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  1. #1
    doc w's Avatar
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    Cycling amounts of test on trt

    Does anyone have an opinion about cycling testosterone amounts on TRT. For example doing 120 mg for six weeks then increasing to 280 for six weeks and so forth. So on average u would be getting 200mg per a week but have the advantage of higher teat levels during the six week period, with possibility of increased muscle gains. Just a theoretical question

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    we call it blasting! and yes you can blast once or twice a year depending on your health, but six weeks won't do much, 12-14 weeks is what most do.

  3. #3
    doc w's Avatar
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    What ratio would u suggest both high and low values( I realize this may differ from person to person)

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
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    i can only state my experience, i am on 120 mgs per week test, and when i did a blast it was 300/300 test/deca . some do 400-600 test, but you really have to be healthy to do that amount, otherwise your BP and heart rate will go through the roof, not to mention RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, e2.... i cut my cycle short due to sides!

  5. #5
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass
    i can only state my experience, i am on 120 mgs per week test, and when i did a blast it was 300/300 test/deca. some do 400-600 test, but you really have to be healthy to do that amount, otherwise your BP and heart rate will go through the roof, not to mention RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, e2.... i cut my cycle short due to sides!
    What sides did you get bass from running that low of test and deca

  6. #6
    grumpee's Avatar
    grumpee is offline Associate Member
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    If I was you I would blast with 400-500 mgs of prop a week for 6-8 weeks. Just make sure you increase your calories to

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Doc paruse this thread. May be what your looking for.....!

  8. #8
    doc w's Avatar
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    Sounds very interesting. Been on TRT for seven months now so, decreasing amount for 2 weeks after 8 weeks on would make sense. I wonder if my wife will notice that I am more sensitive after the two weeks. Ha!

  9. #9
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by grumpee View Post
    If I was you I would blast with 400-500 mgs of prop a week for 6-8 weeks. Just make sure you increase your calories to
    But due to its ester and short half life, wouldn't the OP have to be injecting at least eod? If he is already on Cyp for TRT, is there an advantage you see with going to prop? Granted, there is more actual testosterone per ml in prop than there is in cyp, but for TRT blast purposes, I would think that increasing the medication (cyp) that you're currently on, and adding a completely different compound such as deca or anavar would give the individual more bang for the buck. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing here ...

  10. #10
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    What sides did you get bass from running that low of test and deca
    thickening of the blood, high levels of RBC and hemoglobin, i was getting tired, headaches and my PVC's increased! i guess i have to accept blasting is not for me!

  11. #11
    grumpee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    But due to its ester and short half life, wouldn't the OP have to be injecting at least eod? If he is already on Cyp for TRT, is there an advantage you see with going to prop? Granted, there is more actual testosterone per ml in prop than there is in cyp, but for TRT blast purposes, I would think that increasing the medication (cyp) that you're currently on, and adding a completely different compound such as deca or anavar would give the individual more bang for the buck. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing here ...
    advantage with prop is shorter blast time and that makes shorter time off etc. Yes EOD injections are needed with prop. A few of the vets are the ones who got me into blasting with short esters

  12. #12
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    If your TRT dose is 120mg a week for your first blast just jump up to 300mg for 10-12 weeks and see how it goes. You will defiantly notice a difference but keep an AI on hand just in case of elevated E2.
    No need to ramp up or down.

  13. #13
    Gym_ is offline Banned
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    They all make pretty good points.. i agree with almost ever thing above... LOL

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    tried it but never saw any noticeable benefit by just upping test dose to 300-400...only when adding in deca did i see large strength gains

  15. #15
    doc w's Avatar
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    If running test at 200 per week how many weeks should I keep my dosage at 120/ mg per week

  16. #16
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    How long have you been running at 200? That's really not much of a blast or difference so if you want to try a blast jump up to 400 for 12 weeks anytime you want but dont play with it up/down. Just go up to 400 and keep it there until the 12 weeks is done then back down to your TRT dose of 120. Then evaluate your gains but remember, diet is key.

  17. #17
    doc w's Avatar
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    Been running 200 hundred fro greater than six months with good gains and feeling great. However my most recent labs( posted on hrt section today) show I am running at the top end of normal. I'm thinking of going down to 150 per a week for a period of time.

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    OK yeah I saw that but you are still IN range so??? If it was me I dont think I would mess with it or as I posted in your other thread maybe only drop it 25mg for a few weeks and see how it goes first

  19. #19
    doc w's Avatar
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    Great thnx

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Just to b clear ...I meant after being on trt for over a year after plateuing I didn't see anything from bumping up test dosage alone

  21. #21
    doc w's Avatar
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    Holman. Do u think that's because of receptors downgrading and that if u lower dosages for a while and then go higher I will get better results,Ike the slingshot link mentioned earlier in the posts

  22. #22
    doc w's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doc w
    Holman. Do u think that's because of receptors downgrading and that if u lower dosages for a while and then go higher I will get better results,Ike the slingshot link mentioned earlier in the posts
    I meant jpkman. Effin Iphone

  23. #23
    doc w's Avatar
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    I meant jpkman. Effin Iphone

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by doc w View Post
    Holman. Do u think that's because of receptors downgrading and that if u lower dosages for a while and then go higher I will get better results,Ike the slingshot link mentioned earlier in the posts
    i actually dont know bro...up until about a year ago..i never really went lower than 150mg...just recently started keeping it around 100mg (weekly i'm talking) and havent tried ramping up in about a year...and when i did i didnt see any thing that i wouldnt have gotten by upping calories a bit ...i'm talking like 300 mg for about 6 weeks or something bumped from 150 and not seeing anything i just taper back down..

    i cant remember anyone posting here that just blast up on the test and post noticeable gains...the few ppl that blast i believe add deca , anavar , etc. maybe even hgh...

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