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  1. #41
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I question you being here..........
    thanks matt sorry for bursting out guys, has you can see i still have a tone to learn and seriously think my medical doctor is taking me on a ride, thanks to you guys i will have some fight material when i go see him.

    To debat this testosterone vs GH when collagen production is concerned.

  2. #42
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    what exactly is the question in the op?
    No question i feel my medical doctor is taking my TRT the wrong way, thanks to you guys i can clarify things with him next time i see him on Feb 17th, i am also doing tones of reseach on growth hormones and there ability to repair the body, which could strenghten my ligaments and tendons and make the prolotherapy treatment more effective, boost the immune system and more.

    I have been put on TRT on the spot, after a PRP treatment 7 weeks ago i told my medical doctor that i tought we where stuck in a root, and progress had stopped, he then printed a prescription for androgel gel and told me he was putting me on testosterone repla***ent therapy, that i would gain 15-20 pounds of muscles in 6 months and that i could eat whatever i wanted and not gain fat.

    I did steroids once at 28 years old and i knew i needed some type of AI to avoid water retention, he told me no.

    I started posting here in the TRT and saw that most people here said injection where better then gel, that convinced me to ask him for delatestryl.

    Without any questions he printed the prec and gave me 200mg per week, all was fine for 3 weeks but then my body started to build way to much estrogen, the huge weight gain puffy face and more. I went back the week after and got laughed in my face ha you gain weight, yeah moron weight like in fat. My friend refered me to a personal trainer that put me on deca and gave me an AI masteron but from what i hear its not that good.

    I have since lost 12 pounds reajusting my test E to 100mg per 10 days, my deca is at 200mg 7 days and my masterone is 100mg every 4 days.

    I have been told not sure if its true that deca works the core muscles repairs the tendons and ligaments and more, i have spoken to a few of is clients that told me deca worked wonders.

    I will finish my 20 week deca masteron test E cycle and see where i am at, i will buy some armidex when i go back on regular TRT.

    But i also need to explore other venues like GH and this is what i am doing right now if i can get a precription for GH that would really repair my body, get me back in the gym and i could also do some cardio.

  3. #43
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    hate to break it to you, but your GP is probably not the right guy to argue with. your GP will only have limited knowledge about TRT, and since he knows so little, will stick to his guns when the issue comes up. I've learned that better person to discuss with is an endo. they are more knowledgeable, and more open to discussion.

    my GP was having a fit when i suggested i go from 200mg test c eow, to 100mg test c ew. he said, "NO" we need to stick to the standard protocol. when i finally got an endo and brought the subject up, he said "good idea!" and we made the switch

  4. #44
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    hate to break it to you, but your GP is probably not the right guy to argue with. your GP will only have limited knowledge about TRT, and since he knows so little, will stick to his guns when the issue comes up. I've learned that better person to discuss with is an endo. they are more knowledgeable, and more open to discussion.

    my GP was having a fit when i suggested i go from 200mg test c eow, to 100mg test c ew. he said, "NO" we need to stick to the standard protocol. when i finally got an endo and brought the subject up, he said "good idea!" and we made the switch
    Thanks Times i guess i will stick with your plan then, and just keep the GP on the side, i am sorry i make him sound all devil like and bad, he is a great men and done many things to make me feel better, its not easy to treat a guy that has been dealing with chronic pains for 10 years. He got me better. He is amazing with blood work and he wants to boost all my levels to top notch levels. I will lower my Test E to 100mg per week and not tell him, follow what you guys give me for advise because its the best i heard yet.

    From what i am reading here and all over the web people have amazing results at 100mg of Test E per week, but at 200mg you suffer almost not if all the side effects.
    Last edited by yannick35; 01-02-2012 at 12:02 PM.

  5. #45
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    Everyone is different Yannick, therefore every protocol will be slightly different. I do in fact understand chronic pain, I know what it's like to not be able to sleep for days because of it and I know what it's like to have that pain for over 6 years and throw low T symptoms in on top of all that......I do understand and I can see that you're struggling, that's why I'm telling you to slow down, educate yourself and give this stuff time to work.

    What I said about natural GH levels is this........when you get your hormones balanced properly it has been proven that natural GH levels CAN increase significantly. That isn't a guarantee just a good possibility but it takes TIME and CONSISTENCY to balance your hormones.

    You really need to find a TRT specialist and get some help in that area, all the suggestions given here are merely opinions given your unique circumstances and injuries.

  6. #46
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Everyone is different Yannick, therefore every protocol will be slightly different. I do in fact understand chronic pain, I know what it's like to not be able to sleep for days because of it and I know what it's like to have that pain for over 6 years and throw low T symptoms in on top of all that......I do understand and I can see that you're struggling, that's why I'm telling you to slow down, educate yourself and give this stuff time to work.

    What I said about natural GH levels is this........when you get your hormones balanced properly it has been proven that natural GH levels CAN increase significantly. That isn't a guarantee just a good possibility but it takes TIME and CONSISTENCY to balance your hormones.

    You really need to find a TRT specialist and get some help in that area, all the suggestions given here are merely opinions given your unique circumstances and injuries.
    thanks JD250 i am looking into finding a real endo right now i really hope that when i go see my MD in Feb 17th that he will have my testosterone test done 2 months ago grrrrrr.

  7. #47
    buttsecksnporkchops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I question you being here..........
    Send me a PM stating why and maybe we can get along? Because I questioned somebody who has been here longer than me? If so i fail to see your logic. Judging by his response to my statement, why do you not question his mental instability? What about those others who called bullshit on his stories? Why do you not question them? I am here to help a friend. It would be ridiculous and childish for you to ban me because you see as being disrespectful when those others who are not.

  8. #48
    buttsecksnporkchops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Go fukk yourself you dumba$$ live a little and then come back you moronic fukk face. Now go see your little mommy and hide behind her pantyhose.
    Fantastic post. It tells us a lot about your mental disturbances. Based on my experience as an aspiring psychologist, your reference to "a mothers pantyhose" tells us around the world, who are experienced in the field, based on your random comment, That you almost positively have personal experiences with pantyhose, or see them as a fetish. That is okay, we all have our demons. But maybe some of the problems that you are experiencing may be treatable with psycho analysis and prevention therapy. I hope you do not see my post as abusive or intrusive. We as humans need to stick together and try to help each other based on what knowledge we have gained and our ability to communicate that information to those in dire need. I cannot send PM yet, But I can give you my email address if you would like to chat impersonally, or an extension to my office for a personal phone session free of charge. Happy New Year. I hope everything go well with you.

  9. #49
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    buttsecksnporkchops your a jerk end of the line a true psychologist would never reply what you did, don't PM, don't give me your email, i could care less about you. And please stop replying and following my replies or treads or anthing else. Just put me in your ignore list and pretend i never existed in your life. I hope you never suffer from chronique pains in your worthless life because you are going to seek me out afterward and ask me how i got rid of them. You are going to look into prolotherapy after all your attemps at feeling better fail, after multiple years of chiropratic useless ajustments, osteopaths and more.

    You will look into other venus to repair a yet aging body, is that bullshit, well according to you they are all stories.

    People like you pollute this world, you lack the respect other people deserve, and you are suppose to be the future.

    Go play in trafic, go cry to you little mommy but please just go away moron.

  10. #50
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    1,916 mispelled "butt sex". Your post was maybe a little bit too "matter of fact" even more so considering that you aspire to be a psycho-ologist. Sometimes low t and jacked up hormones can cause a little fog.....I've been there.......this is an awkward situation and my post wasn't meant to call anyone out, only to help. Your last post was insulting and generous at the same time......why don't you tell us about your childhood. I'm just playin. Our goal is to ultimately help each other.

  11. #51
    buttsecksnporkchops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    buttsecksnporkchops your a jerk end of the line a true psychologist would never reply what you did, don't PM, don't give me your email, i could care less about you. And please stop replying and following my replies or treads or anthing else. Just put me in your ignore list and pretend i never existed in your life. I hope you never suffer from chronique pains in your worthless life because you are going to seek me out afterward and ask me how i got rid of them. You are going to look into prolotherapy after all your attemps at feeling better fail, after multiple years of chiropratic useless ajustments, osteopaths and more.

    You will look into other venus to repair a yet aging body, is that bullshit, well according to you they are all stories.

    People like you pollute this world, you lack the respect other people deserve, and you are suppose to be the future.

    Go play in traffic, go cry to you little mommy but please just go away moron.
    You are being very defensive. I am just trying to help you. Something is very wrong with you judging by your attitude. Trying to 'fool' your doctor, will put his license at risk.It is people like you, why some cannot get proper treatment. You are contributing to patients who are abusive toward medication. I do suffer from horrendous pain. I know what it is like to live on strong painkillers and the feeling of constant nod and drowsiness. Like I said, we all have out problems. Not mine or yours, or anyone else is more significant. We all deal with pain and our emotions relatively. No one is doubting you are having problems, I do not blame you for anything. These forums are great for us who have similar interest. It is always great to talk to those who understand. Telling someone to play in traffic is immature. We all have family and people that care about us, wishing someone is dead is just plain stupid. You lack empathy for other human beings, your own species. Your comment about me being the future is ironic. According to your logic, You are our past, Therefore it is people like you, with your 'i hope you die' attitude, that makes us future generation the way we are. Again, this is according to your logic. Again, you mention 'mommy', I do not know if you have mother issues, or if you were molested by your mother, or any alternative, but again that tells me, similar to the reference of pantyhose, something is not quite right. I am still offering my services to you, if you are not satisfied with my creditability, I can lead you to someone who can help. Again, This is not an attempt to be 'abusive' I just think you need some help. I love you man.

  12. #52
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post mispelled "butt sex". Your post was maybe a little bit too "matter of fact" even more so considering that you aspire to be a psycho-ologist. Sometimes low t and jacked up hormones can cause a little fog.....I've been there.......this is an awkward situation and my post wasn't meant to call anyone out, only to help. Your last post was insulting and generous at the same time......why don't you tell us about your childhood. I'm just playin. Our goal is to ultimately help each other.
    Just ignore him JD250 he will go away with a nickname like that what can you expect hehehehe. I can only bet he is a jalous little bastard that loves to pull people down and a sort of a keyboard warrior living off mommy little allowance. He got internet and is now excited want to be a big man and come into the world of steroid but would rather use smooth creme and gels instead of injectibles.

    They need to make themselves known and seen by everyone to attrack attention. This was my last reply to this jerk buttsecksnporkchops, i have a lot more serious things in my life to deal with then a teen moron with tones of acne in need of professional help.

  13. #53
    buttsecksnporkchops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    Just ignore him JD250 he will go away with a nickname like that what can you expect hehehehe. I can only bet he is a jalous little bastard that loves to pull people down and a sort of a keyboard warrior living off mommy little allowance. He got internet and is now excited want to be a big man and come into the world of steroid but would rather use smooth creme and gels instead of injectibles.

    They need to make themselves known and seen by everyone to attrack attention. This was my last reply to this jerk buttsecksnporkchops, i have a lot more serious things in my life to deal with then a teen moron with tones of acne in need of professional help.
    There is something very frightening about your reference to 'mommy' again. This can be very dangerous. It makes many believe that you engage in sexual acts with your mother. We as a team can still get you together. Wow the world of steroids ? This is repla***ent therapy, are you saying you do not need therapy, and are manipulating your doctor to give you steroids? Hmm, that is very illegal. If someone wished to use creams and and gels, that does not make him a bad person? Your logic is flawed, possibly like your 'mothers'. People are not seeing me as the 'bad' one here. It is you. You are very paranoid, you think everyone is out to get you. Again, you should read my previous post, because the message is clear, and your response is invalid. I made great points up there. The truth hurts my brother.

  14. #54
    buttsecksnporkchops is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post mispelled "butt sex". Your post was maybe a little bit too "matter of fact" even more so considering that you aspire to be a psycho-ologist. Sometimes low t and jacked up hormones can cause a little fog.....I've been there.......this is an awkward situation and my post wasn't meant to call anyone out, only to help. Your last post was insulting and generous at the same time......why don't you tell us about your childhood. I'm just playin. Our goal is to ultimately help each other.
    JD250 is also a misspelled word and not recognized by a dictionary. I think my English is well off considering it is not my first, nor second.

  15. #55
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think that the deca durabolin actually kicked in today, i just finish training shoulders and triceps and my left shoulder did not bother me at all, of course i went at it easy and lowered the weight.

    This would be amazing if deca would fix it permanent i guess i can post my end results after my 20 weeks are over. Good to see things starting to happen.

    On another note if i cannot get a prescription for GH i will simply buy it from the personal trainer, i only have to buy a small quantity that will be injected into the injured area to produce collagen, this is they way Dr Ross Hauser does it, so unlike PRP treaments that cost anywhere from 350-600$ per treatment i will only have to pay for the GH its cheaper for 6IU that could very well cover 4 treatments.

  16. #56
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Masteron for an AI, i am not recommending this like JD250 says, but at least i can share my results so far. 2 weeks ago i decided to really drop my test E dosage to 100mg per week continue with my deca at 200mg per week and stay with masteron at 200mg per week.

    I have since then lost 14 pounds sure all if this is from water retention, and am glad to say that masteron did its job at least for me has an AI, no more tender nipples, i seem to be loser water like i mentioned and has a plus i am getting harder and more defined.

    I will have to see when i finish my 20 week cycle where i stand, and after i get back on regular TRT at 100mg per week, then i will look into armidex for an AI.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttsecksnporkchops View Post
    JD250 is also a misspelled word and not recognized by a dictionary. I think my English is well off considering it is not my first, nor second.
    obviously you know now to push people's buttons. but this banter between you and Yannick, is it really necessary? It doesn't appear it is adding anything to the overall quality of the thread, and Yannick does have a legit reason to ask these questions.

    So please, do us all a favor, and let's try to keep things civil. I'm not sure how this whole thing started, but let's end it, ok?


  18. #58
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    obviously you know now to push people's buttons. but this banter between you and Yannick, is it really necessary? It doesn't appear it is adding anything to the overall quality of the thread, and Yannick does have a legit reason to ask these questions.

    So please, do us all a favor, and let's try to keep things civil. I'm not sure how this whole thing started, but let's end it, ok?


    Times i made my point yesterday just ban this idiot, because that is what he is an idiot and he brings nothing to this board. I said i would not pay attention to anything he says anymore because he needs attention, he is the kind of person that loves to drag people down to make himself feel better, people like that i love to smash when i meet face to face but a keyboard warrior like that probably a pencil neck nerd that got bullied all if teen life.

    Plus he lives on is mommy 20$ allowance per week and is very closely watched when going on the internet he is playing with the big boys here but he can't handle it.

    Ban him that is all he deserve. So we can all forget about this selfish little bastard and move on with ours livres. If he is not ban he will continue to piss people off with is retarded comments and have everyone believe he wants to be a psychologists, yeah right what stories are worst mine or is mouhahahhha OWNED once more

    Never would i ever piss on anyone on this forum all the help that was given to me including JD250 who was nice enough to write a great reply, and i decide to actually follow this time and slow down.

    buttsecksnporkchops needs to be banned from this forum and from planet earth.
    Last edited by yannick35; 01-03-2012 at 11:40 AM.

  19. #59
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Problem with having a gym in your basement is controlling yourself not to over do it, my love for weight training never went away and now that i seem to be able to train i cannot stop. Chest today, masteron seem to have kicked in because i feel pumped like hell.

    My girlfriend seemed to have gained a bit of weight during the holidays i can honestly say i would never have noticed but she says her new clothes are tight on her LOL

    So right now it makes it very easy to diet, she is an amazing cook, i am glad because the weight i gained will finally go down and i can look forward to getting back around 200 pounds.

  20. #60
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    Good, I'm glad your feeling a little better, just remember that with the Masteron and the Deca you will probably be able to work out harder than you should, even though you feel great while lifting your body may not be ready for HARD workouts and heavy weights just remember that and try to take it slow.

    Sounds like your seeing some benefits for sure, just take it slow, we don't want to see you getting injured from lifting.

  21. #61
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Good, I'm glad your feeling a little better, just remember that with the Masteron and the Deca you will probably be able to work out harder than you should, even though you feel great while lifting your body may not be ready for HARD workouts and heavy weights just remember that and try to take it slow.

    Sounds like your seeing some benefits for sure, just take it slow, we don't want to see you getting injured from lifting.
    I have read many many many treads on how guys got injured again while on a cycle due to lifting too heavy, and i have taken notes. Don't worry about lifting heavy last week my max bench was 185 pounds not bad i used to be 220 before, this week i decided to do it right and lowered it to 160 pounds and instead of going heavy i got 10 good reps out of it.

    I have a goal bodyweight of 200 pounds and i want to work toward this, i should start boxing this week on my punching bag has well i got the Bas Rutten workout cd i bought a while back on sherdog, it is a very good cardio workout.

    To reach my goal i don't have to kill myself lifting super heavy weights, i will continue to do what i can, and keep in mind all the time that i am using deca and yes masteron that can smooth joint pain while on but when i get off and back to regular TRT i don't want to pay the price.
    Last edited by yannick35; 01-03-2012 at 02:35 PM.

  22. #62
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Yannick, definitely do what JD250 said...slow down. I can tell you are a guy that goes all out, but make sure you keep it healthy. Keep doses consistent for a while and see how it effects you, and don't overdo it in the gym. Get lots of rest if you are hitting the weights hard.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by buttsecksnporkchops View Post
    There is something very frightening about your reference to 'mommy' again. This can be very dangerous. It makes many believe that you engage in sexual acts with your mother. We as a team can still get you together. Wow the world of steroids? This is repla***ent therapy, are you saying you do not need therapy, and are manipulating your doctor to give you steroids? Hmm, that is very illegal. If someone wished to use creams and and gels, that does not make him a bad person? Your logic is flawed, possibly like your 'mothers'. People are not seeing me as the 'bad' one here. It is you. You are very paranoid, you think everyone is out to get you. Again, you should read my previous post, because the message is clear, and your response is invalid. I made great points up there. The truth hurts my brother.
    Please troll elsewhere. Your posts are ridiculous.

  24. #64
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Please troll elsewhere. Your posts are ridiculous.
    Thanks JohnnyVegas once more keeping it safe in the gym for sure like i said getting carried away is soooo easy when the gear kicks in, resting is also a big part of the equation.

    Don't worry too much about buttsecksnporkchops i put him in my ignore list and can not even see is replies. He will get banned and we will be free LOL

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    Yannick, definitely do what JD250 said...slow down. I can tell you are a guy that goes all out, but make sure you keep it healthy. Keep doses consistent for a while and see how it effects you, and don't overdo it in the gym. Get lots of rest if you are hitting the weights hard.
    Yannick, you say the ride is getting bigger with 3" needles and old school style prolotherapy injections and someone doing it for $50 bucks while you bring the case of corn syrup. I understand how chronic pain can be, but that method sounds primitive. Ive heard the way to go is having them draw blood, spin it in a centrifuge, and possibly mix drugs with it and inject it back in to the injured area.

  26. #66
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamotech View Post
    Yannick, you say the ride is getting bigger with 3" needles and old school style prolotherapy injections and someone doing it for $50 bucks while you bring the case of corn syrup. I understand how chronic pain can be, but that method sounds primitive. Ive heard the way to go is having them draw blood, spin it in a centrifuge, and possibly mix drugs with it and inject it back in to the injured area.
    jamotech you are talking about PRP palatel rich plasma, sadly only mix reviews come from this, i had 4 treatments of PRP to date, 2 in the hip 1 sacro illica and 1 upper cervical, they did good but the cracking is still there.

    Point if prolotherapy traditional dextrose and xylocaine will strenghten the laxed ligaments, PRP will simply not because too little is injected and you cannot inject in many spots, plus it is very expensive.

    This might sound crazy but i am doing very good right now with doing some of my own prolotherapy on me with dextrose only. I will wait 10 weeks to start with the other guy because i cannot do the upper cervical myself, my medical doctor charges 160$-180$ for 5cc dextrose and 35cc xylocaine which xylocaine is not needed in the mixture, i have the dextrose here so why bother the other guy is a certified chiroprator physical therapist and just got is prolotherapist certification, he is willing to do insurance recites and use my dextrose for injections.

    I guess i will give it a shot and see but for now training has i can and yes resting good idea.

    Another member here mentioned a product called Adequan i have done a lot of research on this in the past week and it sounds really amazing, its water based and it repairs tendons and ligaments in horse. There was also a case of sacro illica mentioned in the reviews that i have read, and its a lot cheaper then GH if i fail to get my prescription.
    Last edited by yannick35; 01-03-2012 at 06:37 PM.

  27. #67
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    A thing i noticed in my research for deca durabolin and joint repair and testosterone and so much more is that many people post they are going to try this and that on boards, and they do say that they will come back later and update how that worked for them, but most of the time they never do.

    One thing i promise is that after my 20 week cycle i will detail how i feel, what effect deca had on my joints and tendons, and since i might not be using deca for a while after my cycle is done, how i feel during that time off from deca.

    And if deca durabolin truly had an effect on repairing my joints and tendons. Right now 3 weeks in i can honestly say that my shoulder does not bother me at all, thanks to you guys advise i am going to back down and train with weight 3 times per week, leave a off day between each training days.

    Chest, delts and ticeps day 1

    back day 2

    legs day 3

    Wanna wish each and everyone of you a great 2012, and apologize for writing all my boring stuff all the time, have a great one guys YOU ROCK

  28. #68
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    What kind of physical therapy have you been doing? If you havent plateaued with pt in your injured areas, then your not ready for overall weight training.

  29. #69
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    I have done it all, i still have ligament laxity being treated by prolotherapy long story.

    JD250 thanks a lot bro i did some reseach and found this on testosterone :

    Besides increased circulation of RBCs and increased nitrogen retention, testosterone also acts by its action on the IGF 1 growth factor. Increased testosterone activity enhances the activity of IGF 1 in muscle tissues and the IGF1 successively enhances the activity of Growth hormone in the muscle cells. IGF 1 causes an increase in muscle strength by helping create new muscle fibers and retaining the strength of existing muscle fibers.

    Testosterone is also crucial in the muscle repairing activities of the satellite cells. Evidence to this effect is the fast repair of broken muscle tissues when testosterone is injected in its esterized form. Testosterone also effectively inhibits the catabolic glucocorticoids and by its protective actions adds to the overall health of the muscle tissues.

    Reseach is true i might not even need GH after all just patience and confidence in my protocol.

    Thanks again

  30. #70
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Deca kicked in yesterday, what can i say this stuff is legit, at 200mg per week i feel like a bomb. I got some confirmation by a few personal trainers that deca really heals the body and its all do to it being anabolic and its ability to produce huge amounts of collagen.

    I heard shoulder stories and low back and lot more, but still i want to make my own conclusion in the end when i finish my 20 week cycle.

  31. #71
    joebailey1271 is offline Associate Member
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    All deca does is mask the pain until you get off.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    All deca does is mask the pain until you get off.
    are u saying immediately upon cessation of deca , all pains that were ebbed will buffer period, a week, month, etc.?
    is this based on science/research or personal use or both?
    i'm trying to remember back when i ran it(5-6 years ago) if i remember correctly it lasted for a while after stopping...maybe on it more recently can confirm

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebailey1271 View Post
    All deca does is mask the pain until you get off.
    I dont not completely agree with that. I wouldnt say it just masked pain but rather prevents it by lubricating joints

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    I dont not completely agree with that. I wouldnt say it just masked pain but rather prevents it by lubricating joints
    i agree, and because of lubrication i believe it helps some recovery! i know before deca i couldn't do certain exercises, but while on deca i was able to do them and keep dong them thereafter!

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i agree, and because of lubrication i believe it helps some recovery! i know before deca i couldn't do certain exercises, but while on deca i was able to do them and keep dong them thereafter!
    thats what i was looking for
    and yes you were recently on so can better recall
    meds like cortisone moreso are masking agents that give good pain relief but are short lived and merely masks moreso...i guess they are antiinflammatory and could allow the patient to heal but on their own doesnt offer what deca does with the joint lube

  36. #76
    GladiatorTimez is offline New Member
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    Does anyone the medical use for deca , whywould a doc prescribe it? Thanks

  37. #77
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    IT doesn't "lube" your joint's. It holds water around the joint's and will eventually go away after you stop.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    IT doesn't "lube" your joint's. It holds water around the joint's and will eventually go away after you stop.
    yes eventually but as bass recently lasted a while after cessation of the deca

    and from now on instead of using the word lube i will say produces water around the joints

  39. #79
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    We can't overlook the other effects of deca , collogen synthisis (spelling) increases bone mineral density and more. It may have no place in HRT per say but it damn sure has some redeeming characteristics that make it desirable for more than BBers or anemic aids patients. Do a search on Nandrolone studies

  40. #80
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    so has a place in hrt

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