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  1. #1
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    TRT...What I have noticed the past month

    Been really slacking the last month. Diet has not been in check, very sporadic at the gym. I have noticed that just because you are on TRT that does not mean you can slack on diet and gym time. From my lack of diet and gym time I have noticed the following: Weight gain, erections are not as strong, muscle loss, acne has flared back up, and I have had the night sweats more frequently.

    So for anybody that is new to TRT, please don't think that just because you are pinning TEST into your body every week that you can slack off on the most important things...DIET AND EXERCISE!!! Its not a miracle thing. You have to put work in.

    Now I knew that I was going to give myself a break for the month, but I kind of hoped that the TRT would at least help a little bit with not letting things get that bad. However I noticed that I basically gained weight and loss muscle just like I did before TRT when I would take time off.

    So consider the advice, and results and keep putting the work in. If you need to give your body a rest, don't slack in both DIET and EXERCISE.

    Just my opinion guys and what I noticed from slacking off while on TRT. Can't wait to get back in the gym and hit it hard and get the diet back in check. I am going to really try and dedicate myself and look the best I ever have in my life by my 35th birthday which is the end of July.

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Well said supermodel, you are 100% right. Many people have the misconception that because you are pinning that you can sit on the coach and eat potato chips all day, doesnt work that way!! Just wondering though, acne and erection problems i dont know if thet would be directly correlated to the gym, diet yes, but gym no?? Dont neglect BW if its time. I'm age 43, would love to be 35 again haha, give it hell in the gym, you can accomplish alot in 6 months!

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well said NSM. It's a new year next week. Start hitting it! 43, 35. I'm jealous. You guys are kids!

  4. #4
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    By the look of that "gun" Kel, you couldnt be much older!

  5. #5
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Remember you have to actually change your metabolism - with your diet and training regimen - and this will take a pretty good while - took me about 6 or 7 months. Then once I did that my weight stabilized pretty much and did not fluctuate when I cheated for a short period. Problem is you will go back to your old metabolism if you keep up the binge and you will have to start over, and uh - yes it is not fun.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    By the look of that "gun" Kel, you couldnt be much older!
    Thanks bs99, but I'm the same age as the amount of posts you had above.

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Hey, as long as that arm isnt a photoshop, all good my freind

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOSUPERMODEL View Post
    Been really slacking the last month. Diet has not been in check, very sporadic at the gym. I have noticed that just because you are on TRT that does not mean you can slack on diet and gym time. From my lack of diet and gym time I have noticed the following: Weight gain, erections are not as strong, muscle loss, acne has flared back up, and I have had the night sweats more frequently.

    So for anybody that is new to TRT, please don't think that just because you are pinning TEST into your body every week that you can slack off on the most important things...DIET AND EXERCISE!!! Its not a miracle thing. You have to put work in.

    Now I knew that I was going to give myself a break for the month, but I kind of hoped that the TRT would at least help a little bit with not letting things get that bad. However I noticed that I basically gained weight and loss muscle just like I did before TRT when I would take time off.

    So consider the advice, and results and keep putting the work in. If you need to give your body a rest, don't slack in both DIET and EXERCISE.

    Just my opinion guys and what I noticed from slacking off while on TRT. Can't wait to get back in the gym and hit it hard and get the diet back in check. I am going to really try and dedicate myself and look the best I ever have in my life by my 35th birthday which is the end of July.
    i been making this point for the last few months! well said NSM and thanks you for posting your experience!

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well said NSM. It's a new year next week. Start hitting it! 43, 35. I'm jealous. You guys are kids!
    i'll give two years of my life to be 43 again!

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^^word! I'd give two years of your life for me to be 43 again too! ha!

  11. #11
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    I agree 100%. However, in saying that though have you had your E2 levels checked recently? Sounds like you could be having issues either too low or too high, ie, the night sweats.

    Quote Originally Posted by NOSUPERMODEL View Post
    Been really slacking the last month. Diet has not been in check, very sporadic at the gym. I have noticed that just because you are on TRT that does not mean you can slack on diet and gym time. From my lack of diet and gym time I have noticed the following: Weight gain, erections are not as strong, muscle loss, acne has flared back up, and I have had the night sweats more frequently.

    So for anybody that is new to TRT, please don't think that just because you are pinning TEST into your body every week that you can slack off on the most important things...DIET AND EXERCISE!!! Its not a miracle thing. You have to put work in.

    Now I knew that I was going to give myself a break for the month, but I kind of hoped that the TRT would at least help a little bit with not letting things get that bad. However I noticed that I basically gained weight and loss muscle just like I did before TRT when I would take time off.

    So consider the advice, and results and keep putting the work in. If you need to give your body a rest, don't slack in both DIET and EXERCISE.

    Just my opinion guys and what I noticed from slacking off while on TRT. Can't wait to get back in the gym and hit it hard and get the diet back in check. I am going to really try and dedicate myself and look the best I ever have in my life by my 35th birthday which is the end of July.

  12. #12
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Had it checked on the 16th of De***ber. It was 23.

  13. #13
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Got started back on January 3rd trying to lose what I gained over the holiday. Back at the gym and hitting the weights . Started focusing on cardio. Sure enough weighed in this week down 7.8 pounds. Half way there to what I put on. Did notice I lost a lot of strength.

    REALLY cut the alcohol back. Only had two beers and a Crown and 7 over the weekend. I am really trying to focus on the alcohol to see how much that was really damaging me. Can't wait to see the number next Tuesday.

  14. #14
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    You gained 14lbs over the holiday's?

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    15.6 lbs if your nit picking

  16. #16
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Yeah just about 15 pounds from Thanksgiving until January. A lot of it was water weight which is probably why I lost 7 pounds the first week back. Yeah basically I quit working out, ate like crap during the week, went back to my old just three meals a day and dinner probably being the worst. Much beer was consumed. I basically just took a month off to just binge.

    The only good thing to come out of it is that my tendonitis in my elbow seems to be gone!!!

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Yeh its easier to put it on that take it off...i have my drinks and Latin food anytime I want but i go to the gym religiously that's the only thing that keeps me from getting obese

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