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  1. #1
    godawgs50's Avatar
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    Muscle Soreness On TRT

    So I have been on TRT for approx 8 weeks now (1st month androgel and 2nd month 150mg injections weekly). I have been disciplined in sticking with my workout routine and have really been going at it hard. I am starting to notice some great strength gains but one problem I am having is some serious muscle soreness. Was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if so if they had any ideas on how to help combat this. I just assumed that my body would slowly adjust and this would go away but I have gone through multiple rounds of my training splits and every bodypart is staying sore for extended periods of time. I feel like it is going to start slowing down my progress cause there have been multiple times in the last few weeks where it is time to train a certain bodypart but I know the workout is going to be counter-productive because that body part is still so sore. I'm on a 4 day split with a rest day thrown in so frequency shouldn't be a problem. Could the fact that my body is now at normal test levels (last test this week was over 700 total T) be causing this? Was thinking maybe my strength is increasing too fast due to this rise in test and my body is having a hard time adjusting? I take aminos and glutamine immediately after workout and I am really starting to dial in on the diet (thanks to the nutrition forum). Sorry to rant but I woke up at 6:00 this am to do my shoulders/lat workout and my shoulders are so sore from the chest/tricep workout two days ago that the bar alone feels like it weighs 200 lbs and I'm pissed! Any advice or tips on what I can do to prevent this would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    What's your E2? When mine was high I got and stayed sore for much longer after workouts.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^Also what are your workouts like? Too much volume maybe? If your just jumping back into working out at the same time your initiating TRT you need to take it easy and let your muscles, tendons, ligaments adapt to the new stress.

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    You have to stick with your program for months or year's. 8 weeks you will be sore especially if you weren't lifting before and all of a sudden hittin it hard.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparverius View Post
    What's your E2? When mine was high I got and stayed sore for much longer after workouts.
    interesting, i was planing to post about this subject! lately i been staying sore too many days after workout, kind of the way i felt before TRT. how sure are you that elevated e2 could cause soreness to last longer than it should? the reason i am asking is because i been off of AI's for few weeks now and i am wondering if my e2 is getting up there!

  6. #6
    godawgs50's Avatar
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    My E2 levels have been kept in check so far during these 8 weeks (per 3 seperate blood tests) and that is with no AI usage up this point. I like to train to failure on a lot of exercises so I am starting to think that maybe the combination of the faster strength gains due to the T levels finally being normal and the "failure" training is putting too much strain on the muscles. I was just wondering if any of the vets were doing anything in the way of supplementation/diet/etc that has worked to help alleviate the soreness. Thanks as always for all the help.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Careful with the strength gains. What you are feeling may be tendons and not muscle. It takes a LOT longer for the tendons to get use to the new weight than the muscles and a LOT longer for them to not feel sore.

    It's very common for people who start HRT or a cycle and have not been working out regularly hard for several years to hurt themselves, pull/strain tendons and then you have several months of setback.

    Make sure you warm up a lot, more than you think you need to. Make sure you concentrate on form that doing hard fast reps. After stretching warm up doing super slow sets at least 2x. It's amazing the burn you can get doing it this way before going heavy.

    Also of course make sure your water intake is good to help flush out the toxins.

  8. #8
    Ratt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    interesting, i was planing to post about this subject! lately i been staying sore too many days after workout, kind of the way i felt before TRT. how sure are you that elevated e2 could cause soreness to last longer than it should? the reason i am asking is because i been off of AI's for few weeks now and i am wondering if my e2 is getting up there!
    Bass, Have you started taking an AI again? I would like to know if it is helping with the soreness.
    I've been on trt for 18 months now and the last 4-6 months or so I have been experiencing severe muscle soreness after workouts which lasts for 5 days or more. I'm actually lifting less weight lately and am trying to take it easy but can't go to the gym more than 2 times a week due to the pain. My first year on trt I could lift to failure and only have slight soreness the day after and no soreness 2 days later. I was going to the gym 4 times a week and could have gone more often if I wanted.
    I would like to know if this is an E2 issue. I am currently on 80mg e/3.5/d and my levels are at the high end of normal which is working for me. My docs only tested E2 one time, it wasn't a sensitive panel and my levels were in the middle of the scale.
    I would be very interested in knowing if an AI helped to reduce the muscle soreness for anyone else here.

  9. #9
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    no AI so far, and i am doing blood work Monday morning to see where everything is. been on 105 mgs test ew, so we'll see. to get back on the subject, i believe being on low carbs is what's prolonging the recovery process, i noticed when i was eating more carbs i wasn't as sore and it took couple of days to go away. also taking BCAA's will help in recovery.

  10. #10
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    You have to stick with your program for months or year's. 8 weeks you will be sore especially if you weren't lifting before and all of a sudden hittin it hard.
    x2. LOL, why is everyone jumping on E2 levels as the culprit? 8 weeks is not a lot of time for your body to get adjusted to a strenuous weight training program. You have a long time yet for your muscles, tendons & ligaments to get acclimated to this new lifestyle. Plus, you didn’t mention your age. If you're mid-30+, you should be doing each body part only once per week. At this stage you definitely must allow ample time for the body part to recover fully before training it again. Don't forget to use proper form also - no throwing the weight around. Good luck...
    Last edited by APIs; 05-11-2012 at 08:17 AM.

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