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  1. #1
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Old age and except it

    If your doc / endo told you your T is normal for your age and loss of sex drive E.C.T is just part of growing old, Would you except it and go away and get on with it ? Mine said that to me and said "no one on this earth would prescribe TRT on symptoms alone" .

  2. #2
    ConArmas is offline Junior Member
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    I'd remind him of his hipocratic oath, call him a douchebag, and take my money elsewhere.
    But I can be a bit rash, and especially impatient with close-minded doctors.

  3. #3
    bigboy67's Avatar
    bigboy67 is offline Associate Member
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    Besides all the flaming we can do here based on his remarks, the bottom line is that he is just flat out wrong. TRT is art AND science combined, as weall figure out when trying to get dialed into our protocols. The numbers aren't everything, although they are nice benchmarks.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You've been told by your doctor and now an endo maybe you should listen to them for a change. If you was suitable for hrt they would prescribe it.

  5. #5
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You've been told by your doctor and now an endo maybe you should listen to them for a change. If you was suitable for hrt they would prescribe it.
    So if the boot was on the other foot ! you would do the same then ?? all symptoms of low T but T about ok ?
    I dont think so, as if having T in the high normal range has proven to work very well.

    Endo / doc have agreed with me that it works and i should carry on self med with there supervision I.E bloods done every 6 months by them free of charge . But cant prescribe TRT as guidelines dont go on symptoms. So if there backing me 100% it proves im right .

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Mine was on the low end. it was definately an effort, but finally we got something going.

    You have to understand the mentality of your doc. He is there to treat disease. The AMA does not recognize aging as a disease, so they do not recognize TRT to promote quality of life issues. There are exceptions. If you want TRT/HRT, you may have to seek out doctors that are sympathetic to the LIfe Extension movement. There are also TRT/HRT clinics you can go to, although very expensive.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post
    So if the boot was on the other foot ! you would do the same then ?? all symptoms of low T but T about ok ?
    I dont think so, as if having T in the high normal range has proven to work very well.

    Endo / doc have agreed with me that it works and i should carry on self med with there supervision I.E bloods done every 6 months by them free of charge . But cant prescribe TRT as guidelines dont go on symptoms. So if there backing me 100% it proves im right .
    I thought your doctor told you your symptoms were related to your mental health issue and medication you have used and stopped.

    bloodwork is free of charge in the UK from your doctor.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    your doing what you got to do for the time being and i'm sure most of us would do the same...going to an anti aging clinic is almost just that..its 99% of the time out of pocket but legal

  9. #9
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I thought your doctor told you your symptoms were related to your mental health issue and medication you have used and stopped.

    bloodwork is free of charge in the UK from your doctor.
    No as it has been proven that it nothing to do with mental issues , Thats why im not under mental health any more .. Miss diagnose from docs and phycs . Its some times easy for doc to label people and ram antidepressants down them in the hope they will go away.. Sorry not me as i look at all avenues to rectify problems . Its called research , and some people need more test in them than others but not mass amounts .Thats why im on a low dose just to take my levels to high normal not low normal..

    The blood work is only free for standard tests . If your self medicating they can refuse the tests you would like and thats when you have to go private , I have been told this by may docs . Im luck that the endo have notified my doc to tell them to test me every 6 months for all the tests not just the basic ones . And seen my doc yesterday and they agree now and want to do them straight away a month after my last test so they can have a bench mark on me.

  10. #10
    JD250's Avatar
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    Maybe I missed it elsewhere, what are your levels? My doc actually stated that my levels were in the normal range(barely) and that was just part of life then he gave me anti-depressants, the only real depressing thing was depending on a doctor that turned his nose up at something he knew nothing about, I threw the meds in the trash after 3 days and found a clinic, haven't felt this good in years!!

    HOWEVER...that's not to say that its wise to go against what a doctor tells you, search out the truth my friend.

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post
    If your doc / endo told you your T is normal for your age and loss of sex drive E.C.T is just part of growing old, Would you except it and go away and get on with it ? Mine said that to me and said "no one on this earth would prescribe TRT on symptoms alone" .
    thats bunch of bullshit IMO! these are the wrong doctors to go to, my doc told me the same thing and I immediately went to a clinic. keep searching until you find a doc that will treat you. they do however have a reason why they don't want to work with you, its hard to work with someone who's self medicating. i don't recommend this, but it may take you to stop completely so you can feel and look like crap, then visit your doctors and tell them you feel like you're dying, then maybe they can run the test again and see you testosterone levels are completely shut down, then perhaps they'll put you on TRT!

  12. #12
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post
    If your doc / endo told you your T is normal for your age and loss of sex drive E.C.T is just part of growing old, Would you except it and go away and get on with it ? Mine said that to me and said "no one on this earth would prescribe TRT on symptoms alone" .
    Total bull$hit he is an a$$hole, i was put on TRT without getting a blood test, and symptoms alone, my symptoms where simple, muscles pain that would not go away spasm, light depression and outlook on life, light anemia, gain in fat around the waist.

    When i got my T test it was 264 so he was right.

    Most medical doctor know nothing about TRT, dieting, weight lifting and more.

  13. #13
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    My Gp denied me when he tested me 16 months ago and my test level was 181 and my life sucked big time ... I found this forum , learned about clinics , paid threw the nose for 3 months , found a "covered endo " . And now at 50 , Im the strongest Ive ever been ever... life is soooooo good now !!! You guys are great !!! rock on ....

  14. #14
    Drmagic is offline Junior Member
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    Many docs are just stuck in the numbers. Hypothyroid is the classic example, many people have all of the symptoms in the book but have low normal thyroid levels so their doctors won't treat it - even see this with endocrinologists, it continually amazes me that this happens. The research on normal ranges for thyroid and testosterone are very clear, the lower you go in normal range, the higher your risk is for disease period. Physicians who will not treat are simply not reading research. A small amount of thyroid repla***ent or TRT can provide profound changes in how a patient feels but more importantly in their long term health. Many physicians have lost the ability to LISTEN to their patients. Keep searching for the right Doc, there are still some good ones out there.

  15. #15
    fit2bOld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    My Gp denied me when he tested me 16 months ago and my test level was 181 and my life sucked big time ... I found this forum , learned about clinics , paid threw the nose for 3 months , found a "covered endo " . And now at 50 , Im the strongest Ive ever been ever... life is soooooo good now !!! You guys are great !!! rock on ....
    Right on Jamie, I'm stronger and in better shape at 50 than I was at 40. Keep looking for the right place to get you feeling good Devildog

  16. #16
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    My Gp denied me when he tested me 16 months ago and my test level was 181 and my life sucked big time ... I found this forum , learned about clinics , paid threw the nose for 3 months , found a "covered endo " . And now at 50 , Im the strongest Ive ever been ever... life is soooooo good now !!! You guys are great !!! rock on ....
    This! It's all about quality of life baby...

    ....that and minimize the risks.

  17. #17
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Well since messing around with test levels and E2 i found my sweet spot and feel great and life looks good .. So i say fu*k what docs say about low /normal/high E.C.T , Its worked for me very well thank you, even tho i had too do it myself . But at least i have some support from my docs now.

    People get caught up with the number games sometimes and dont look at how the person feels .. Trouble is that AAS has had so much bad press for years that docs are afraid to prescribe it unless it meet there guidelines. Again the numbers game .

    And a final point is that more is not always better as iv tried it at every level and a low dose works better for me than a high one.

  18. #18
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post

    And a final point is that more is not always better as iv tried it at every level and a low dose works better for me than a high one.
    This appears to be the case more & more. Plus fewer long term risks I would assume.

  19. #19
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    devildog, i wonder if you are being discriminated against because of your build... saying this based on your avatar pic? Do you know anyone with a normal build that is having trouble getting treated for Low T in your area?

  20. #20
    devildog1967's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lvs View Post
    devildog, i wonder if you are being discriminated against because of your build... saying this based on your avatar pic? Do you know anyone with a normal build that is having trouble getting treated for Low T in your area?
    I dont know anyone around here on TRT .. There are a few i know want to but scared to go to the docs as they feel silly about it. It has got body builder on my records and i think it is hampering them to take me serious. but they have known me for years and know i have built all i have naturally .

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