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Thread: The game plan

  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Wink The game plan

    Today i am going to my medical doctor for my first check up and another PRP treatment in the upper back for ligament laxity.

    I will have to speak to him about that weight gain over the last 5 weeks or so, i know that some of it is water retention, some of it is fat for sure and maybe if i am lucky some of it is muscles.

    Now i need to do what i can to shed, in a big way at least 25 to 30 pounds, i know i must give myself time for this, most of you did it in a year of so.

    I also want to go for mass ,hey i am not stupid why not take full benefit of testosterone right.

    My girlfriend is on a diet, imagine she is so thin but she gain a bit, this is the idea time for me has well because she will not bother me to go eat outside at fatty restaurant and fatty breakfast.

    I have a dilema too, right now my main goal is to rehab my body, and i feel that having my 200mg of testosterone weekly will get me there a lot faster then if my medical doctor lowers the dosage to 100mg per week.

    Of course has everyone there is always room for improvement in TRT, and since i am still very new at this a lot of work will have to be done.

    My first step is to start bringing my lunch at my job, i always order out with the boys and of course most of the time its crap.

    At home i am good because there is no crap even worst when GF is on a diet.

    Will keep you guys posted on progress.

    For now training will be very limited since PRP will work for at least a week or more in the neck region to repair ligament laxity.

    After everything is fixed its back to weight lifting full time, and cardio.

  2. #2
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    More is not always better 200mg a week is not really TRT its more of a cycle . You will run into more problems on that dose I.E E2 . Have you had blood work done ?

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2008
    Not yet will check this morning for everything and i mean everything

  4. #4
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Good luck bro

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