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Thread: New To TRT

  1. #1
    Theshaolin1 is offline New Member
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    New To TRT

    Hey Everyone
    28 5 "11 200pds 12-15% body fat guessing closer to 15%
    Been muay thai kickboxing for 15 years, mma 8 years, weight lifting on and off 10 years
    Current work out routine 2x per week weights 2x per week cardio
    Current diet is fairly clean sample of today's

    Never done any AAS ever period

    Went to Anti Aging doc 2 weeks ago looking to get hgh for fat loss mood muscle and libido increase help sleeping ect
    Got blood work done can provide more stats if needed heres the stuff he went over with me theres lots more on the lab though

    Free test 6.55 range3.84-34.20 low?
    test 399 doc says low?
    chol 198 norm
    trig 182 high 0-150
    hdld 29
    ldld 159
    vldlc 36 high 3-35
    hdl 6.9 high 00-3.6
    t4 1.04
    t3 5.5 high confirmed test !!!!! 1.8-4.2
    t3 reverse 23 range 11-32
    igf1 204 117-329
    tsh 2.67 0.40-4.0
    cortisol 29.4 high 4.6-20.6
    dihydrotest 15 25-75 low
    estradiol 20 0-56
    igfbp-3 3.2 low range 3.5-7.6

    So after the discussion the doc recommended not to take hgh but to take

    test 100mg per week
    nandronol 100mg per week
    hcg .33 cc 3 times a week
    HMG-t3 5mcg 1st 10 days 10 mcg 2nd 10 days 25mcg 3rd 10 days DONT UNDERSTAND WHY HES GIVING ME THIS WHEN MY T3 LEVEL SEEMS HIGH????????

    Did first injections there at the office with supervision being my first time.
    Didnt do as much research on aas as i did hgh kinda sprung on me quick and I trust his opinion would love to hear yours though

    Any help and knowledge is much appreciated let me know if any more info is necessary thanks
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  2. #2
    Theshaolin1 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    Its Been 32 hours since first injection
    Testes seem sore
    erections are frequent and sex performance feels up(maybe its in my head)
    24 hours after gym my muscles feel super super super sore( not a bad thing just more than normal)
    Really hungry really thirsty
    Overall feel good

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Last edited by zaggahamma; 06-08-2012 at 01:01 PM.

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    how did you feel about the visit over all?

    were you looking to use nandronol? also, what did he explain to you about this drug and why he prescribed it?

    give it all some time too, because TRT success is not measured in days or weeks, but months for most people!

  5. #5
    Theshaolin1 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    how did you feel about the visit over all?

    were you looking to use nandronol? also, what did he explain to you about this drug and why he prescribed it?

    give it all some time too, because TRT success is not measured in days or weeks, but months for most people!

    Thanks for the reply

    NO i was not looking for any of this i was originally looking for hgh
    he explained nandronal would help with some masculine help muscles boners fat loss
    Feel good just scared new to all this

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    At 28 to be this low is a bit concerning don't you think?

    Lifestyle could be a contributor...

    Did he diagnosis you are Primary or Secondary?

    Did you get your LH/FSH tested? If so, can you please post with ranges.

    Your testes shouldn't hurt this early in and with the use of HCG you shouldn't see much if any change.

    Your feeling like you do because your body (brain) is reacting to the increase in androgen levels. This can come in the form of increased dopamine levels but that will level off soon enough.

  7. #7
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Just an observation but at age 28 your lipid panel looks somewhat ugly. LDL and Trig way too high Hdl too low

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    At 28 to be this low is a bit concerning don't you think?

    Lifestyle could be a contributor...

    Did he diagnosis you are Primary or Secondary?

    Did you get your LH/FSH tested? If so, can you please post with ranges.

    Your testes shouldn't hurt this early in and with the use of HCG you shouldn't see much if any change.

    Your feeling like you do because your body (brain) is reacting to the increase in androgen levels. This can come in the form of increased dopamine levels but that will level off soon enough.
    I agree. 399 is low for your age and so is the free, but without knowing shbg and lh/fsh levels, along with your high cortisol and low e2, I might guess lifestyle too. What time of day did you have your B/W done and what was your couple of days and nights like before the draw?

    What did he say about the T3 number????? Looks like you got what you wanted though.

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