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  1. #1
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Please Take a Look at my Blood Work

    Range 11/11/11 06/24/11

    Test Serum 280,800 ng/gl
    699 283

    Free Test 7.2,24.0 pg/ml 13.8 4.5

    T4 Free .82,1.77 ng/dl

    TSH .450,4.500 UIU/ML

    LH 1.7, 8.6 MIU/ML

    FSH 1.5, 12.4 MIU/ML

    I was never tested for E2 or Estradiol. I had my prolactin tested which came back normal but I dont have the actual numbers. For whatever reason I cant space it out so I bolded the numbres related to the most recent test and underlined the numbers related to my first blood test.

    Im 19 years old and on androgel 7.5 grams. Although my symptoms have improved since my first blood test I still feel tired and depressed and I have weak erections. I realize my total test is pretty high but my free test could probably improve a little bit. Is it possible that my symptoms are related to my testosterone ?

    Thanks for any input

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Would recommend that E2 be tested, high and low estrogen can cause the symptoms that you speak of. Did you have an MRI of your pituitary to rule that out as a cause at such a young age. More info will help answer your question

  3. #3
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    I figured it probably should be tested but I guess ill have to go see a different doctor because the current one Im seeing didnt seem to think it was a problem even after I told him I noticed some fat accumulation in my chest. I had a pituitary scan and they seem to think it is a microadenoma but they are not sure. I talked to a neurosurgeon who said even if it is one its most likely not the cause of my problem.

  4. #4
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Read your previous posts, and sound like your getting a bit of the run around. A Doctor works for you and should not dismiss you when asking for a specific test especially when it comes to blood work it is your health and we as patients need to be assertive with our health care. Lets get that E2 checked and see whats up.
    There are a few blood work labs on line Privatemdlabs, seems to be one a lot of the guys are using. Say they offer discounts etc. after you start with them.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome to the world of TRT. Your doc, like many, is an idiot. Get E2 tested out-of-pocked from somewhere like or print out research that educates your doc.

    If you are 19 and you had low baseline T levels as posted, your higher T levels now will result in more E2 conversion and you will be more sensative to E2 than the average person. This is because your young body will have created more E2 receptors due to low E2 blood levels while you are at this young age. So you are more sensitive to E2 than many. And you will feel crappier from higher E2 levels than many.

    Of course, the above paragraph could be completely irrelevant because you have always had high E2 levels, which is where all your testosterone was going and why you had low testosterone levels to begin with. This is common in obese 19 y/o kids. Either way, you need to know exactly what your E2 levels are.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by username1235 View Post
    I figured it probably should be tested but I guess ill have to go see a different doctor because the current one Im seeing didnt seem to think it was a problem even after I told him I noticed some fat accumulation in my chest. I had a pituitary scan and they seem to think it is a microadenoma but they are not sure. I talked to a neurosurgeon who said even if it is one its most likely not the cause of my problem.
    They seem to think it's a microadenoma? You can't live with "seem to think". Was the scan unclear? If so, they should be re-doing it to be accurate or have someone else read it. Once again, speaking as the proud owner of one, you need to be sure.

  7. #7
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Gotnobluemilk im far from obese just so you know im 6 ft 150lbs but ill def get my E2 checked one way or another. The radiology report said its a possible microadenoma and that it just looked like a shadow. I was scanned twice once with contrast and once without and then brought my images and the report to a neurologist. The neurologist seems to think that it is impossible to tell for sure regardless of if i get a slightly clearer image. He also said that its highly unlikely that this potential microadenoma would even be the cause of my problems. Which leaves me very confused because my doctors seem to contradict each other and it seems like none of them really know what they are talking about or just dont care.
    Last edited by username1235; 12-05-2011 at 07:39 PM.

  8. #8
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Also is there any possible chance that this is something I would just naturally grow out of. My father was a very late bloomer and didnt hit puberty till like 17 and didnt grow facial hair till like 23. I was also a late bloomer and didnt hit puberty until like 16-17 either which was possibly related to my testosterone but my docs said this is unlikely since I developed normally still no facial hair though.

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