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  1. #1
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Blast and Cruisers !!

    Hi Guys... 31yr old Male, 200lbs ~ 7%BF.

    I have been cycling for 6 years... well more blast and cruise for the last 4 years. Now I want to run a cycle again but it seems like if I get past about 100-150mg a week of TEST-C I develop gyno .

    I can only cruise around 75-100mg a week. I tried upping the dose, w/ novaldex and it keeps the gyno down but sex drive is dead.

    I tried going to about 250mg week test-c + 300mg EQ and had to use about 25mg noval ED for gyno but again sex drive dead.

    Almost anything I do past a really low dose of test is killing my sex drive. Im pretty in tune with how sensitive I am to gyno as to my estrogen levels.

    I tried to run Deca earlier in the year and dead sex drive as well.

    I had some blood work done when I was cruising at 100mg/wk about 7-8 months ago and my total test was 830 on a 200-900 scale and my free test was just over the top of the scale range.

    My SHBG is very low and always has been. Dr. never knows why but just makes me utilize my test VERY efficiently.

    Some time back I ran a 1/3 1/3 1/3 TESTC/EQ/DECA cycle (all 300mg/ml) and 2cc a week of all 3 total and loved it.

    Looking to do that again for summer but don't want to kill my sex drive again....

    thinking of getting off everything all together for a few weeks before I start, even my low dose test.

    OH. Also I am on 20mg Var ED 24/7/365.

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    Everyone is going to ask what your E2 levels are. I would suggest switching to Anastrozole instead of Nolvadex , especially for TRT.

  3. #3
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Estradiol levels or Estrogen? I think you mean Estradiol right? What does that effect in terms of sex drive? What works in regulating that?


  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Too high and too low E can have the same sides, with loss of libido being one of them. Nolva is a serm which only blocks E from binding to receptors in your chest area, which is great, but it does nothing to combat a rising E level. You need to get a sensitive E assay done asap to see where your at and then adjust from there with Anastrozole like EZ E said above. I can PM you the proper labcorp codes for it if that happens to be who you use.

    If your E is through the roof adding more test is just putting fuel on the fire. If your running Deca you should consider adding Cabergoline to the mix.

  5. #5
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Ahh... strange... my first cycle of 500mg test only I just used Noval/Tamox at 10mg a day and it was great. I (wow) didn't know that Nolva only blocks chest receptors I thought it was systemic. This could easily be the issue then. Since adding EQ still aromatizes about 25% thats still increasing estrogen too. I'll go ahead w/ starting my cycle with arimidex next week!

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    My bad ... I thought the thread said "Blast and Cougars".

    Carry on ...

    PS: Subscribed to the thread; mostly interested to see how the EQ goes for you. I've been hearing good things about it lately.

  7. #7
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    Are you a hrt'er ?

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I have used EQ in the past and I have loved it. My favorite cycle ever... (Ive done almost everything, Deca , Tren , Test(s), EQ, Mast, Winny, Dbol , Adrol, Var,) was a equal 1/3 1/3 1/3 TESTC/EQ/DECA. Great solid gains and almost no sides other than slightly increased acne. I used no AI's or anything else. Ive gone with big cycles 6-8cc/week and this I ran at 1.5-2cc a week.

    I would say yes I am a HRT'r. Self prescribed. My natural test was low and I have lots of Test on hand so why not always be on? Good article link on the AI. As soon as I get my Deca I am going to start this same test/eq/deca cycle.

    EQ has always been good to me in the past. Never caused me any problems. Even with Test/EQ alone.

  10. #10
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    sub'd for info as well.

    good luck on your next cyle bro. i'm confident the AI while doing it's job will assist you with your libido.

    question: if you don't mind me asking...what was the shortest/longest cycle that you used EQ? and at what amounts?

    thanks. and once again, good luck.

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    sounds like your e2 is high thats why you're sensitive to gyno. like Kel said, do an E2 test. what is your height BTW?

  12. #12
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I am 6'1. I will do a Test/E2/DHT test after i get on cycle again if I am having issues while running the AI. I have done a few EQ cycles. Shortest being 4.5 weeks (last time, I quit early) and I was seeing results already. Longest being 20 weeks and I loved it

  13. #13
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    With about 1mg of Anastrozole a week (divided doses) you should be able to cruise at around 150mg/week of test without issue. Of course everyone is different so confirm w/ bloodwork.

  14. #14
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    1mg a week? I used to do .5mg ED or EOD. At about 100mg a week I can get by with nothing usually.

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Always a plus if your able to get by without an AI while on TRT. I do also. Question, I just caught the last line of your post. Why var all the time?

  16. #16
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Just is very mild can be run long time, just like the extra lil boost

  17. #17
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    var has some nasty sides on the liver! have you checked your liver AST and ALT? var should only be cycled no more than two months at a time, and no more than twice a year.

  18. #18
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    Var is one of the mildest if not the mildest on the liver. Aids patients are on it 20+ years or more. What ar eyou basing this on. ive done a lot of reading on var. 20mg is low too.

  19. #19
    bass's Avatar
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    personal experience, twice! i was on 50 mgs ed split into two doses for one month and my liver enzymes more than doubled, my blood pressure went through the roof. its not just me, others have experienced the same thing. what dose are you on?

  20. #20
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    20MG ED split into two doses. occasionally 30mg on work out days... My BP is perfecto.

    havent checked liver enzymes too recently but about 9 months ago they were fine.

    Been on this for about 14 mo? What else were you on? You sure that wasnt Winny someone gave you instead?

  21. #21
    bass's Avatar
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    no it was var, i think i was on my TRT protocol at the time, or maybe i was blasting i don't remember, i posted about it here but have to look for it. well 20 mgs ed may not do much to your liver or BP. are you happy with that dose, do you think it makes a difference?

  22. #22
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I really felt like it was making a difference in just over my TRT dose. Off research var is supposed to be the mildest. I know they use it long term for Aids and such even. My BP was high on Tren but nothing else ever. After a long cycle I did have to give blood once cuz my RBC was way too high.

    Its hard to say right now. My workouts have been minimal at best. pushups/pullups, few dumbbells... Im shrinking.... time to hit a cycle and go hard for summer. Been a hard work year this year.

  23. #23
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I'm with you bass, it just doesn't agree with my enzymes, and then my BP gets mean and ugly. I even though taking a little doxacard would help, which maybe it did a little, but not enough.

    I think it's just a case by case situation. There's plenty that can do real well with it, then others seem to get negative sides, even though by nature it's a pretty mild oral. Having elevated ferritin for most of my life has also probably put some strain on my organs (according to my PCP), so that could factor just the same. What I really, really want is my clinic to get back into the Liquid Anavar , which was available until last year. Avoid that first pass with it, like Deca , and I think life will be just fine!

  24. #24
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    you got that right Vette! i know var profile states being the most mild steroid , but mild compared to what?! just because its mild compared to other oral steroids doesn't mean it doesn't cause damage at high doses. maybe at low doses like 20 mgs ed is okay, but at cycle doses... who knows!

  25. #25
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    100 mg test a week my e2 went up to 56 (9-46) range ?

    Added .5 mg ldex from board sponsor and it dropped to 7. Cutting back to .25 mg a week or I just skip a week depending how I feel.

    Bw will tell you how your body responds.

  26. #26
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    I am 6'1. I will do a Test/E2/DHT test after i get on cycle again if I am having issues while running the AI. I have done a few EQ cycles. Shortest being 4.5 weeks (last time, I quit early) and I was seeing results already. Longest being 20 weeks and I loved it

    im always interested in eq cycles as there is always so much controversy and conflicting stories over that compound.

    fyi, currently on trt and will be doing another blast shortly.

  27. #27
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I dont know why there is controversy on EQ. I love it. Mild deca with no progesterone and better pumps.

    GFA- You were just taking .5mg of arimidex one time a week? I thought arimidex had a half life that was quite short? I think I have been over lowering my E2 on Adex when I try it as well.

    Being in the middle of that estrogen range is good.

    Were you doing blood or saliva tests? I think I'll get a few saliva tests to save time here this time.

    PS - I stopped Test for the last two weeks (nothing but Var 20mg ed still) and my sex drive is climbing everyday. Probably due to E2 dropping.

  28. #28
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    How important is it to wait to blast till your BF is lower? Is 20% really too high to blast if your bloodwork looks good? No high BP etc. I want to do test only, well hcg and ai. At 200 mg a week my e2 gets slightly elevated without ai. was thinking I could do 600 mg a week since 200 barely gets me to top of total test range. And do .5 mg ai, ramp it up as i would use test cyp, and then ramp it down after go back to trt amount, I know some people use much higher ai amounts, but I dunno if I need it, of course could do blood work mid cycle to see whats going on, might be worth the 60 bucks or so to see e2.

  29. #29
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i don't see why you can't blast! just make sure you eat clean to avoid putting on fat. how long you're planing to blast?

  30. #30
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    12 weeks honestly, unless I stop making gains after week 9 or 10. But since it takes a few weeks to really start making gains with cyp and to reach max levels, i want to prolong as long as I can.

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