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  1. #1
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    BW results, please help!


    Results reference range
    Insulin 7,8 mIU/L 3,0 - 25,0
    FT4 18,29 pmol/L 11,50 - 22,70
    FT3 5,68 pmol/L 3,50 - 6,50
    FSH 5,2 IU/L 0,7 - 11,1
    LH 7,2 IU/L 0,8 - 7,6
    Prolactin 211,0 mIU/L 53,0 - 360,0
    Progesterone 1,80 nmol/L 0,86 - 2,90
    Testosterone 13,90 nmol/L
    Cortisol 557,0 nmol/L
    Last edited by Wonder_Juice; 02-04-2012 at 08:54 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Your PS says it all.

    Don't see ranges on Test and Cortisol


    Everything else looks fine

    You need to be under Doctor's care who knows how to bring you back...

  3. #3
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    thanks for your reply.

    I went to a private lab and they forgot to mention the ranges on cortisol and testosterone so I called them and they said the range(i forgot the exact numbers) but everything was normal. Test in the higher area. And cortisol was in the higher area too, but the woman I spoke said it is not a big problem since it was in the early morning. Tomorrow I will call them once again and ask for the lacking reference range.

  4. #4
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by atton View Post
    Tomorrow I will call them once again and ask for the lacking reference range.
    Don't bother - you are within the normal range for everything, your test would calculate to around 520 in our units which is a bit low for a 21 yo guy and your cortisol is fine for a morning blood draw.

    I get the impression you're from a eastern European country and if anyone knows anything about steriod abuse in children, well that's the place...

    I was always impressed by the directors at the fitness centers - might try something like that to see if you are recoverable.

  5. #5
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the reply!

    Yep, I'm from the exact part of Europe that you mentioned (maybe you got this from my bad english). Its only my fault I wish I could have said no.

  6. #6
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    "I was always impressed by the directors at the fitness centers - might try something like that to see if you are recoverable."

    How do you mean that?

  7. #7
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Donīt see this as "normal"
    Why is your LH so high?
    Are you taking a SERM?
    If not, your Pituitary is compensating for something.
    You need to get your Test range, "normal" says nothing.
    With such a high Pituitary output with low test, you most likely have partial testicular failure, and need to address this.

  8. #8
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    I called the labor but they didnt answered. I send them an email and I will post here the reply as soon as I get it.

    I'm not taking any SERM.

    And if thats the case you mentioned Flier, what can I do?


  9. #9
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    How long after PCT is this BW from?
    If recent, then do nothing.
    Maybe you just have a super healthy Pituitary/Hypothalamus, sensing low test and getting you restarted.
    If this is several months post, then your Leydigs are not responding properly, and should possibly be stimulated with a short 1-2 week protocol of HCG .
    Present this to your doc, and see what he/she says.
    Wouldnīt worry about low sex drive. It could be from a number of imbalanced hormone levels, and will resolve itself through Homeostasis, just be patient. Ie your Prolactin is slightly high, probably coming down from a higher level, and will go lower. And would be nice to see your E as well, I assume itīs a little higher than optimal.

  10. #10
    Wonder_Juice is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for your reply again!
    The end of my pct was september 10th. The bw is made one and a half week ago.

    I forgot to write the estradiol level. I had to interpret the results to english and I accidentaly deleted the estradiol. So:

    Estradiol <73,4 pmol/L 0,0 - 206,0

    How would you do that hcg protocol?

  11. #11
    Flier's Avatar
    Flier is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by atton View Post
    Thanks for your reply again!
    The end of my pct was september 10th. The bw is made one and a half week ago.

    I forgot to write the estradiol level. I had to interpret the results to english and I accidentaly deleted the estradiol. So:

    Estradiol <73,4 pmol/L 0,0 - 206,0

    How would you do that hcg protocol?
    Anything will stimulate your leydigs. But keep it short, so you donīt shut your Hypothalamus down for a longer period.
    The Pregnyl (HCG ) comes in vials of 5000iuīs, so how about 1000iu eod for 10 days.....(run it by Swifto)

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