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  1. #1
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    should i even start trt?

    I've been waiting to start a Test 400 and d bol cycle for quite some time now. Went to doctor to get some bw done beforehand to make sure everything is ok. Bw comes back and my test level is at 386. Doc now wants to put me on 200 mg test a week because he said my test level is on the lower end of the scale. What do you guys think? Thanks for your input
    WBC 6.9
    Rbc 5.17
    Hemoglobin 16.4
    Hematocrit 50.4
    Mcv 98
    Mch 31.7
    Mchc 32.5
    Rdw 13.1
    Platelets 224
    Neutrophils 55
    Monocytes 9
    Eos 1
    Basos 0
    Neutrophils absolute 3.8
    Lymphs absolute 2.4
    Monocytes absolute 0.6
    Eos absolute 0.0
    Glucose serum 69
    BUN 22
    Creatinine serum 1.08
    Bun/creatinine serum ratio 20
    Sodium 141
    Potassium 4.8
    Chloride 102
    Carbon dioxide total 24
    Calcium 9.7
    Protein total serum 7.0
    Albumin serum 4.7
    Globulin total 2.3
    A/g ratio 2.0
    Bilirubin total 0.7
    Alkaline phosphate, s 73
    Ast 21
    Alt 19
    Cholesterol total 133
    Triglyceride 73
    Hdl cholesterol 64
    Vldl cholesterol 15
    LDL cholesterol 54
    Testosterone serum 386
    Thyroxine 5.9

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I know it's a pain but we need you to edit your post and add ranges next to all the above. Then we can help better.

  3. #3
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    test result reference interval
    WBC 6.9 4.0-10.5
    Rbc 5.17 3.8-5.10 HIGH
    Hemoglobin 16.4 11.5-15.0 HIGH
    Hematocrit 50.4 34-44 HIGH
    Mcv 98 80-98
    Mch 31.7 27-34
    Mchc 32.5 32-36
    Rdw 13.1 11.7-15.0
    Platelets 224 140-415
    Neutrophils 55 40-74
    Lymph35 14-46
    Monocytes 9 4-13
    Eos 1 0-7
    Basos 0 0-3
    Neutrophils absolute 3.8 1.8-7.8
    Lymphs absolute 2.4 0.7-4.5
    Monocytes absolute 0.6 0.1-1.0
    Eos absolute 0.0 0.0-0.4
    Glucose serum 69 65-99
    BUN 22 6-20 HIGH
    Creatinine serum 1.08 0.57-1.00 HIGH
    Bun/creatinine serum ratio 20 8-20
    Sodium 141 134-144
    Potassium 4.8 3.5-5.2
    Chloride 102 97-108
    Carbon dioxide total 24 20-32
    Calcium 9.7 8.7-10.2
    Protein total serum 7.0 6.0-8.5
    Albumin serum 4.7 3.5-5.5
    Globulin total 2.3 1.5-4.5
    A/g ratio 2.0 1.1-2.5
    Bilirubin total 0.7 0.0-1.2
    Alkaline phosphate, s 73 25-150
    Ast 21 0-40
    Alt 19 0-40
    Cholesterol total 133 100-199
    Triglyceride 73 0-149
    Hdl cholesterol 64 >39
    Vldl cholesterol 15 5-40
    LDL cholesterol 54 0-99
    Testosterone serum 386 350-1200
    Thyroxine 5.9 .

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Rbc 5.17 3.8-5.10 HIGH
    Hemoglobin 16.4 11.5-15.0 HIGH
    Hematocrit 50.4 34-44 HIGH

    All the above are high. Start giving blood regularly, drink more water and take a baby aspirin before bed.
    Mcv (red blood cell volume) is borderline high. If your drinking a bit, slow it down but it could be other deficiencies, B12 vitamins, etc. Just google high mcv. Another possibility is anemia.

    BUN a bit high. I'd assume you take in a lot of protein so your kidneys are struggling a bit to. Urea is a by-product of protein. Drink more water to help alleviate this. Creatinine a bit high but the more muscle you have the higher it can be, or so I understand. Lipids look good. I don't see shbg, LH/FSH, E2 or thyroid panels. Those panels would give us more to work with.

    Assuming there was a previous cycle, did you do a proper pct and how long ago was it? Also, what are your stats? Age, BF, physical condition, etc. Need a little more info there before we can determine if TRT is warranted. We almost always advise do everything else first prior to TRT. Even ancillary therapy such as clomid, nolva, hcg , etc to jump start your system. Remember, trt is for life.

  5. #5
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    Never been on a cycle before. Wanted to start a cycle that's why I got bw done. Wanted to make sure everything was okay before starting cycle. I'm 29 years old bf last checked was 19. Use to weigh 211 at beginning of year now weigh 175. Lost a lot of weight from exercising and eating healthy. Been training for 4 years now but want to get bigger. Wanted to start a test400 and dbol cycle but doc said my testosterone level is avg but on lower end of scale. Do you think it's okay for me to start cycle?

  6. #6
    Bonedriven's Avatar
    Bonedriven is offline Associate Member
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    U got a good doc,got my blood test back and my levels were 375 and I am 36 years old doc told me my levels were low but in normal range and all was fine. 29 is young to have the level u have.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, at your age you really need to find out why your that low first, and straighten it out. Then if you choose to cycle so be it. I can't emphasize that enough. Find out why your low first! Really need to see the other panels, especially lh/fsh and thyroid. LH/FSH will tell us if your pituitary if functioning properly and thyroid panels will help as hypothroid will emulate low T. Remember TRT is for life. You are young! Don't force your hand, find the root of the problem.

    But, if your determined to blast every effort should be made to maximize natural gains first as well as get your BF% below 15. It all plays in to your end results. Plus for a first cycle it seriously should be test only. No need whatsoever to mix compounds. You can see great gains with just test. When your more experienced you can add more compounds and learn how they affect you as right now it's overkill. You also should have hcg during cycle and everything you need for pct (nolva/clomid) in hand before you start. Never start a cycle unless you can do it properly from start to finish. Ask your cycle question in the AAS forum too, you will see you get the same response.

    But, Like I said a couple paragraphs up, I highly suggest you find the cause first and go from there.

  8. #8
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    Thanks kelKel and bonedeiven for chiming in. Going back to the doctor tomorrow to get more be done. The bw test that I got done already are CBC with differential/platelet; comp. metabolic panel (14); lipid panel;Testosterone ,serum;prostate-specific ag, serum;thyroxine (T4). What test should I request for tomorrow morning when I go back?

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Look in the Finding a TRT Physician Sticky at the top of the forum for BW. A list is in there. Post up when you get your results.

  10. #10
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    Hey Kelkel, I just remembered i took some anavar years ago 5 plus years and i didnt do a pct. Do you think this has anything to do with the low test level? I just got more bw done will post results tomorrow or the next day. I really appreciate your help

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by disonegook View Post
    Hey Kelkel, I just remembered i took some anavar years ago 5 plus years and i didnt do a pct. Do you think this has anything to do with the low test level?

    I just got more bw done will post results tomorrow or the next day. I really appreciate your help
    With out question it's a possibility especially that you took it at a young age.

    How long have you been symptomatic of low Testosterone ?

    I hope that on this next BW you have more hormone and Thyroid panels.

    See the sticky on finding a Doc by kel at the top of the will see what is needed as you last set of panels lacked much.

  12. #12
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    thanks for respons gdevine. the blood work i got this morning will have more info on it. will post as soon as i get results. I been feeling fatigued for quite some time now but still manage to train everyday. This is my first bw in years so dont really know how long the low test been going on for. Only reason i went to doc to get bw was bc i wanted to start a test and dbol cycle and wanted to make sure my body was ok before i start cycle.

  13. #13
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    Just to make things easier for you when you post your blood work (assuming you don't post electronically) just post all hormone and thyroid panels with need for all the CBC and lipid stuff unless we ask for it later.

    Post when you get them and we'll jump in my friend!

  14. #14
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    thanks bro

  15. #15
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    test result finally came came back
    t3 uptake 42 24-39 high
    free thyroine index 2.6 1.2-4.9
    testosterone serum 382 348-1197
    testost., % free+ weakly bound 27.3 9.0-46.0
    testost., F+W Bound 104.3 40-250.0
    dihydrotestosterone 20 30-85 LOW
    cortisol 18.5 2.3-19.4
    prolactin 12.3 4-15.2
    estradiol 52.0 7.6-42.6 HIGH
    iron 177 40-155 HIGH
    shbg serum 17.1 16.5-55.9

  16. #16
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    i mentioned earlier i did do anavar for like 4 weeks years and years ago probably when i was 22 or 23 and never did a pct. Yes i was young and stupid. Please help.

  17. #17
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    anavar does not increase testosterone levels in your body and therefore it dose not suppress your natural testosterone . your problem seems to be thyroid, it would have been helpful if he did TSH. is your doctor planing to do an MRI for your thyroid? also elevated e2 can have a negative effect on your test levels which effects cortisol and prolactin as well, your iron is high! did you donate blood like Kel suggested?

  18. #18
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    Yes I did donate blood over the weekend. Tsh test? This morning when I got my bw result from doctor he told me to do test every week along with chrysin. But I want to hear everyone feed back before I start anything. How do I go abOut requesting MRI with my doctor? Just recommend it to him?

  19. #19
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    What causes high estradiol

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    MRI because you want to rule in or out Pituitary issues and find the root cause of your issues. High E can be caused by a myriad of both internal and external factors: Obesity, excess stomach fat (aromatase enzyme lives in skin with a high amount in abdominal fat,) excess alcohol consumption, anti-depressants and just us getting older. The list can go on....

  21. #21
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    MRI for thyroid? What's after that?

  22. #22
    disonegook is offline New Member
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    Should I go see a endocrinolOgist?

  23. #23
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by disonegook View Post
    Should I go see a endocrinolOgist?

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