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  1. #1
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Gynecomastia Question

    So I'm 20 years old 6ft 174lbs and began taking trt injections in De***ber. Since then I have gained about 20 lbs most of it being muscle. The only area that I have gained fat accumulation is my chest, specifically my right chest. The rest of my body is very lean and striated. I do have a small lump under my right nipple and I know it was caused by high estrogen because initially I wasn't started on any AI. I have since gotten my estrogen under control and I'm aware that the lump is most likely permanent but is there any chance through a strict diet and exercise program I can reduce the fat in my chest? Thanks for any advice in advanced.

  2. #2
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Yes you can lower the fat in your chest which might help, but if there is fibrous breast tissue then losing fat won't get rid of it. But losing fat will absolutely help.

    Just look at any super lean woman who is a bb'er fitness athlete without breast implants. You'll have to search hard because they all get implants eventually. They basically end up with bad looking male gyno

  3. #3
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    This might be a stupid question but is fibrous breast tissue the lump that many men who have gyno get under their nipples? Or do some men get like actual breast tissue other than fat? Mine just seems to be a little fat and then a very small lump under the nipple.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Visit the AAS forum and there is a sticky that is basically everything you want to know about gyno. It will help you. Question though. Why are you on TRT at your age? Tumor, testical injury?

  5. #5
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Originally I was told it was a possible microadenoma on my pituitary after 2 MRIs and a 3 different drs opinions. All of them weren't very concerned with whats cause my issue they were just into writing scripts. Just recently I found a Dr who specialized in Low T with kids my age and she seems to think that the issue is with my hypothalamus from too much stress when I was younger. She said maybe from wrestling and cutting weight combined with some family problems I was going through when I was younger and some other additional issues could have caused it to shut down. She said similar to how female gymnasts stop getting their period. I also had a growth hormone deficiency when I was younger and had to take HGH so this seemed like a valid reason to me. This Dr seems to think there's a pretty good chance that she can get it to start working again. I think she said they stimulate it using GnRH. I have to go to a consultation in a few weeks with this Dr as well as the head of the pediatric endocrinology dept of the hospital and then I will find out more. It just sucks because just recently I was starting to feel better from the Test and now if I decide to follow through with this Ill have to come off it for like 3 or 4 months to see if they can get it to work.

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username1235 View Post
    This might be a stupid question but is fibrous breast tissue the lump that many men who have gyno get under their nipples? Or do some men get like actual breast tissue other than fat? Mine just seems to be a little fat and then a very small lump under the nipple.
    gyno presents in all sorts of forms. I got gyno puffiness on both my breasts but I only developed a lump under one breast... so go figure.

    It takes months for the new tissue to become fibrous, which is permanent. There is some pretty decent evidence in boys with recent gyno that using AI's like anastrozole or the SERM tamoxifen are efficacious. It must be treated early though or else the tissue is permanent sans surgery.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Op I understand the tumor thing. Got one. It sounds like your doc knows what's going on. I'd give it a chance. You really don't want to be on TRT at your age unless it's absolutely necessary. 60 years or so of shots, no way! In the meantime, read everything you can and educate yourself for the path that your on. Keep this post alive. We'd love to hear how your treatment goes.

  8. #8
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info guys! Ill be sure to keep you posted

  9. #9
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    So it is possible that stress during adolescence and/or puberty can cause a testosterone malfunction? Same for erratic weight loss?

    That would answer a lot of questions I have.

    Quote Originally Posted by username1235 View Post
    Originally I was told it was a possible microadenoma on my pituitary after 2 MRIs and a 3 different drs opinions. All of them weren't very concerned with whats cause my issue they were just into writing scripts. Just recently I found a Dr who specialized in Low T with kids my age and she seems to think that the issue is with my hypothalamus from too much stress when I was younger. She said maybe from wrestling and cutting weight combined with some family problems I was going through when I was younger and some other additional issues could have caused it to shut down. She said similar to how female gymnasts stop getting their period. I also had a growth hormone deficiency when I was younger and had to take HGH so this seemed like a valid reason to me. This Dr seems to think there's a pretty good chance that she can get it to start working again. I think she said they stimulate it using GnRH. I have to go to a consultation in a few weeks with this Dr as well as the head of the pediatric endocrinology dept of the hospital and then I will find out more. It just sucks because just recently I was starting to feel better from the Test and now if I decide to follow through with this Ill have to come off it for like 3 or 4 months to see if they can get it to work.

  10. #10
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Went to the Dr a few days ago and they took me off the testosterone cold turkey. The Dr seems to think there is a very good chance my body will start producing again on its own and he wrote me a script for blood work in 3 months. This Dr seems to think that I am just an extremely late bloomer and I never gave my body a chance to start fully producing testosterone on its own. I had asked if that was a possibility to the other 4 Drs ive seen and they all said no. However this guy a pretty highly respected Dr and this is kind of his specialty hes the head of pediatric endocrinology at Robert Wood Johnson so I trust his opinion. The Dr told me Im probably going to have a very shitty month or two coming off of this. Does anyone know how long until my testosterone is going to be at its lowest point? I'm pretty pissed as I would imagine the past year of training and putting on 30lbs of muscle is going to be wasted in 3 months.

  11. #11
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    it will probably take you about 3 months on average. it will probably suck. keep your head up.

    try to talk him into a short course (4 weeks or so) of clomid and/or low dose anastrozole. these are non-T methods that you can use to stimulate your boys and speed up the recovery and basically keep you from being a mental wreck/depressed.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^^Or HCG /Nolva. Your doc's should understand this!

  13. #13
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    ^^^^Or HCG/Nolva. Your doc's should understand this!
    that is very true! I believe, however, if you go to a doc (bear in mind they usually know so very little about male TRT) then they might scoff at HCG . my personal opinion would be that something like clomid probably has a better shot just because you can tell them to look into the literature and there is a lot on clomid in men.

    I talked to two doctors who absolutely refused to use anastrozole for no good reason. quite frankly, most docs probably only know it to be for women. it's so sad...

    and really I feel for people who are told to come off cold turkey. it's such a bad bad bad idea... there is another legitimate doc from MD magazine (think he's called the Anabolic Doc) and he talked about how early on he told people to come off cold turkey. after realizing this quite literally puts people into depression he cut it out. he told a story about one guy who was legitimately suicidal. that certainly doesn't happen to everyone, but the real take home here is that a short course of the right drugs have a very very good chance at softening the "blow" so to say of having the testosterone levels of a little girl!

  14. #14
    username1235 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice. Ill try to give my doctor a call and try to convince him. I do have some adex on hand already so I could possibly just self medicate until I run out in about a month. This is going to suck I was due for my injection on the 7th and already I feel like shit or maybe Im just psyching myself out who knows.

  15. #15
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
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    adex isn't going to really help, like they said, clomid or hcg /nolva also called tamoxifen .

  16. #16
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I would take the anastrozole if you have it, it will probably do the trick. it's potent and you could easily crush your estradiol to near 0 within a month on it. not that you want to do that, but it would prevent your gyno from getting worse almost for certain.

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