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  1. #1
    bucknut24's Avatar
    bucknut24 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2011

    Test, Acne, DHT?

    My doctor has me on 250 IU of Hcg twice a week, 50mg of test cyp twice a week, and 100mg of DHEA cream daily. I am secondary hypo. I've had up and down acne my whole life. I'm 38. The HRT has not helped it. The shoulder and bacne was leveled off and isn't awful. It tends to be worst on my scalp which I like to keep my hair very short as I have male pattern baldness and on my face. I started retin A recently and have seen some minor improvement.

    I've been researching DHT as a potential cause of acne. I wanted to ask you guys if a DHT inhibitor like Spironolactone or saw palmetto would be a good way to block the DHT but hopefully not negatively impact my HRT.

    I have a phone consult with my doctor Tuesday but would love to get your guys opinions as well...Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Generally speaking mid to high levels of DHT is the reason for oily skin and acne on at TRT protocol.

    I wouldn't block DHT until you had your levels tested.

    However, with male pattern baldness (a sign of high DHT levels) and acne most of your life you may well be high.

    DHT is very important and one of the biggest reasons why men go on TRT protocols.

    Get it tested and go from there; anything else is pure speculation.

    DHT is the all things male hormone buck.

  3. #3
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Oct 2011
    Is there some reason you haven't tried Avodart or Propecia in the past?

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2011
    I would do what gd recommended. Get your DHT level's checked. It's always best to get a base before trying to alter level's. I have heard that taking high dose of Vitamin A can also help w/ Acne.

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