Guys in need of some advice here......

I am getting my bloodworks done on Wednesday. I will get the results 10 days later, This is the UK for you!

I have read about E2 levels being high and E2 levels can cause anxiety which is what I suffer from......Has anyone else heard of this? I also suffer from very low T levels which my last bloodworks showed.

If I have high E2 levels what medication brings it down?

Also I have just got 10ml of Cyp' just in case the Urologist wont help or prescribe me anything which is very likely as living in the UK they are so tight here in anything to do with TRT. I also have a load of 50mg Clomid tabs.......So if worst comes to the worst and they wont treat me I can self treat myself as I would do anything to feel 'Normal' again, not live my life in fear, not being able to got out, being able to have sex again, being able to have some get up and go to my life.