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  1. #1
    jilsley's Avatar
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    New member, TRT, Memphis area

    Hi all, New member here. Went to doctor several weeks ago and have been taking shots myself at home of T Cypionate 200mg/ml. I've been taking 200mg every 6-8 days. I've always been in pretty good shape, working for the fire department I kept up with regular lifting and lots of cardio. I have seen a good increase in my muscle tone and have much better workouts now, so looks like I really needed the boost. Also, other symptoms of low T have almost completely dissapeared. Question though, should I be taking anything else with the injections, such as HCG ? I've read several posts on here and seen several people bring it up. How do I know if I need it, or anything else. My doctor didn't seem to knowledgable on it, so I think I can get better info here. Sorry for the long post, and thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    I have a few questions for you~
    How do you know you have low T, have you had blood panels indicating low total/free test?
    I see you are 38. How much do you know about TRT? Do you know that once you start this protocol, this is something you do for the rest of your life?
    Just because your workouts improve does NOT mean it was due to low test!
    200mg/week of test c is a pretty high dose for TRT. Currently, I'm at 80mg/week, and I'm just slightly above the high end for a 21 year old kid.
    HCG , although I've never made the effort, keeps your testicles in the game. With it, they should continue producing testosterone , and help prevent testicular shrinkage.
    Let me know, ok?

  3. #3
    jilsley's Avatar
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    Roman, Thanks for the reply. I did have test results done. First at ageless mens health, where I went for approx. 4 weeks. I then went to my physician, basically to save from having to pay a copay everyweek. My physician also ran BW, my level was in the very low 200's. Basically I'm taking the 200mg/week because thats what she recommended I do. Also, an older friend of mine was told same thing by another physician. I was not aware this was on the high end until I joined the site. I'm extremely new to this, not sure at all of what exactly I should be taking, how often, ect. I did read several good articles on why to take HCG as a regular part of trt. My physician says she has placed alot of people on the injections, cream, or others. But seemed clueless as to HCG.
    I've been taking 200mg for approx. 14 weeks now, should I start slowly dropping down? Everything seems great so far, except for the testical thing, which I've learned on here is to be expected. Any more suggestions will be appreciated.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    New blood work at your current protocol would be the best place to start any less and we are just guessing and throwing around ideas. Need a full hormone panel to give you the best recommendations.

  5. #5
    jilsley's Avatar
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    I can put my results on here tomorrow. I'm at work until 7a.m. But they did run new BW at my phsyicians office before writing my the perscription.

  6. #6
    jilsley's Avatar
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    oh I think i misunderstood your response, you meant new results on what i'm currently taking?

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jilsley View Post
    Roman, Thanks for the reply. I did have test results done. First at ageless mens health, where I went for approx. 4 weeks. I then went to my physician, basically to save from having to pay a copay everyweek. My physician also ran BW, my level was in the very low 200's. Basically I'm taking the 200mg/week because thats what she recommended I do. Also, an older friend of mine was told same thing by another physician. I was not aware this was on the high end until I joined the site. I'm extremely new to this, not sure at all of what exactly I should be taking, how often, ect. I did read several good articles on why to take HCG as a regular part of trt. My physician says she has placed alot of people on the injections, cream, or others. But seemed clueless as to HCG.
    I've been taking 200mg for approx. 14 weeks now, should I start slowly dropping down? Everything seems great so far, except for the testical thing, which I've learned on here is to be expected. Any more suggestions will be appreciated.
    What you should do is get blood panels and see where you are at relative to a 21 year old. You want to be at the high end of normal. It is very possible that for you, 200mg is what is needed. I suspect that after you review the results of your blood panels with your doc, there will probably be an adjustment. Up/down, doesn't matter. But it needs to be tailored to YOUR needs and where your results are at, relative to a 21 year old.

    Once you have dialed in your dose, still need to periodically have it checked so that the results don't creep up/down on you. Too much test over long peroids of time can impact your blood pressure, pulse rate and a variety of other things.

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    OP - Back to your original question; yes, you need hCG . You don't have to take it but the downside is not good. If you've read the threads here then you know what I am talking about. hCG also back fill all three CHOL pathways which is a good thing when you are shut down.

    See the link below, it's been posted here many times. It's Dr. John Crisler's white paper on the use of hCG.

    Don't read it.

    Print it out and give it to your Physician to read and understand.

    This will hopefully get you on a hCG protocol.

    I see nothing in your posts about your E2 levels. Most, not all, but most men need an anti aromatase inhibitor to keep control over testosterone converting to Estradiol. Very important and let me say that one more time...very important.

    Welcome to the Club jilsley!

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    OP - Back to your original question; yes, you need hCG . You don't have to take it but the downside is not good. If you've read the threads here then you know what I am talking about. hCG also back fill all three CHOL pathways which is a good thing when you are shut down.

    See the link below, it's been posted here many times. It's Dr. John Crisler's white paper on the use of hCG.

    Don't read it.

    Print it out and give it to your Physician to read and understand.

    This will hopefully get you on a hCG protocol.

    I see nothing in your posts about your E2 levels. Most, not all, but most men need an anti aromatase inhibitor to keep control over testosterone converting to Estradiol. Very important and let me say that one more time...very important.

    Welcome to the Club jilsley!
    exactly what i wanted to say regarding e2 and AI. welcome Jilsley!

  10. #10
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    Well they were supposed to send me a copy of my results. All it says is my total testosterone level is 297. No other results are on it? I've got an appointment to see another doctor that mine referred me to on friday. About the HCG , I've printed a copy of the link you shared. I really think I should be on it, had several symptoms of low T, most of them anyway. But other than that I'm really ignorant to it and think my physician might be as well. Thanks for ya'lls help, hopefully this doctor friday will be more knowledgable on the subject. I'll let yall know what happens.

  11. #11
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    I'm also worried about the fact that I was started on 200mg/week. From the sound of things on this site for trt, that is the high end. Could be what I need, but how do I really know? What kind of test or test results should I ask them for? So I can post here for advice. Don't get me wrong, I feel great on what I'm taking, but I should know more huh.

  12. #12
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    Go to a good bookstore and by "Testosterone for Life" by Dr.Abraham Morgentaler, MD. He's a pioneer in Testosterone Repla***ent Therapies and his book is very good and easy to read. You won't put it down...and you will learn. The one thing it's weak on in hCG although he does talk to it as a mono therapy.

  13. #13
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    Thanks gdevine, will do.

  14. #14
    jilsley's Avatar
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    what should I ask them to test bw for then guys? results they sent me only had total test at 297 like I mentioned. No other results came with it.

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jilsley View Post
    what should I ask them to test bw for then guys? results they sent me only had total test at 297 like I mentioned. No other results came with it.
    here is a good example of a complete blood work,!

  16. #16
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    Thanks again bass. Do you mind if I ask what kind of doctor you see? Did you have to search around alot before you found one so knowledgable on trt? I'm hoping this new doc i see friday is up on these things. If not I'm gonna have to hit the pavement and find one that is. I feel great since starting trt, but like I've said before, there is WAY more to it than i thought. About to get online and order the book Testosterone for Life that someone recommended. Might have been u? I've read so many different things on here its all getting blurry. But there are about 4 or 5 of you that i'm really paying attention to so far.

  17. #17
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    GDevine is the one who recommended that book. as for finding a doctor, to be honest my endo and family doc didn't know shit about TRT so to save time and headache i went to a clinic and they took care of me immediately. you have to watch out for clinics, they will sell you tons of meds you don't really need for TRT, the important ones are testosterone , AI and hCG .

  18. #18
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    What type of clinic did u look for? You don't mean like ageless mens health? I've been that rout and its way too expensive. As long as its being prescribed my insurance will take care of it. Gonna just have to google it and make a few trips to find somone i'm comfortable with

  19. #19
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    yes anti aging clinic, it is very expensive! if your insurance covers it then you are in good shape!

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    At the site GD mentioned to you Crisler gives BW protocols. Use them, be consistent with them. Also like I tell everyone, sign the HIPA form at your lab so you can have the BW either mailed or faxed to you ahead of time. This way you can do your research and prepare your questions for your doc. Nothing worse than going in blind cause as soon as you leave you know your gonna have more questions for him. Oh, and the doctor who works for you (she) does not have testicals. Make her read the link GD gave you!

  21. #21
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    yeah she admitaley said she is not up on trt, which made me scratch my head and even ask her point blank why you put me on 200mg/wk, etc. She had no answer except it was normal as far a she knew. I am seeing another doctor friday. Already printed off the link on HCG and the BW link. New question yall might know. My insurance is paying for my shots, a 2000mg/200ml perscription for $11. Will this be the same at a clinic? Or will they have extra charges for this or that. I stopped going to ageless mens health becasue it was a $20 copay once a week to go in and get shots, with 4 kids and a house and a government job, thats not possible for me. Anyway will let yall know what happens on friday.
    Last edited by jilsley; 12-07-2011 at 04:44 PM.

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