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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Any benefits in doing a 2 month Humain Growth Hormone cycle?

    I would have access to GH real GH for a 2 month cycle the cost is around 1500$ not covered by insurance.

    What can GH do to my body, can it repair it?, i got a bit of degeneration in the cervical spine. I hear its quite amazing for weight loss, i need to lose 35 pounds.

    Since i am already on testosterone enhantate and will be adding Deca for 8-12 weeks to repair the whole body.

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Since hgh is a long term compound not so sure much would happen. Wish it would.

    Do you want to come on over to the Nutrition forum and start a log to lose 35 pounds? Might help to get input and support.

    Good luck~
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    My diet is A one right now, don't worry i switch to this about 2 weeks ago, i used to eat junk food and then low carb, now i got more fruits and veggies in, drink a lot more water, and added 3 cups of green tea per day, i will still eat my meat, and eggs whole not white.

    The weight loss i just want it has an extra benefit.
    Thanks for reply SlimmerMe

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Save your money. If you can't do at least 6 months, it won't be worth it.

  5. #5
    crawdaddy's Avatar
    crawdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Not sure what kind of repair you mean but vette is right, HGH needs to be ran for at least 6months. also it sounds like your getting the HGH from a doc and the doses are usually much lower then needed for a proper cycle.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    6 month minimum for HGH before you start noticing results.

    less than that is a waste of money.

  7. #7
    Coozan's Avatar
    Coozan is offline Junior Member
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    Holy shit! $1500 :O maye im just cheap LOL. But ive also never priced it out

  8. #8
    wmaousley's Avatar
    wmaousley is offline American Bedoo
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    If you buy it from me I will be benefiting more than you.

    No this is not an offer, I do not sell anything nor will I ever.

  9. #9
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    It will be part of a cocktail with trendbolone and dextrose in water base, it will be injected at the site of the injury, Ross Hauser who performs prolotherapy in the US uses this protocol with amazing success. I am also on a deca test E masteron cycle for 20 weeks, this will repair the body even more.

    I have seen great results come out of this.

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Yiannick, reading many of your posts sounds like you are looking for a quick fix! bro, save your self the pain financially and health wise. putting too many compounds in your body is not the answer. it takes time to lose fat and get your body fixed, you will never be able to fix your body 100%. I'll be honest with you, being on a low dose TRT protocol has worked the best for me, and for many others as well. trying to push the body with drugs can only backfire, and most pain relief is temporary anyway. you know what low dose of var did to my liver, right? just look at my latest blood work. the point of being on TRT is to improve health.

  11. #11
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Yiannick, reading many of your posts sounds like you are looking for a quick fix! bro, save your self the pain financially and health wise. putting too many compounds in your body is not the answer. it takes time to lose fat and get your body fixed, you will never be able to fix your body 100%. I'll be honest with you, being on a low dose TRT protocol has worked the best for me, and for many others as well. trying to push the body with drugs can only backfire, and most pain relief is temporary anyway. you know what low dose of var did to my liver, right? just look at my latest blood work. the point of being on TRT is to improve health.
    Thanks Bass yeah i really want to fix my body, i will skip the anavar then i know its in pill format too, i don't like pills they really work your liver has you said. In fact after i am finish with that 20 week cycle i might lower my test E to 100mg per week and see how i feel.

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Thanks Bass yeah i really want to fix my body, i will skip the anavar then i know its in pill format too, i don't like pills they really work your liver has you said. In fact after i am finish with that 20 week cycle i might lower my test E to 100mg per week and see how i feel.
    good thing is you listen, i wish i listened to the advice i was given here when i started TRT but in stead i stuck with the advice given by the clinic (which we all know they want to sell you more) taking all these meds i have no clue what caused what!

  13. #13
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The problem bass when i did my cycle younger i got fake, deca was fake, masteron was real because the pump never went away and the Test E is a bit hard to fake so it was real has well.

    This time around i got myself an amazing source and the guy is at 30 minutes from my house, getting carried away is soooooo easy. Going to see this guy is like being 5 years old again and going to the toy store.

    He got everything and its all legit no fakes. Also is knowlege is insane, i have spoken with guys who deal with him on a regular basis, TRT patient and recreational steroid users and amateur who compete. He knows a lot.

    Prolotherapy gets to the source of the problem ligament laxity, i don't have much but what remains to be fixed i want fixe.

    GH and trend will be part of the cocktail of injectin along with dextrose (inflammation agent) that will be the main ingredient of the mix. GH will be 1cc and trend will be the same, dextrose will be around 5cc.

    Taking into account that a PRP treatment is 600$ a pop , if i would have to have this done with PRP that would mean 2400$ for 4 treaments.

    Doing it there way along with my current 20 week cycle, GH 2 bottles covering 4 cycles and trend 10ml bottle the whole thing with the cycle cost a lot less money for a lot more repair.

    I cannot bash PRP because even if my snapping of the hip is still there the pain is gone, also my sacro illica joint holds in place now after 1 PRP treatment.

  14. #14
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    when was your last blood work and are you planing to do one soon?

  15. #15
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    when was your last blood work and are you planing to do one soon?
    Last blood work was done about 2 months ago, i am planning on going back for a full blood test around this summer, by that time i will have done a PCT with HGC and even lowered my testosterone intake to around 100mg per week instead of 200mg.

  16. #16
    HitIt's Avatar
    HitIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    no xp with hgh, but don't things grow on that which you don't want growing? like hands, noses, ect? I wouldn't want a nose like wc fields just to lose some waist fat.

  17. #17
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    no xp with hgh, but don't things grow on that which you don't want growing? like hands, noses, ect? I wouldn't want a nose like wc fields just to lose some waist fat.
    Hitit maybe at high dosage but i am not doing a GH cycle i am just putting it into my prolo treatment.

  18. #18
    HitIt's Avatar
    HitIt is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    roger that. good luck with your treatment.

  19. #19
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    roger that. good luck with your treatment.
    thanks bro lets cross fingers and hope for the best training is going very good tough.

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