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  1. #1
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Allergic to testogel

    I developed what I thought was a head cold on my third week on testogel which as remained 4months later, doctor as confirmed its an allergy, never had an allergy before so I'm convinced its an allergic reaction to the gel.

    I haven't taken the gel in 4 days and I'm not going to take it any longer if I'm allergic to it, my whole face and nasal passages are swollen and I have a fever.
    I have an AI ordered in the post but I can't take this gel anymore, will the AI prevent me from crashing??
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-30-2012 at 06:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    How many sachets are you on a day mate? If your face is swelling and nasal passages are swollen stop taking it straight away and get an anti-histamine tab for a week. You should not crash from Testo-Gel I would not have thought but I could be wrong. Reason for me saying you wont crash is such a tiny amount is absorbed....Not like taking say 200ml of Cyp every 7 days so dont worry bud. The AI might increase your low Test anyway.....Could be happy days!

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    you will crash, do a propper pct to help get you back to your base line.

  4. #4
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Was taking 50mg sachets once a day which got my test up to 850. If I am allergic to the gel would I also be allergic to the shots?, I don't want to stop taking the gel but don't have much choice, day 5 of been off it and and starting to feel better.
    Really can't believe this situation, I started HRT for the overall well being benefits and been trying to get it to work for 4months and now I'm allergic to it, completely messed up.

    Definitely don't want to give up on this, just not sure what to do....

  5. #5
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    I would have thought it is something in the gel mate. I would see if your Dr will give you either Cyp' or Enth'. Try a very small dose of say Cyp' via SQ and leave it for 24 hours and see if you have a rash around that area or if you have had the same reaction to the gel as in your face swelling.....I cant see it happening myself but best to be on the safe side and do a very small dose. I wish Testo-Gel worked for me as it has done for you! My levels were 10.7 (In the UK so different way of doing levels but they vary from 8.2 - 35.5) My last bloods came back at 12.2.....This is 14 weeks on it, was rather sad as I need to be around 22-24.

  6. #6
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I think and hope your right Brick, sorry to hear your not getting the results your looking for.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 PM.

  7. #7
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Guys help me out here, I need to convince my doctor to prescribe me shots bear in mind this is not the same guy who prescribed the gel, so fill me in on HTPA supression and exactly what will happen from discontinuing TRT / crashing.

    Good news is after 6 days off the gel allergy is completely gone.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-21-2012 at 06:45 AM.

  8. #8
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    If 50mg of testogel one sachet a day got me from 21.3nmol/L to 29.5nmol which shot and dosage would keep me at 29.5?

    29.5nmolL being equal to 850 ng/dl, sorry to bump this but I need a legitimate reason for my doctor to prescribe shots so I need info on crashing and HTPA supression which after 4 months as to be happening by now.

  9. #9
    DanMan250 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    If 50mg of testogel one sachet a day got me from 21.3nmol/L to 29.5nmol which shot and dosage would keep me at 29.5?

    29.5nmolL being equal to 850 ng/dl, sorry to bump this but I need a legitimate reason for my doctor to prescribe shots so I need info on crashing and HTPA supression which after 4 months as to be happening by now.
    If you were at 21.3 nmol to begin with, why the heck were you prescribed TRT? I've never been as high as 21.3nmol, even in my early 20's.

  10. #10
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok I was prescribed tostran on Friday when I was asking for shots, he said gp's In Ireland are not allowed to prescribe shots which is probably bullshit but I can't exactly argue with the guy, tried looking for info on this online but can't find anything, so turns out I'm also allergic to this brand as well, if I'm allergic to two separate brands of gel is it more likely its the testosterone itself other then the ingredients in the gel?

    Right now, I have to take the gel once every 3 days and deal with the allergy so I dnt crash into depression, pain in the ass and my doctor just stopped showing up for work and the secretary doesn't know when he'll be back.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-28-2012 at 04:35 PM.

  11. #11
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to have bring this thread back up but if my Gp's not going to prescribe shots then my only other option for the time being is either the patch or the oral tablet/capsule, which of these is going to be more effective?
    Last edited by edmundo22; 05-30-2012 at 06:43 AM.

  12. #12
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Seriously need your advice on this guys, my face is currently swollen up as we speak, f:@k it Ill just get some anti-hystamines.

    Got he anti histamines been a couple hours not really doing anything, gunna try to get on the patch.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 06-01-2012 at 12:51 PM.

  13. #13
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone know if the patch is available in the UK or Ireland?, can't find the info online.

  14. #14
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Can't quite believe this but I'm allergic to injections as well, aw f*&k me..
    Last edited by edmundo22; 07-14-2012 at 04:55 PM.

  15. #15
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    What shot were you given mate and do you know what oil the gear was suspended in? The only other route is to take some Test in capsule form, cant think of the name of it now but they are 40mg tabs.

    Or something like Clomid or Tam's may keep you at a good level.

  16. #16
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Test Cyp Brick, really just can't believe it, waited months for this hoping it wd work out, no idea about the oil, didn't think whatever was in the gel wd be present in the shot. Maybe Clomid along with hcg , anyways completely n utterly bummed out...better yet try and isolate what it is exactly I'm alergic too between testogel tostran n test c.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 07-15-2012 at 05:36 AM.

  17. #17
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Would you guys think there would be less allergy with the shot seeing its only once a week compared to rubbing in the gel everyday?

    Just checked the only additives found in both injectables and gels is the alcohol used so could be the alcohol or the testosterone itself.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 07-15-2012 at 05:07 AM.

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Can't quite believe this but I'm allergic to injections as well, aw f*&k me..
    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Would you guys think there would be less allergy with the shot seeing its only once a week compared to rubbing in the gel everyday?
    I'm not sure I follow, did you try the shots? If not how do you know you are allergic? Many people get a rash from the gel and it's why they get the shots. If you are allergic to the shots then switch from Test E to Test C or vice versa to see if it's the same. If that doesnt work try to get your hand on Nebido, it's a little different yet and last longer. There is also the pellets. Other than that about your only optoin is to try HCG therapy to boost your test.

  19. #19
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Good news is the allergic reaction only seems to occur for 24 hours after injection, can deal with that once a week with anti-histamines.

  20. #20
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Does anyone know of injectable test that does not contain Benzyl Alcohol?

    This is driving me nuts.

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