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  1. #1
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Hi guys, hypothetical question. If testicular trauma occurred prior to puberty (~11/12yrs old) and resulted in a deficiency of testosterone which then led to the genitalia not reaching their full growth potential (in line with father/brothers etc), is the chance to achieve that growth totally lost if testosterone therapy is not administered during puberty itself?

    I'm waiting on blood results so the above is hypothetical. I didn't hit puberty 'til late 15/early 16, and am 23. I don't 'fit' with my dad or brothers, or most other male relatives for that matters.

    Last edited by Hoorahit; 04-30-2012 at 04:23 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    Hi guys, hypothetical question. If testicular trauma occurred prior to puberty (~11/12yrs old) and resulted in a deficiency of testosterone which then led to the genitalia not reaching their full growth potential (in line with father/brothers etc), is the chance to achieve that growth totally lost if testosterone therapy is not administered during puberty itself?

    If you had testicular trauma that resulted in less production of Testosterone (and other downstream hormones as well) than it's unlikely you will achieve full growth without supplementing with Testosterone. Not "fitting" with other genetic males is a clear sign of deficiency and we've seen it here numerous times where testicular trauma resulted in men needing TRT to replace what the Testes can't produce. Remember there are other downstream hormones like DHT for example that are dependent on optimal levels of Testosterone in all 3 androgen pathways.

    I'm waiting on blood results so the above is hypothetical. I didn't hit puberty 'til late 15/early 16, and am 23. I don't 'fit' with my dad or brothers, or most other male relatives for that matters.

    Post your BW and the guys will jump in; you have an interesting case so please keep this post updated with the results of your blood work and the recommendation of your Physician.

    Welcome to the community Hoorahit!


  3. #3
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    I'm 4" flaccid and at least 5" erect though I don't think by much. I'll post my BW when I get it, it was just Total T and lipids I think.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    I'm 4" flaccid and at least 5" erect though I don't think by much. I'll post my BW when I get it, it was just Total T and lipids I think.
    Besides your penis how do you compare physically? Body hair? Beard? Muscle development? Voice pitch...things like that.

  5. #5
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Besides your penis how do you compare physically? Body hair? Beard? Muscle development? Voice pitch...things like that.
    145 lbs. 5'9" tall. little body hair. slow growing beard. voice is deep. not much muscle.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    145 lbs. 5'9" tall. little body hair. slow growing beard. voice is deep. not much muscle.
    Hey man, go to the Finding a Doc sticky at the top of the forum and look at the initial blood panels we like to see. Write them down and ask your Doc to run them when you get the BW's important.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    sorry about the trauma

    hope you get some answers/help

    please keep us posted in this thread

  8. #8
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Test Results - Quest Diagnostics

    Basic Metabolic Panel W/EGFR
    Sodium 140
    Potassium 4.4
    Chloride 102
    Carbon Dioxide 27
    Calcium 10.3
    Glucose 103 (High Out of Range)

    Urea Nitrogen 15
    Creatinine 0.73
    Bun/Creatinine Ratio 19.9
    EGFR Non-Afr. American 132
    EGFR African American 153

    Testosterone , Total, LC/MS/MS 23ng/dl (Low Out of Range)
    Last edited by Hoorahit; 05-03-2012 at 09:47 PM.

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I don't think there is much you can do post puberty regarding penis size. there are clinics in India that specialize in this area, although how legit they are i can only guess.

  10. #10
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Clinics in India that specialize in phalloplasty you mean or something else? So puberty is a genetically hardwired time frame? When do men truly stop growing? Another hypothetical. If said person with testicular trauma was put on 100mg Test Cyp a month which was obviously not enough and suffered the consequences of that, is there potential for a medical malpractice lawsuit?

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    Clinics in India that specialize in phalloplasty you mean or something else? So puberty is a genetically hardwired time frame? When do men truly stop growing? Another hypothetical. If said person with testicular trauma was put on 100mg Test Cyp a month which was obviously not enough and suffered the consequences of that, is there potential for a medical malpractice lawsuit?

  12. #12
    Blergs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    Clinics in India that specialize in phalloplasty you mean or something else? So puberty is a genetically hardwired time frame YES to an extent? When do men truly stop growing? PUBERTY can range 20-26, but there is still growth the rest of your life. like face elongation etc. but DEVELOPMENT can even be stopped at puberty with horomones and never be the same.. Another hypothetical. If said person with testicular trauma was put on 100mg Test Cyp a month which was obviously not enough and suffered the consequences of that, is there potential for a medical malpractice lawsuit?
    not the same thing man testies make pregenolone and on top of the down stream horomones mentioned before. if anythign the doc treated your for low test but your development was still alterd.
    unless the doc is what messed you up, I would say no.

    seems they were aware of low test levels and tried to fix it. 100mg ew is what alot are on for HRT.
    but taking test it self can close your growht plates.

    I wish you luck man.

  13. #13
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    What I meant by "that" is if I had very low T levels naturally as a result of trauma and multiple doctors treated me with only 100mg Test Cyp a month starting when I was 16, which was definitely not enough or correct, and I therefore suffered all the symptoms of low T for years (which can **** you up in so many ways) and my growth/development was affected during puberty (in which specific ways I'm not sure though), don't I have a case?
    Last edited by Hoorahit; 05-02-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  14. #14
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Are you looking for people who have advice, opinions or experience with your problem or just the legality part if you have a case to sew the doctors?

    Proving malpractice is a really hard thing to do unless they cut off the wrong limb or left something inside of you. In a lot of ways doctors are still just guessing on how to fix people and going off of other doctors advice and what's in the journals.

    As others have said I dont thing 100mg a month did you any good but not sure how much more harm it did you and it will be tough to prove without a lot of test, studies and such and not many doctors are going to want to do that without getting paid or to get another doctor in trouble.

  16. #16
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Are you looking for people who have advice, opinions or experience with your problem or just the legality part if you have a case to sew the doctors?

    Proving malpractice is a really hard thing to do unless they cut off the wrong limb or left something inside of you. In a lot of ways doctors are still just guessing on how to fix people and going off of other doctors advice and what's in the journals.

    As others have said I dont thing 100mg a month did you any good but not sure how much more harm it did you and it will be tough to prove without a lot of test, studies and such and not many doctors are going to want to do that without getting paid or to get another doctor in trouble.
    I'm looking for both I guess. I read somewhere that 90% of malpractice cases are thrown out, not sure if that was accurate. Would it be expensive to pursue a case like this? I mean having multiple doctors **** up my hormone therapy during puberty is kind of a big deal isn't it?

  17. #17
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    Not sure about the test, but you can get your Willie to grow as an adult. With a regular PE routine no money,pills or drug just your hands and a few other things. Many people are non believers but I grew over 1.5 inch well into my 30s. It does work with a lot of patience and hard work.

    I also had very low test levels.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Hence the username

  19. #19
    Coolhand5599 is offline Member
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    accutally a few years back I made the final table four weeks in a row at the Sunday party poker millions game with over 3000 players. . That was a good year for me

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Ok coolhands then

  21. #21
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Ok, I'm really confused now. My T level was at 23ng and that was 16 days after my 100Mg shot. Now according to the lab my level was 636ng and that was 7 days after my 200Mg shot. WTF, does this make any sense? I don't feel any different. The lab was Quest Diagnostics. Also the doc was completely uninterested in my opinions and the stuff I showed him about Crisler's protocol.

    Month 1 - 100Mg Cyp - 23ng/dl (BW 16 days after)
    Month 2 - 200Mg Cyp
    Month 3 - 200Mg Cyp - 636ng/dl (BW 7 days after)

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    are you sure BOTH NG/DL not one ng/ml?

  23. #23
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    are you sure BOTH NG/DL not one ng/ml?
    Well regarding the 23 one, it said the reference range was ng/dl 250-1100. I'm confused.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoorahit View Post
    Well regarding the 23 one, it said the reference range was ng/dl 250-1100. I'm confused.
    well thats super low then

  25. #25
    Hoorahit is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    well thats super low then
    Yeah, I know that. Could this 636 ng/dl number be wrong? Do labs make mistakes with this stuff? I had the bloodwork done both times at Quest Diagnostics. The first time I had bloodwork done I requested a copy of it from the doctor and they mailed it to me. It came and it was a Quest Diagnostics sheet. The second time I had bloodwork done I didn't request it and when I went in to see the doctor he showed me it and it wasn't a sheet from Quest Diagnostics, but a sheet from their practice. Do you guys think it's possible this doctor is deceiving me? I had dropped off some information in an envelope before about TRT therapy and normal levels and Crisler's protocol and he pretty much completely dismissed everything when I saw him even though he admitted he hasn't been doing this long. I asked him if it would be good to have a full hormone panel and he said he could do that but it wouldn't matter because all he would do is adjust the dosage. I asked him if I needed to get injections more often and he said no because the ester is slow release...

    He wants me to get two more injections and then the day before my third get my bloodwork done and come see him again.
    Last edited by Hoorahit; 05-11-2012 at 04:55 PM.

  26. #26
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i'd say the 23 number was the figure to be looked at:

    either a missed shot, expired/bunk meds or something along those lines

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