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  1. #1
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Test Prop. or Susp. for TRT

    Has anyone substituted these drugs for short-term HRT. I understand that they need to be injected much more frequently, but I am trying to deal with a drug test three months from now. Thanks

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    There is no such thing as short term HRT.

    That is a cycle or rather, abuse of testosterone .

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Puzzled, drug test for? If this is employment most only test for narcotics a totally different class of drugs.
    If this TRT is prescribed by a qualified physician then it should not be a problem.

  4. #4
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Let me clarify...I have been on TRT for approximately 2.5 years...100 mg/testE EW. Age 45. No past steriod abuse, but past brain trauma that is thought to have caused pituitary nerve damage. I am doing just fine now and am not abusing testoterone thank you. I have a job-related drug test (lets say a kinda volunteer part-time job), which will be testing for anabolics among many other things. I have the option of providing the Dr's Rx for the TestE, but for personal reasons and privacy, I would rather not have it come up. I have not been required to disclose the medications that I am on either, so I would therefore like to keep my TRT between me, family and Doc (very small town).

    So, in July I have a drug test and would like to keep going with my TRT with a temp. switch from TestE to TestProp or Suspension. Does this make sense? Any comments or suggestions appreciated.

  5. #5
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    How would you pass your test with a different form of testosterone ???? Doesn't make much sense imo...

    I don't see how you could pass your test, unless you use synthetic urine or stop trt.....Which will make you feel like complete shit....

  6. #6
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    Prop is in and out the system quickly so I can see your reasons bud. Prop stings in has to be shot every 3 days, at what level for TRT I dont know as TRT usually involves using an AAS with long acting esters. Surely it would work though.....Say switch to Prop now and then drop it 2 weeks before your blood test? I must say please dont take my word though as I am an ex-abuser so used to put heap loads into me so TRT is all still very new.

  7. #7
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you are not using any other AAS other than testosterone you wont have an issue, aslong as your TRT keeps you in the normal ranges of testosterone for males.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brickhouse View Post
    Prop stings in has to be shot every 3 days
    Prop is every other day MAX.

  9. #9
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    If you are not using any other AAS other than testosterone you wont have an issue, aslong as your TRT keeps you in the normal ranges of testosterone for males.
    The drug test will detect synthetic TestE for up to 3 months.

  10. #10
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    So, given that the propionate ester gives more actual Test (83.72mgs of Testosterone per 100mg shot) should I lower the dose accordingly...say 25 mgs EOD? Make sense?

    Any experience between Prop and Sust? Sust is apparently an even shorter acting ester than Prop?

  11. #11
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    The drug test will detect synthetic TestE for up to 3 months.
    So how would it not detect prop or sust????

  12. #12
    jamotech's Avatar
    jamotech is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    So, given that the propionate ester gives more actual Test (83.72mgs of Testosterone per 100mg shot) should I lower the dose accordingly...say 25 mgs EOD? Make sense?

    Any experience between Prop and Sust? Sust is apparently an even shorter acting ester than Prop?
    Ok, your thread title says suspension, now your asking about sustanon , respectfully which is it?

  13. #13
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamotech View Post
    Ok, your thread title says suspension, now your asking about sustanon, respectfully which is it?
    Geez, its a typo mate..."suspension". Its all about the context.

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