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Thread: DHEA Supp

  1. #1
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    DHEA Supp

    General thoughts, my current DHEA level is 417 on a ref range of 35-345, I curently take 25mg over the counter (GNC) supplements. Should I discontinue this considering I am over the upper range or does other numbers T E2 ECT come into play as well?

  2. #2
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yes you should stop supplementing until and if show to be deficient or low

  3. #3
    crawdaddy's Avatar
    crawdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Agreed no need to waste the cash

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    General thoughts, my current DHEA level is 417 on a ref range of 35-345, I curently take 25mg over the counter (GNC) supplements. Should I discontinue this considering I am over the upper range or does other numbers T E2 ECT come into play as well?
    I highly doubt that such a small dose taken orally would put you over the high range. You'd be lucky if 1 mg of the 25 mg even made it into your blood stream after digestion and first pass - especailly OTC stuff (not micronized).

    You probably just don't need it.

    Are you on a Testosterone Repla***ent Protocol? Is so, please describe.

  5. #5
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes I am Gdevine, and I do value your opinion, so your thoughts are appreciated. My protocol is 200mg Cyp, 1000iu Hcg (5002X 2days prior to shoot) and .5 Anaz 3x per wk. I posted my numbers which some were of concern in a different thread but in summary Total tes 1441 (250-1100) Free T (my biggest red flag) 432 (35-155 pg/mg), E2 48 (13-54) and then the Dhea was 417 (45-345).

    Discussed getting my e2 down with clinic, still cant seem to get a staight answer on how much Anaz to take. I was sent 1.2 tabs, was told 3X per wk for 2 wks then drop down to 2x per week. Again, I value what I read here from the senior members (and others) most of all. The clinic is in to make money, we all know this. Bass sugested i bump down to 120 Cyp per week. I know I should but feeling awesome right now. Have BW scheduled in 7 more weeks, figured I would play it by ear at that point. These levels were 36 hrs after last hit, so I know they are peak. But yes, contrary to what the clinic tells me I am concerned about running outside the top range?? Im sure short term no harm but probably not a good idea long term.
    If I take 3 1.2 tabs that is more than doubling the Anaz dosage, how powerful or toxic is that med and is that a good idea??

    Thank you in advance

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Yes I am Gdevine, and I do value your opinion, so your thoughts are appreciated. My protocol is 200mg Cyp, 1000iu Hcg (5002X 2days prior to shoot) and .5 Anaz 3x per wk. I posted my numbers which some were of concern in a different thread but in summary Total tes 1441 (250-1100) Free T (my biggest red flag) 432 (35-155 pg/mg), E2 48 (13-54) and then the Dhea was 417 (45-345).

    Discussed getting my e2 down with clinic, still cant seem to get a staight answer on how much Anaz to take. I was sent 1.2 tabs, was told 3X per wk for 2 wks then drop down to 2x per week. Again, I value what I read here from the senior members (and others) most of all. The clinic is in to make money, we all know this. Bass sugested i bump down to 120 Cyp per week. I know I should but feeling awesome right now. Have BW scheduled in 7 more weeks, figured I would play it by ear at that point. These levels were 36 hrs after last hit, so I know they are peak. But yes, contrary to what the clinic tells me I am concerned about running outside the top range?? Im sure short term no harm but probably not a good idea long term.
    If I take 3 1.2 tabs that is more than doubling the Anaz dosage, how powerful or toxic is that med and is that a good idea??

    Thank you in advance
    i would only bump AI 0.5 mgs a week, you are at the high normal so it doesn't take much to knock that down. you are on 0.5 three tomes a week, simply make it 0.5 four times a week. you are correct high levels are not good for the long term, but once you start feeling strange then its time to drop the dose, and adjust your AI accordingly.

  7. #7
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    bass has it correct. General rule of thumb on start-up is 1 mg of AI per 100 mg of Test. So, as bass suggests, 2 mg per week on 200 mg of Test in divided doses will go a long way to normalize your E2 level.

    Your still putting to much in; your Test assays are way over the top range especially Free T which you know now is a problem.

    Don't worry to much about DHEA even with the 25 mg you are taking. Being high on this hormone has much less impact than the others.

  8. #8
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks guys, appreciate your advice, will follow. Also, I'm sure it is in my best interest to bump the 200 per wk down to 150 and see where the BW comes back in 7 wks. Will keep posted.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Thanks guys, appreciate your advice, will follow. Also, I'm sure it is in my best interest to bump the 200 per wk down to 150 and see where the BW comes back in 7 wks. Will keep posted.
    Remember, adjust your AI accordingly - 1.5 mg.

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