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  1. #41
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie View Post
    to convert nmol/L to ng/dl you divide the nmol/L reading by 0.0347 to get the ng/dl reading. Thus the range of 15-35 nmol/L would equal a range of 432 - 1008 ng/dl.

    To convert from ng/dl to nmol/L you multiply the ng/dl reading by 0.0347 to get the nmol/L reading.

    This is according to this chart/scale:
    the international unit of nmol/L is used in canada, in us they used ng/dL. where one mole is 6.02E+23 molecules per Avogadro no.

    your testosterone (steroid hormone) has a molecular weight of 288.43 g/mol, so the conversion is

    1 nmol/L = (nmol/L)(mol/10^9 nmol)(L/10dL)(288.43g/mol)(10^9ng/g)

    1 nmol/L = (1/10^9)(1/10)(288.43)(10^9) ng/dL

    1nmol/L = 28.843 ng/dL

    in short. the medical unit conversion is 10% of molecular weight. example the glucose (C6H12O6) molecular weight is 180.16 g/mol. the conversion is simply

    1 mmol/L = 10% (180.16) mg/dL
    1 mmol/L = 18.016 mg/dL

    similarly testosterone molecular weight is 288.43 g/mol, therefore

    1nmol/L = 10 % (288.43) ng/dL
    1nmol/L = 28.843 ng/dL

  2. #42
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    to go from ng/dl to nmol/L, you divide by 28.43 (which is 10% of the molecular weight of testosterone - 284.3)

    to go from nmol/L to ng/dl, you multiply by 28.43.

    KG, do you mind me asking which province you're located in? the reason i ask is that it appears each province,and many time each lab, has a different scale for measuring testosterone. for example here in Ontario it seems to be 6 - 27 nmol/L is the scale that was used to measure my testosterone.

    I live in B.C.

    The scale/system they use to measure testosterone is the (Roche - Electrochemiluminescence) system/scale, and the range they use is 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L

    My initial total test reading before I started TRT was 1.4 nmol/L, 1 week after my first injection of 150mg of test-cyp it was 11.5 nmol/L, and after having 2 injections over 3 weeks of 150mg each, and one injection of 100mg of test-cyp, the day after the 100mg injection, my total test level was 12.5 nmol/L.

    My family Dr. told me that she's never had a TRT patient with such a low level of testosterone!


  3. #43
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    the international unit of nmol/L is used in canada, in us they used ng/dL. where one mole is 6.02E+23 molecules per Avogadro no.

    your testosterone (steroid hormone) has a molecular weight of 288.43 g/mol, so the conversion is

    1 nmol/L = (nmol/L)(mol/10^9 nmol)(L/10dL)(288.43g/mol)(10^9ng/g)

    1 nmol/L = (1/10^9)(1/10)(288.43)(10^9) ng/dL

    1nmol/L = 28.843 ng/dL

    in short. the medical unit conversion is 10% of molecular weight. example the glucose (C6H12O6) molecular weight is 180.16 g/mol. the conversion is simply

    1 mmol/L = 10% (180.16) mg/dL
    1 mmol/L = 18.016 mg/dL

    similarly testosterone molecular weight is 288.43 g/mol, therefore

    1nmol/L = 10 % (288.43) ng/dL
    1nmol/L = 28.843 ng/dL

    Ahh good to know, thanks MickeyKnox

    But that's just too much scientific mumbo jumbo, and techno babble for me. LOL

    I like to keep things as simple as I can.

    But whatever method of conversion we use, the bottom line is my Test is way too low, and that's all I'm concerned about. LOL

  4. #44
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    holy sh1t you're almost dead at those numbers! wow, that's the lowest i've ever heard of! good for you for being proactive and being able to take charge of your health and bring it full circle! i'm anxious to see what your trough results will be.

    which province are you in?

  5. #45
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie View Post
    Ahh good to know, thanks MickeyKnox

    But that's just too much scientific mumbo jumbo, and techno babble for me. LOL

    I like to keep things as simple as I can.

    But whatever method of conversion we use, the bottom line is my Test is way too low, and that's all I'm concerned about. LOL
    10-4 brother!

  6. #46
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    I'm in B.C. (British Columbia). You know, home of the Vancouver Canucks...a team that actually MAKES THE PLAYOFFS!! hahahahaha. (unlike the Maple Leafs) LOL

  7. #47
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie View Post
    I'm in B.C. (British Columbia). You know, home of the Vancouver Canucks...a team that actually MAKES THE PLAYOFFS!! hahahahaha. (unlike the Maple Leafs) LOL
    aww c'mon man that just!

  8. #48
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe the year 2013 will be a lucky one for the Leafs!

  9. #49
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Well I had more BW done this morning, went in for tests of SHBG, Albumin, Bioavailable Testosterone , and the Sensitive Assay for males Estradiol E2 test.

    According to the lab technicians, there are no labs in Canada that perform the sensitive assay for males Estradiol test.

    SHBG is part of the bioavailable testosterone test, but according to our Government Medical Plan, they don't pay for the bioavailable testosterone test unless total testosterone levels are between 4.0 - 10.0 nmol/L.

    So the only tests I was able to have done are a regular Estradiol E2 test, total testosterone, and albumin. Too many fricken' rules as to what is covered by our Gov't medical plan, and what is not!

    Anyway, my latest limited BW results, for whatever they're worth are:

    Total Testosterone 14 nmol/L from a range of 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L or Converted using the same conversion factor that I have always used...

    Total Testosterone 403.5 ng/dl from a range of 242 - 827 ng/dl

    Estradiol 174 pmol/L from a range of < 156 pmol/L or converted 47.4 pg/ml from a range of < 42.5 pg/ml

    Albumin 41 g/L from a range of 35 - 50 g/L or converted 4.1 g/dl from a range of 3.5 - 5.0 g/dl

    So my total testosterone seems to have gone up from my previous BW which was taken the day after my most recent injection of 100mg of 100MG/ML test-cyp.

    My Estradiol levels are still sky high (they've only dropped 2 points in the last month from the first Estradiol test I had, which was 1 week after my first ever test-cyp injection of 150 mg.

    My albumin level is in the acceptable range, but on the lower end of it.

    My main concern is the high estradiol level. Although I'm not sure how accurate it can be since they didn't, and can't use the sensitive assay for males test method.

    If anyone could please shed some light on these results...other than the obvious, it would be greatly appreciated.

  10. #50
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    [QUOTE=killergoalie;5958140]LATEST UPDATE!

    according to our Government Medical Plan, they don't pay for the bioavailable testosterone test unless total testosterone levels are between 4.0 - 10.0 nmol/L.

    So the only tests I was able to have done are a regular Estradiol E2 test, total testosterone, and albumin. Too many fricken' rules as to what is covered by our Gov't medical plan, and what is not!/QUOTE]

    And that's the happy world of socialism; letting big Government decide what's best for everyone. Hopefully our Supreme Court won't let our nation go that route, but that's another story ...

  11. #51
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    You said it vetteman! And the sad thing is, the Government that is in power in my Province is actually the most right wing party of the two major political parties in provinicial politics. The opposition...and the one most of the media seems to want is a true socialist/left wing party! Things would get even worse if they were to get in!!

    I could pay for the bioavailable testosterone test myself, but it would cost $75!!

  12. #52
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Just finished my first Sub-Q self injection. (Actually it was my first self injection ever of any type.)

    Used a #29 Gauge, 1.0 C.C. 0.5" (1/2") Needle, Insulin Syringe.

    Took about 2.5 - 3 minutes to load the syringe with 50mg of 100MG/ML strength Testosterone -Cypionate , and about 1 minute to inject.

    Needed a fair amount of pressure on the plunger to inject, but slow, and steady pressure got the job done.

    I injected it into my belly fat about 4 inches to the right of my navel. I also injected at 90° since I still have quite a bit of fat around my stomach.

    Felt absolutely no pain whatsoever.

    There was only a very small drop of blood at the spot after I removed the needle, which I wiped away with a cotton ball, after I applied gentle pressure to it for a
    minute or so.

    So far, no pain, bruising, swelling at the injection site, but I'll give it a while.

    For my next injection, which will be around 8:00 P.M. on Wednesday, I might try using a #29 Gauge, 0.5 C.C. 0.5" (1/2") Needle, Insulin syringe to see if it produces a bit more pressure while injecting.

    Anyway sorry for the lengthy post, I just wanted to be as thorough as possible in case others were considering doing Sub-Q injections, and wanted a bit of information concerning timing issues.

  13. #53
    vinceproduction's Avatar
    vinceproduction is offline Associate Member
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    Glad to hear your sub-q went well! It's amazing how you barely even feel subq. I did a subq with test a week ago to see how hard it'd be both pulling and pushing it in. Took quite a while to pull, and about the same time as you on injecting.

  14. #54
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks, vince! Couldn't agree with you more. There was absolutely no pain whatsoever, except a very, very, slight "pinch" when I withdrew the needle. LOL

    My main concern was holding the vial and needle/syringe as steady as possible, while also making sure the ultra thin needle wouldn't break off, while "pulling" the test into the syringe.

    Being only 1/2" long, the needle is very thin, flexible, and fragile. So holding the vial, and syringe in one hand, while S-L-O-W-L-Y drawing the test into the syringe certainly takes some dexterity.

  15. #55
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Latest Update Info:

    Did my first SubQ injection of 50mg of Test-Cyp on Sunday Morning, had limited BW done this morning.

    Again I requested the BioAvailable Testosterone test, but once again since my total testosterone levels were "too high", my Medical Plan would not pay for the test, so all they would do is a Total Testosterone level test.

    So my BW results, 2 days after my last injection are:

    Total Testosterone: 13.1 nmol/L from a range of 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L which converted using the same method as always equals

    Total Testosterone: 377.5 ng/dl from a range of 241 - 827 ng/dl.

    Just a note, 5 days after my previous injection of 100mg of Test-Cyp (done IM), which was also 2 days prior to this last injection, my Total Testosterone level was:

    Total Testosterone 14 nmol/L from a range of 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L or Converted using the same conversion factor that I have always used...

    Total Testosterone 403.5 ng/dl from a range of 242 - 827 ng/dl

    So obviously the lower dosage gave me a lower amount of Total Testosterone, but not that much lower, which I presume is a good sign.

    On a side note, I talked to a 3rd Dr. today about my high Estradiol levels 174 from a range of < 156, but he said that they weren't THAT MUCH higher than the maximum acceptable range, so it wasn't anything to worry about.

    He also said that if I lost more weight, my E2 levels would go down. DUHHHHHH!!

    To which I told him, yeah, but it could take 6 months to a year to lose enough weight for it to have an effect on my E2 levels, but in the meantime, I still feel like crap, and don't have the energy TO WORKOUT which would help lose the weight!!

    But of course he wouldn't prescribe an A.I., and said I should speak to my Endo about that, which I have, and he also won't prescribe an A.I.

    So in a nutshell...I'm screwed!! I'm not getting the full benefits of the testosterone since a lot of it is obviously being converted to estrogen.

    Mainly due to my excess belly fat, which I know I have to lose (and am trying to) but because of my high E2 levels I don't have the energy to workout, and my Dr.s won't help me lower my E2 levels!

    Talk about a catch-22 situation!!

  16. #56
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Don't worry, I won't bore everyone with any more updates.

  17. #57
    freshmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Buy an ai from ar-r if you feel strongly about it.

  18. #58
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    What is ar-r ?

    I didn't mean to sound insincere, I just want to get as healthy as I can.

    I apologize if I was rude in any way.

  19. #59
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by killergoalie View Post
    What is ar-r ?

    I didn't mean to sound insincere, I just want to get as healthy as I can.

    I apologize if I was rude in any way.

    OK prepare to feel very silly.

    Scroll to the TOP of the page and look at the banner in the top right corner.

  20. #60
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    OK prepare to feel very silly.

    Scroll to the TOP of the page and look at the banner in the top right corner.

    Thanks, lovbyts.

    Does anyone know if they ship to Canada, and whether or not there would be any problems with customs?

  21. #61
    manonfire's Avatar
    manonfire is offline Junior Member
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    Just spoke with my doc this morning and she thought it would be a good Idea to inject once a week instead of the 0nce every 2 weeks as she originally prescribed!! I am on 100mg a week now

  22. #62
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by manonfire View Post
    Just spoke with my doc this morning and she thought it would be a good Idea to inject once a week instead of the 0nce every 2 weeks as she originally prescribed!! I am on 100mg a week now
    Nice to see that it looks like your Dr. "gets it". Wish you all the best on your journey!

  23. #63
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    Just completed my second SubQ self injection of 50mg of testosterone -cypionate . This time though I used a #29 gauge, 0.5ml 1/2" needle insulin syringe.

    "Pull" time was a bit longer than with the 1.0 ml syringe, but the "push" time was a bit quicker.

    Once again, absolutely no pain whatsoever!
    Last edited by killergoalie; 04-04-2012 at 09:03 PM.

  24. #64
    killergoalie is offline Associate Member
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    *Latest Update*

    Well I finally caved, and decided to pay for a Bioavailable Testosterone test, which also includes SHBG. (Our Gov't medical won't pay for the test unless Total Testosterone falls within a certain range. Mine is always higher than the maximum allowed.)

    Total Testosterone:

    Nov. 24th 19.8 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4-28.7 nmol/L
    570.6 ng/dL Ref Range: 242 - 827 ng/dL

    Dec 5th 14.3 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L
    412.1 ng/dL Ref Range 242 - 827 ng/dL

    Dec 20th 18.3 nmol/L Ref Range: 8.4 - 28.7 nmol/L
    527.4 Ref Range: 242 - 827


    Nov 24th 92.6 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Began taking .5mg Arimidex 3 x per week, 24 hrs. after each Test-Cyp injection of 40mg.

    Dec. 5th 67 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Dec. 20th 66.7 pg/mL Ref Range: <42.5 pg/mL

    Bioavailable Testosterone:

    12.7 nmol/L Ref Range: 3.0 - 12.0 nmol/L
    366 ng/dL Ref Range: 86.5 - 345.8 ng/dL

    Free Testosterone:

    488 pmol/L Ref. Range: 200 - 800 pmol/L


    17 nmol/L Ref Range: 13 - 71 nmol/L

    I'm not sure how to convert the Free Testosterone, and SHBG levels into U.S. units.

    So while my Total Testosterone has gone up since my last BW, my Estradiol hasn't really gone down.

    Would like help in assessing these numbers please.

    Thanks in advance.

    On a positive note, for the first time since I found out that I have Type 2 Diabetes over 10 years ago, my Hemoglobin A1c level is within "normal" range.

    Nov. 6th 7.9 mmol/L Ref. Range: 4.8 - 6.2 mmol/L
    142.3 U.S. Units Ref. Range: 86.5 - 111.7 U.S. units

    Dec. 20th 6.2 mmol/L Ref. Range: 4.8 - 6.2 mmol/L
    111.7 U.S. Units Ref. Range: 86.5 - 111.7 U.S. Units

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