth

  14. #14
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    I will definately update if i decide to switch. Maybe when I go get my blood work done for my other problem I will ask him why he suggest the Test E for that.

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