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  1. #1
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Anyone get new allergies after startn trt?

    so im in my 6th week trt now.. never been allergic to anything ever.. well a few nite ago i took shower and got out and put on tank top(white) and noticed it felt a little itchy around the neck and shoulder area.. well i sometimes have it on when i shave my head and it felt like there was some left over hair in there after going thru the washer so i just kept rolling cuz it wasnt too bad.. well i fell asleep on the couch(imagine that) and woke up 2 hrs later sweating a little and by the time i got downstairs i noticed ifelt all itchy on my stomach and sides and stuff.. i took off the tank top and to my dismay had hives all over my skin(makes me itchy thinkn bout it)... now im not positive it was the tank top but i hadnt worn that particular one in prob 6 months.. i know this cuz it was white and the ones i usually wear r black or gray... my wife whos allegric to everything(including her allergy bracelet) sxeems to think i may have developed an allergy to bleach.. ive never had a prob before ... could it be possibloe the trt has cause my chemistry to change in a way that i now have become allergic to bleach or some other chem in detergent i was not previously allergic to?

    and also 1 other question.. can u be allergic top exogenous test and/or the oil? if i was allergic to the oil in the test or the test itself wouldnt it have presented itself before now?


  2. #2
    TED66's Avatar
    TED66 is offline Junior Member
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    probably allergic to the oil. never heard of anyone being allergic to testosterone before

  3. #3
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by TED66 View Post
    probably allergic to the oil. never heard of anyone being allergic to testosterone before
    let me say ive been on 6 weeks with no probs giving myself 2 injections per week.. there was no irritation or hives anywhere around the injection site which had been administered 24 hrs prior to this allergic reaction.. i injected in left quad and had hives on torso only which was the area being touched by the tank top..

  4. #4
    blacksmoke's Avatar
    blacksmoke is offline Associate Member
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    I would guess that it is trt unrelated as I have had hives before and could never figure out why.

  5. #5
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Have you switched soaps or laundry products, got some fabric softener that made me itch was driving my boys crazy

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    hives usually caused by food or soaps as mentioned above. i had the itches allover my body especially around my chest in the beginning, then after few weeks it went away, but no hives. probably your body is adapting to the new chemicals. itching is also caused by high e2!

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