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  1. #1
    curryman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2011

    Need help dialing in my HCG Mono!

    Currently secondary hypo which was confirmed by Clomid as well as bloods. I started back on HCG Mono @ 500 IU twice a week with no AI about 8 weeks ago.
    Previously, I was doing HCG mono at 500 IU twice a week WITH 0.5 mg arimidex twice a week. Bloods indicated an E2 of 7 (3-70). I was advised to STOP the AI completely and recheck bloods later for Total T and E2 levels.

    Now, 8 weeks later, bloodwork shows a total T of 686 (350-1200) and E2 of 29 (3-70).
    My main concern now is getting total T towards the higher-normal range and keeping E2 between 20 and 30 (baseline e2 of 25).

    Should I add a 3RD injection of 500 IU HCG to boost the T up to around a 1000? Also, considering that my E2 did not skyrocket after 8 weeks, should I stick with a maintenence dose of 0.25 mg/week?

    My protocol would be:

    Mon- 500 IU hcg , 0.25 mg AI
    wed-500 IU hcg
    fri-500 IU hcg

    Goal: Total T: 900-1000
    E2: 20-25

  2. #2
    oscarjones is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Things look decent. Have you considered just going onto TRT?

    Would like to see SHBG and free total testosterone , LH and FSH wouldn't hurt.
    Last edited by oscarjones; 06-07-2012 at 05:24 PM. Reason: More

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Yes, I would stick with a maintenance dose of .25mg/wk. Run another E2 lab in 4 weeks if you can to see if it's sustained.

  4. #4
    curryman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2011
    Okay, ill stick with 0.25mg/week to maintain. But as far as the HCG , should I add in an additional 500 IU shot in the week?

    My guess is that it would allow total T to reach high-normal levels as well as maybe raise e2 a little, although my E2 lab result shows not much of a e2 jump after 8 weeks of no AI. Doesnt seem like Im a strong converter.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    No, I'd just leave it where it's at and shoot for that near 700 serum score. It should make it easier to achieve homeostasis and sustain overall balance by keeping things in a moderate range.

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