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Thread: blood pressure

  1. #1
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    blood pressure

    Can 190mg wk of cypoinate raise B/P? If yes how much?

  2. #2
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm sure it's very possible if you eat bad and put on water weight from high e2,family history ,no cardio ect..And then again you can try to contol things such as this and not have any issue however some people might.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    check your bp a few times and let us know

  4. #4
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    It was high at the dr,s office.

  5. #5
    Leroy Jenkins is offline Junior Member
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    You should research lowering blood pressure with CoQ10. There are a few medical studies that show success in lowering. I have aways been pre-hypertensive. After several months of CoQ10 I am in the normal range.

    Dr Crisler suggests that high blood pressure can be caused by low T.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    my BP went up only when i was on var along with my TRT, never noticed BP going up while on TRT alone. 100% cacao dark chocolate lowered it to below normal in few days while i was on var, but also i was walking 45-60 minutes a day!

  7. #7
    Chemical engineer is offline New Member
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    Fish oil and baby asprin will help thin the blood. I second the coqu10. You could also have white coat hypertension. If it is a concern than buy a BP monitor for home.

  8. #8
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Already take fish oil, baby asprin and Q10 along with hawthorn. I'm sure I have white coat. Dr said could be caused by high E. He said to try mushrooms as they will block it. Wanted to make sure that TRT no the cause. Thanks

  9. #9
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    what about Dex? How much and how often? Side effects? Thanks

  10. #10
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Bass, can you tell me what would be a good way to take dex ? Tried it once and had back pain. Last blood test showed E to be high. Doctor will not give anything for it. Also taking 100 mg week of "C". Thanks for your help. Recently B/P high and was worried that the "C" was the cause. To the point I should stop.

  11. #11
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Medicated for high BP before HRT still on the same dose over 2 years later. Fish oil and baby aspirin as supplements

  12. #12
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    Bass, can you tell me what would be a good way to take dex ? Tried it once and had back pain. Last blood test showed E to be high. Doctor will not give anything for it. Also taking 100 mg week of "C". Thanks for your help. Recently B/P high and was worried that the "C" was the cause. To the point I should stop.
    here is what i PM'd you,

    Hey Harley, never consider stopping, based on your low dose high BP is unlikely to be caused by your treatment, its got to be diet and exercise. white head mushrooms will only help reduce e2 but it will not stop conversion! i am assuming you are taking 1 mgs total per week, right? if not what is your complete protocol? AI will stop conversion so you don't waste test, at that low dose you need all the test you inject so you can benefit from it. when i was on anavar along with my TRT my BP went up to 180/95, so i started eating 100% dark chocolate and BP went down to below normal within two weeks. do you split your test dose? at the low dose i highly recommend splitting your dose so you can avoid spikes and high e2 conversion, maybe you can get away with taking 0.25 mg AI twice aw eek, approximately 12-24 hours after your test injection, but you need to switch to twice a week. i do SQ injection which helps with less e2 conversion. let me know if you want to give this a shot so i can give you a clearer protocol.

  13. #13
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, I am taking 100mg. weekly. I lift 4 days a week and do cardo 2 days week and have been doing this for years. How much chocolate did you eat? My B/P was 170/90 and don't remembering it ever being that high. Woud like to try SQ as this looks eaiser to do. Thanks for your help.

  14. #14
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think i got this too since i put on so much weight, i also develop tinnitus ringing in the hear , i will surely look into all of this thanks guys

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    A lot of thinks can effect your BP. Mine is always high if I go in the morning after work. Lack of sleep (typical for me) makes it high, not eating recently, not drinking water, not waiting to take it at least 2-3 minutes after remaining seated without your legs being crossed. All those things can effect it. Typically the nurse likes to take it right after you get in the office which is not the correct procedure. Also making sure the cuff size is the right fit. When I would try to squeeze my arm into one of those machines at the grocery store it would always read HIGH, like 220 / 160 LOL

  16. #16
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    Yes, I am taking 100mg. weekly. I lift 4 days a week and do cardo 2 days week and have been doing this for years. How much chocolate did you eat? My B/P was 170/90 and don't remembering it ever being that high. Woud like to try SQ as this looks eaiser to do. Thanks for your help.
    Run some labs ... Metabolic (BUN, Creatine, other kidney functions plus ALT/AST), lipids, CBC, and hormones. Labs will possibly point us in the right direction.

  17. #17
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Also recheck your PSA lab if you haven't done so after your first screening.

  18. #18
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Waiting on blood test now. Checked everthing but hormones. In early post I forgot to state that I am not presently taking AI. Not big supporter of PSA as it can be very misleading.

  19. #19
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    Waiting on blood test now. Checked everthing but hormones. In early post I forgot to state that I am not presently taking AI. Not big supporter of PSA as it can be very misleading.
    Yeah, but if it's elevated then it's worth someone taking a closer look to just make sure everything checks out.

    The hormone panel would be helpful, just in case some of the labs are elevated. We will keep an eye out for the lab results. Are you having any urination issues, discolor of urination? Do you drink and/or smoke? Any oral medications that could be stressing your liver?

    Lastly, how long have you been on 190mg of test? Any other compounds/medications?

  20. #20
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    No problems with urine. Don't smoke or drink. B/P med's only. About 5 months

  21. #21
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    No problems with urine. Don't smoke or drink. B/P med's only. About 5 months
    OK, good, let's see what your lab results say when they're ready.

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    dont understand the latest government talk about psa can be harmful????????????? its a blood test

  23. #23
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    True. But the readings can be misleading. If readings are high it could lead to testing that's not necessary. Its better to wait and be retested before having anything else. You could also have a low reading and have a problem. Thats why the test is not always reliable. Comes down personal choice.

  24. #24
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    True. But the readings can be misleading. If readings are high it could lead to testing that's not necessary. Its better to wait and be retested before having anything else. You could also have a low reading and have a problem. Thats why the test is not always reliable. Comes down personal choice.
    Hmmm ... I respectfully disagree on that, but that's the great thing about this forum, we don't have to always agree or be shun for not agreeing. Like you, I don't think the PSA exam is the "be all" and "end all" of prostate tests, but I certainly wouldn't discount a lab score of let's say 3.5 when I'm taking exogenous testosterone . I would at least cross examine it with some further consultation with the doctor(s) and possibly look at other tests. IMO, prostate complications are all too common with men, and I know prostate cancer is one of the top killers out there.

    Anyways, beyond the PSA subject, let's see what some of the other labs are saying. There are a lot of other viable labs with the kidneys and liver that could help explain your situation. I'll keep an eye out for your results.


  25. #25
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with you on "be all/end all" I have always had a low reading. Once it jumped to 4.0. (was not on anything) right away biopsy. I said no and wait and retest. The retest was back to the normal reading. Found out it was caused by antibiotic I was taking. Doctor's office had no Idea that antibiotic could cause that. 4.0 is the border line for high and should be checked out. Can vary with age. Thanks for your help. Once I hear something I'll post.

  26. #26
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Agreed, on the PSA, I have personally been all over the board on this one. Scores ranged from .96 to all the way up to 2.4. No ryme or reason other than a boat load of additional stress. I beleive in having the test, I wouldnt blow it off but they wanted to shove a needle up my backside, I declined AND ASKED FOR ANOTHER psa BLOOD TEST AND IT CAME BACK 1.35. Dr. said NO WORRIES??? HUMMM......They sure can scare the piss out of you for no reason???

  27. #27
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Missed dr. phone call. He left voice mail that Blood test are good. PSA, lipids, liver, thyroid all good. red count little hi.
    Your right bullshark99

  28. #28
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Forgot he wants me to reduce amount of test.

  29. #29
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by harleyrider View Post
    Yes, I am taking 100mg. weekly. I lift 4 days a week and do cardo 2 days week and have been doing this for years. How much chocolate did you eat? My B/P was 170/90 and don't remembering it ever being that high. Woud like to try SQ as this looks eaiser to do. Thanks for your help.
    i do around the bellybutton. here is a link showing you how to do it.

  30. #30
    moparmuscle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    A lot of thinks can effect your BP. Mine is always high if I go in the morning after work. Lack of sleep (typical for me) makes it high, not eating recently, not drinking water, not waiting to take it at least 2-3 minutes after remaining seated without your legs being crossed. All those things can effect it. Typically the nurse likes to take it right after you get in the office which is not the correct procedure. Also making sure the cuff size is the right fit. When I would try to squeeze my arm into one of those machines at the grocery store it would always read HIGH, like 220 / 160 LOL
    So true. I hate going to the dr so I always read around 140/80 the first time and I have the nurse redo and it's normal the 2nd.

  31. #31
    BillyBob210's Avatar
    BillyBob210 is offline Junior Member
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    I may have missed something, but what kind of shape are you in? Bodyfat percentage, stats? I had no need for BP meds when I lost weight and got serious about lifting. Everyone is different though

  32. #32
    txnhb is offline Associate Member
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    how much salt is in your diet?

  33. #33
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    just to keep it real...not all are salt sensitive and will see an increase in bp due to sodium/salt intake

  34. #34
    harleyrider is offline Junior Member
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    Body fat is low. Not sure on the %. Work out 6 days wk. Use no salt on anything what in the food is it.

  35. #35
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    love oatmeal but cant/wont eat it unless cooked with a pinch

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