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  1. #1
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    34 yo Lady with possibly failing thyroid

    Hi folks,

    I am trying to help out a good friend who seems to have a failing thyroid.
    She says women in her family has similar problems, but I need to ask her again what she means.

    She does have symptoms like tired/sluggishness, dry skin, irritable, weight gain/loss of firmness, menstrual cycle usually on time but 2 weeks late last time.

    01/06/2010 : 5.11
    02/01/2010 : 4.2
    10/21/2010 : 4.48
    12/01/2011 : 5.40...Estradiol : 60.5.....T3 : 90 (71-180)

    She was prescribed Synthroid 2 years ago, but hate synthetics, and did the Holistic/Herbal/Healing/Detox treatment. As you see, she managed to reduce her TSH for a while, but now it´s getting worse.
    So she has again been prescribed Synthroid, but don´t want to take.
    I told her to eat lots of veggies, low carb, omega 3, no tofu, no coffee, no cabbage, no tap water, no sugar, and basically clean eating which she has been doing anyway.
    Also supplement with Biotics GTA and Meda-stim, which is Thyroid support and a T4 to T3 conversion aid.
    She may have been predisposed to this, but may have been accelerated by some stupid Vegan diet she did a few years ago, that almost killed her when she went anemic.
    The BW above is all she got (insurance), but she called the doc back, and asked for T4, FSH, LH, and basically a full panel if they could.

    I planning on making an appointment to discuss this with my Andro as well, and have her do a full panel with him. (Different country, different approach?)

    Appreciate any comments, suggestions, experiences.


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  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    ^^ my thoughts precisely. Read the book and/or webpage. Great info.

    And as a note. I was on synthroid for quite some time and it wasn't until I got the desiccated porcine thyroid that I started feeling better and getting mine under control. I love the mix of the t3-t4. Just love it.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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  4. #4
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Thank you,
    I will forward the link to her, and we will dive into it, and see what we find.
    Slim, I don´t know what you mean by desiccated porcine thyroid, but I guess that website will educate me.
    I´m kinda busy this week, but I´m going to read up as much as I can.
    I booked an appointment with my Andro on Tuesday to discuss her case, and I would like to be as informed as possible.

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  6. #6
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Thank you,
    I will forward the link to her, and we will dive into it, and see what we find.
    Slim, I don´t know what you mean by desiccated porcine thyroid, but I guess that website will educate me.
    I´m kinda busy this week, but I´m going to read up as much as I can.
    I booked an appointment with my Andro on Tuesday to discuss her case, and I would like to be as informed as possible.
    the pig thyroid which is the most similar to the human thyroid which has all the T's but mainly has the correct ratio of t-3/t4. As opposed to mixing cytomel /synthoid approach. And lots more info on the webpage mentioned. The history and the reformulation and such.

    Does she have low symptoms? this is important too. And while you are at it get her TPO tested too.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  7. #7
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    the pig thyroid which is the most similar to the human thyroid which has all the T's but mainly has the correct ratio of t-3/t4. As opposed to mixing cytomel /synthoid approach. And lots more info on the webpage mentioned. The history and the reformulation and such.

    Does she have low symptoms? this is important too. And while you are at it get her TPO tested too.
    Yes, her symptoms is that of low T, from what I can tell.
    I just emailed her, and will also check with my Andro to have her TPO tested along with the rest.


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