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  1. #1
    dfwo's Avatar
    dfwo is offline Associate Member
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    I have a Dr appt Monday morning

    I'd like to find something I can print off to show him regarding an AI or HCG to my test cyp...

  2. #2
    blacksmoke's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Make sure you read the paper in the link above and understand it or you may not make enough of a willing case for the Doc to read John Crisler's paper.

    Also don't read it and take it with you as well:

  4. #4
    dfwo's Avatar
    dfwo is offline Associate Member
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    I've read the second one. I'll print out both, read them, and take a copy to leave with him. Thanks, guys.

  5. #5
    dfwo's Avatar
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    Well, I didn't come away from my appt feeling very encouraged.

    He said he's satisfied with my 350 total test level. He thought it should continue to come up a little on my current dose.

    He said no to the HCG . He explained that testosterone is testosterone, and there's no need to keep the natural test going now that we're replacing it with artificial.

    And he didn't think much of the Dr Crisler paper. He said he (Crisler) is probably running a 'boutique' and selling his own product, so you can't really trust it.

    So, back to the drawing board.
    Last edited by dfwo; 12-12-2011 at 09:19 PM.

  6. #6
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    sorry to hear this... more the norm than the exception unfortunately. Yep, he can make a statement like that about the boutique without doing research... he is the real phony, time to move on.

    Quote Originally Posted by dfwo View Post
    Well, I didn't come over from my appt feeling very encouraged.

    He said he's satisfied with my 350 total test level. He thought it should continue to come up a little on my current dose.

    He said no to the HCG . He explained that testosterone is testosterone, and there's no need to keep the natural test going now that we're replacing it with artificial.

    And he didn't think much of the Dr Crisler paper. He said he (Crisler) is probably running a 'boutique' and selling his own product, so you can't really trust it.

    So, back to the drawing board.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    IF you see the doc again, and everyone here will tell you to move on, ask him what he would do if his nuts were slowly shrinking up and there was an easy fix for it? As well as the other benefits from hcg therapy....He is obviously not well versed in TRT and is just taking your money and running.

    Get out now...

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    its a shame these doctors are called specialist. they are doing more harm than good.

  9. #9
    dfwo's Avatar
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    I'm going to look for another Dr

    In the meantime, I'm wondering if it's worth looking for an AI or HCG on my own. Even my doctor said he wouldn't have a problem with that, he just didn't want to prescribe it.

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    AI and hCG are a must with TRT, even if you medicate yourself you're better off than not doing it at all! not advocating self medicating, but do what you have to until you find a doc that is willing to treat you correctly.

  11. #11
    dfwo's Avatar
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    Is there anyplace on the site where I can ask about ordering HCG on my own?

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    not on this site!

  13. #13
    dfwo's Avatar
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    I don't need a prescription for bac water or insulin pins, correct? Does anyone know of a good US source for those two items?

  14. #14
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    amazon, and lots of people have other sights as well... not hard to find.

  15. #15
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    I skimed Dr Crislers paper . It seems he like gel over shots . And is unclear about a/i's over a long period of time ? Did I read that wrong boys ?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    I skimed Dr Crislers paper . It seems he like gel over shots . And is unclear about a/i's over a long period of time ? Did I read that wrong boys ?
    You didn't read wrong...but...

    His papers are old and he even admits even on his own forum.

    He now prefers injections over gel/cream for all the right reasons but not 100% of all cases.

    He like Anastrozole for an AI over all others.

  17. #17
    dfwo's Avatar
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    Just to update...

    I did order some HCG and an AI. And the last two weeks I've been really precise about getting my 150mg of test cyp each week.

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