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  1. #1
    rtert is offline New Member
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    Question confused on test results

    Im 38, talked to my VA doc about the issues I have been experiancing and she ordered some tests for low t. Ive been reading stuff for a week now all over the interweb but I think Im more confused now then when I started.

    total test - 4.84 ng/ml, ref range 1.68-7.81
    free test - 12.4 pg/ml, ref range 8.7 - 25.1
    TSH - 1.6 uIU/ml, range .34 -5.6
    PSA - 1.0

    She ordered the tests at my appt and I did lab after. Was around 3pm. These are all in normal range according to the lab results but from what I have read total seems sort of low but free is really low? I havent talked to my doc yet, Im not sure how to approach her when she calls and tries to throw some boner pills at me. Any help would be appreatiated.

  2. #2
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your test level in our units is 484 ng/dL is precisely on the edge where most clinicians would call it normal.

    If the VA is paying then you will probably have to live with it until the level dips into the 300s.

    For your age, you should be >600 according to this article:
    which was probably authored by someone pushing TRT.

    Offhand, the best solution would be for you to see a private doctor, or a TRT clinic if you want to realistically boost your test into ranges where it will be able to help many of the issues you may be having.

    edit: sorry, I didn't notice this was your first post: a hearty welcome, and I'm sure many of the guys here will be able to offer you even more advice!
    Last edited by ecdysone; 05-04-2012 at 07:22 PM.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    considering your age, numbers and time of test I wouldn't say you are necessarily low. I would certainly look at options other than testosterone first.

    you should get retested in the early AM before eating in 3 or 4 weeks if you're interested in pursuing this further.

    but quite frankly, I would probably look at other areas and put more energy into maximizing nutrition and reducing stress.

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Personally not seeing anything that's alarming on this one.

    The only thing we are learning about you from your first post is that you're 38. We're here to help, but just based on only knowing your age, and the limited amount of labs taken, there just doesn't seem to be too much to comment on. The doctor will probably say the labs are within range ...

  5. #5
    rtert is offline New Member
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    Sorry, some background. Disabled after 11 years in the military. Sat around and got fat for 10 years, got up to 260 and im 5'9. Started working out and eating clean about 14 months ago, nurtition is on track. Down to 185 now, BF around 17%. My prob is that while my lifts have doubled or more from when I started, I look pretty much the same size wise (lost most of the weight before starting weight training). I tried uping my calories for a couple months but only put on fat.

    I thought maybe it was my T cuz I have several of the symptoms, last couple months I crash around noon and can bearly keep my eyes open. I sleep 8-9 hours a night, no stress what so ever in my life.

    If it doesnt look like my test is off too much Id appreciate any other advice.


  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    do you have hobbies or things in general that you do for enjoyment?

    do you go outside daily?

    Did you happen to check vitamin D levels (25-hydroxy)?

  7. #7
    rtert is offline New Member
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    Yes I have several things I do to keep busy. I dont go outside much, I do sup vitamin D tho. When it warms up enuff to open my pool Ill get more sun. Only other lab work was the normal CBC and urine, I dont see D on there. Everthing was normal except my bad cholesteral was a little high, way lower then its been most of my life tho.

  8. #8
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    First, welcome and thank you for you service! Vette, correct not a whole lot to go on here, but the fact that you gained all that weight sitting around being lazy and then had the strength and desire to lose it says alot about your motivation and just you in general, congrats. whats holding you back, Depression issue's, a woman, employment??? Seems to me you would be full of energy and just excited in general with your body composition. Tech, you are not low T, but that doesnt mean you wouldnt benefit from getting your T into optimal ranges. You will prob need to find a clinic to accomadate you if you choose to go this route.
    Best of luck, keep all in the loop.

  9. #9
    rtert is offline New Member
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    Thanks, and none of that really. My motivation for marketing a change was a second divorce lol. Not interested in that kind if relationship and prob won't be for a long time, freakin hoes. I'm 100% with the va do money not really any kind of stress, my life is real good right now. Last summer I was really motivated and full of energy. Now I just feel tired all the time, I get up around 6am and by the time I'm done getting the kids off to school, working out etc etc it's noon and I feel completely drained physically and really sleepy. I'm usually asleep by 10pm, so it's not like u should be tired. That's what made me think test along with not gaining much muscle in the last year and all of my fat right at my waist. It could be I was overtraining, In the last 2 weeks I've cut volume way back and lift heavier, guess I'll see how that works.

  10. #10
    rtert is offline New Member
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    Hope that makes sence, my phone auto corrected a bunch ...

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Head over to the nutrition as well as the workout forums and post up. You'll get a lot of good responses there. And yes, thanks much for your service for all of us!

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