I had decided to do it in the quads today, so i went for a walk had a good breakfast, took my courage with both hands, and poke myself in the quad.

The needle did not go in, i poked myself a little harder, the needle did not go in, i put the needle down, took off my boxers and injected in the glutes once more.

If i would have gone true with the quad injection i guess i would have felt so much pain, the skin is so tight and less fat you have its like skin then 2-3 milliliters the muscle. OUCH.

Glutes once again went amazing, a small poke hey its in, wow i am pushing the syringe in and it feels like butter. Once again a painless injection.

Its a good thing i do this only once a week, when on steroids in the past i did it like 3 times per week with deca , winstrol and test E, good thing someone was injecting me.

But this time around i don't see myself going for the other glute, or the other side. I feel a little lump after word but nothing serious, and its good that Test E is oil based no god damn burning like winstrol V did.