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  1. #1
    viking88 is offline Associate Member
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    what is bio-identical ?

    i dont know if you remember me on here but i was suspecting some low t issues and got bloodwork done and it came back clear the problem is is that i was on swiftos gyno reversal protocol which makes you use nolva and i was using nolva up too 4 days before i got my blood work done

    so im going to get bloodwork done again and there is this clinic right by my house that does testosterone repla***ent therapy

    "We use testosterone cypionate, an injectable, bio-identical testosterone" (straight from their website)

    im just wondering what "bio identical" means, i read on another forum that they only use that term because of they dont want to scare the possible customers because steroids have a bad rap

    if it turns out that i do have low t and the nolva faked the results, would bio-identical testosterone cyp be a good option?

  2. #2
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    The phrase is just used to avoid the steroid bad rep I paid a clinic that advertised restoration of well being through the use of bio identical hormone therapy n got screwed, bio identical just means its identical to the hormones in your body.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-13-2012 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    there is nothing special about bio-identical. And I agree the wording many places use makes it very ambiguous...

    And really, they can use bioidentical testosterone and then they put it in an non-bioidentical carrier, so go figure.

    It's a marketing word.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Actually, there is some value in using bio-identical because it elminiates some really non-human forms of hormones. For example, the big issue with female taking the pill and the sides from that estrogen arose because the estrogen came from female horses. Yeah, pump a human full of horse estrogen that is a lot different than human estrogen and we are shocked there was problems.

    The "bio-identical" label is a selling point, but you want a hormone form that matches the human form as closely as possible. Technically, Test Cyp is not bio-identical because they shove the ester on there. I think the gel is the only truely identical testosterone available.

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