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  1. #1
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Dr. put me on testosterone cypionate

    I am 35 years old. I power lift. My total testosterone was 332 with the range being 348-1190. So Dr put me on 200Mg every two Weeks. Can I expect any strength gains from taking this?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, but your doctor does not understand the half life of cypionate . It's about 5-7 days. It peaks in your system in app 36 hrs. If you're self injecting you need to split it and inject 100mg every week. If not, the first week you'll feel fine but after that you'll start to crash and be lower than you were naturally. A nasty roller coaster effect, or so we call it here. Do not stay on that protocol.

    Take some time and read and re-read all the sticky threads at the top of this forum. Also go to Dr. Crislers web site at and scour that also. Educate yourself as much as possible and then you can approach your doctor for a better protocol and be able to back up your request if/when he questions your.

    Other than 332 T level, what other symptoms did you have? Have you cycled in the past? Any pre-trt bloodwork you can post?

    Also, welcome to the forum! Good people here. You can learn alot if you stick around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yes you can expect strength and gains; but understand what kel is telling you first and foremost.

    Every two week protocol could end up being torturous for you. Ask to self inject and weekly at 100mg.

    Get a copy of your blood work and post it here complete with ranges.

    Did your Doctor explain HPTA suppression/shut down when you start on a TRT protocol?

    Did he tell you TRT is for life?

    Did he explain the need for hCG and monitoring/management of E2?

    Study (not just read) everything kel told you and need to manage your own health.

    Post BW...and welcome tothe community my friend

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with above 2 weeks isnt best

    what were your recent gains looking like already?

  5. #5
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    If you were putting up good weight before TRT, then yes it will enhance it IMO. 2+ years in & I continue to get stronger on TRT. Would definitely divide the dosing as was mentioned above. (i.e. 50 mgs every 3-4 days). Good luck...

  6. #6
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Here is my blood work. Only symptoms I had was no energy. My lifts are 400 bench.

    Prolactin 6.6 ng/ml (4.0-15.2)
    Free Test 11.0 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)
    Ferritin, Serum 240 ng/ml (30-400)
    Thyroxine (t4) 1.22 ng/dl
    Total Test 332 ng/dl (348-1197
    TSH 3.710 uIU/ml (.450-4.5)
    Luteinizing Hormone (LH), S Prolactin 3.9 mIU/ml (1.7-8.6)
    Last edited by jaybigboy34; 05-14-2012 at 02:30 PM.

  7. #7
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Did he explain the need for hCG and monitoring/management of E2?

    No. I don't even know what hcg and e2 stand for. Can you tell me please?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaybigboy34 View Post
    Did he explain the need for hCG and monitoring/management of E2?

    No. I don't even know what hcg and e2 stand for. Can you tell me please?
    Read the sticky on "hCG and Pregnenolone".

    Read the sticky (all of them) "Before you start TRT..."

    This will help you in a tremendous way...when you're done you will know more than your Doctor.

  9. #9
    pregan is offline New Member
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    I inject twice a week to keep it more level, didn't like the once a week too much. Can't imagine every two weeks.

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaybigboy34 View Post
    Did he explain the need for hCG and monitoring/management of E2?

    No. I don't even know what hcg and e2 stand for. Can you tell me please?
    estradiol is also known as E2.

    at this point it sounds like you just need to get informed on some basics. get to reading !

  11. #11
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Ok so I read about hcg and pregnenolone, I only see this Dr every 6 months. Should I be ok not taking hcg until I see him in September?

  12. #12
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Jay, your doctor really needs to be more involved with you throughout this process. For starters, you need to run labs in six more weeks. Your TSH is high enough to suggest hypothyroidism. Other thyroid labs should be taken to fully assess. No E2, SHBG, IGF-1, DHEA? Not seeing til September?

    Sorry, but this doctor you're dealing with is just learning as he goes. Testosterone is only one (1) variable out of a multitude ... Hormone management needs to be considered across the board, upstream & downstream. As I've stated in my sticky, do it right the first time with your labs, and all of this will get dialed in sooner than later. Of course this will take the guidance of a good doctor to help get you on the right track.

  13. #13
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Man you all are scarring me to death. I thought having higher T would help, but reading about hcg and how important it is and how I may have hypothyroidism makes me think that taking the trt may not be good for me.
    Last edited by jaybigboy34; 05-14-2012 at 02:33 PM.

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Just be patient. TRT is not an instant fix. It takes time to "dial it in" and learn your body but it's a totally worthwhile journey. Far better than the opposite extreme of going through life at a young age with T levels sinking. I was at a 59 T level at one time for example! Listen to the advice above. If through bloodwork you came across some things that need fixing then it's actually a good start. Sure better than not knowing!

    Hang in there!

  15. #15
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    I think if you read between the lines of vettes post what he's saying is you most likely don't have the right Doctor.

    Without question Hypothyroidism is suspect. Elevated TSH and low T4 (need to see T3 & RT3) are markers for further testing and probably why you feel like you do.

    Remember, Hypothyroidism presents many of the same negative sides as Hypogonadism and why you have bouts of depression.

    Read the sticky on how to find a TRT Doc, kel lists the blood panels you really need for a full assessment.

    Go and see your Doc sooner and have a frank discussion with him, how you feel, what you've learned here and make a determination if he's the right guy for you or not.

    If not, read the sticky on how to find the right Doctor to get the right care (kel's post).

    Only you can manage your health care...learn and take control and you won't be scared to death...there are Doctors out there that can help you!

    IMO you need hCG . It's a wonderful peptide and does so many good things for men. Get on it!


  16. #16
    jaybigboy34 is offline New Member
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    Should I not take the shots for now?
    Last edited by jaybigboy34; 05-14-2012 at 02:34 PM.

  17. #17
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Jay, as GD indicated, my post is more tailored towards your doctor and the insufficient amount attention you are getting. If it got your attention to take a step back and re-evaluate a few things, then that actually makes me feel better. I went through hell when I first found out that I had low "T", because of the medical team I was working with. Call it gullible, I presumed the doctors, and especially the endo I got referred to knew what they were doing. I mean after all, they're doctors, part of an elite group of scholars that surely have all the answers to our health. They look you in the eye with full confidence and tell you the way it is ... They got to be right, don't they?

    As I dove into it, I discovered that doctors are probably more divided about treating HRT than anything else. The problem is if you ask your doctor, or any other doctor, they will tell you that "they're right!" I see protocols that are literally a night and day difference, they can't all be right can they? It took me eight months or so before I took control of my health and moved on to a clinic that specialized in this field. Years later, my GP even admitted to me that they are just not as advanced in this field as they should be. I won't even begin to tell you the horror stories with the endo they set me up with during that time ...

    Your best resource (IMO) at this time is this place! The great thing about it is that if you don't like my POV, that's cool, you have dozens of regular members here that have their own experiences, and surely you will form your own impressions when you get familiar with what others have had to go through on their journey. We come from all walks of life here ... Some old, some young, and from all over the world. You're still in the early part of this ... Learn, learn, learn! Knowledge will give you power. It just requires a little dedication & time, that I promise you.

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