To be honest when i was 15 years old i remember coming home from school and having low energy, falling asleep infront of the tv around 4pm.

I was very skinny and had huge issues putting on weight. My ejaculation load was always very small as my sperm count.

Going to the gum when i was 16 until i broke my metabolism at 21 i was always a hard gainer. While other guys in the gym build amazing physiques.

When i finally broke my metabolism eating 6 meals per day, i got fat instead of muscular.

I was never able to get cut when dieting, always maintained a layer of fat on my abs, even when i was 138 pounds.

I am wondering if i could have had low T for a very long time? I grew like a weed when i did my steroid cycle 12 years ago, and felt pertty good on it too.

But after that everything went sour again. Energy, fatigue.

But i never had erectile disfonction nor lack of interest in sex?