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  1. #1
    Trillion is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    How quickly can testosterone level fluctuate?

    Hi guys, I posted here a few months ago worried about a blood testosterone result of 473ng/dl (16.4nmol/L). I didn't really have any problematic symptoms at the time, I was just worried that was low. Fast forward about 5 months and I got a result of 19nmol/L, demonstrating that my T levels are increasing. I'm 20 years old, never done any form of steroids , and I've been getting more chest/leg/facial hair growth and I've noticed I've been a fair bit stronger lately too. Curiously, my sex drive has been so-so compared to that of a few months ago, but I think this is more down to my training regime (I find I'm more sexually driven after a week or so off from the gym). When I had the first blood test I was smoking about 10 cigarettes a day, and on the later one I've only been having between 3 and 7. I plan to stop.

    The reason I ask how quickly can the level vary is that I was sitting in a very busy waiting room, and as someone with social anxiety and agoraphobia to some degree (I don't get this in the gym - don't ask me why), I realise that this would likely elicit the response from my body to release cortisol, which I understand kills T levels. My prolactin also tested slightly over the limit at 374 (not sure of what unit) which I've read can be to do with stress too. I was worried that after my Triazole/DAA cycle my testosterone level had taken a hit as I got quite depressed following it, but I guess not.

    Could my t level still be increasing because I'm still developing? I'm 6' tall, around 187lbs with a bodyfat around the 15% mark. I still can't grow a full beard but have new bits appearing, same for my chest hair. I know there isn't a magical number when it comes to developing (my brother has full chest hair at 18 and more of a beard than me at 20), so could my increasing T level be a sign that I'm not done developing yet? It's still not quite where I'd like it, but at least it's improving. I didn't get the BEST night's sleep the night prior as I woke up feeling a little unrefreshed, but I did get around 8 hours. I think I woke up around 8am and had my blood test at 11-12AM after a LONG wait in the clinic surrounded by lots of people. Perhaps worth noting is that the first time I went for a blood test there was literally nobody around while I waited. I don't know if the presence of people around me in light of my anxiety affected my result one way or another.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    yes you could be developing and also you may never have optimal levels of T

    drop the nasty habit

    and keep working hard and eating right

    and keep checking your levels and monitoring symptoms, etc. just like your doing

    sounds as if you know what you are doing....if i remember correctly my beard took a while as well and/but i also did a cycle at an nice early age of 20(that gave me a nice bit of chest hair for sure...wasnt expecting that) dont do anything ill advised like that

    but keep us posted ...get with some good doctors

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