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  1. #41
    APIs's Avatar
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Nice pic bass, you look good. What's your weight/height? I'm jealous - My guns are almost 20 inches, but I don't have your definition :-( Genes are everything I guess lol...

  2. #42
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    thanks AP! i am hovering at about 202 lbs still about 18% BF according to the monitor, i am 5'9". my goal this summer is to hit 15%, so we'll see.

  3. #43
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Keep in mind that when supplementing with Vitamin D it's important to have good levels of Magnesium. Low Magnesium can lead to a low calcium level that's resistant to vitamin D and parathyroid regulation. Kind of another "catch-22" since calcium absorption is dependent on vitamin D. I'm going to be supplementing with both calcium and vitamin D together from now on.

  4. #44
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Interesting info on the magnesium ^^ Thanks!!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I'm running my D lab tomorrow, permitting no further airport hiccups from a f'd up week so far! Like Kelk, I've been taking Drisdol 1x per week. We'll see if it did the trick soon enough ...
    Vette, when you post the V. D results please post your intake protocol as well. looking forward to it.

  6. #46
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Bass, it's 50,000iu x 1/wk. I should have the lab result over the weekend. I will post my lab from Feb (pre-treatment) against the current one for comparisons.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    Keep in mind that when supplementing with Vitamin D it's important to have good levels of Magnesium. Low Magnesium can lead to a low calcium level that's resistant to vitamin D and parathyroid regulation. Kind of another "catch-22" since calcium absorption is dependent on vitamin D. I'm going to be supplementing with both calcium and vitamin D together from now on.
    That's interesting... I'm sure they are all interconnected to some degree. There are quite a few vitamin D supps out there with added calcium too.

    As for magnesium, it's actually one of the few supplements I take in addition to vitamin D. I don't take calcium but I used to drink a ton of milk!

  8. #48
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    damn! ive been taking manganese in error!

  9. #49
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    OK, as promised, my lab finally came back and my. Vitamin D is now at 69. It was 28 back in January. Again, taking Drisdol 50,000iu x 1/wk. Always a little light headed with it at first, but nothing too extreme. Guess I can live with that number!

  10. #50
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Nice. Curious if it will continue to rise or remain there.

  11. #51
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    thanks for the update Vette, thats a nice number. when was your previous test done?

    Kel, i just did a test and waiting for the results, i did however back off a bit, i was doing 10,000 iu ed, after my last test i was at 97 so i backed off to 10,000 eod, so we'll see what this test shows!

  12. #52
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Subscribed Bass!

  13. #53
    Indymuscleguy's Avatar
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    I am Post-Graves Disease patient here and also lost the battle with Ulcerative Colitis and have an internal J-Pouch. We thought I was heading into another auto immune disese when I developed severe joint pain. I was placed on Humaria for 9 months and it worked for a short-while but it was then discovered my Vitamin D level was 'critically low' Now, I didn't see the actual value but I was prescribed 50,000IU of Vitamin D (D-3 I believe) and it was raised to 50,000iu twice per week. My joint pain is COMPLETELY GONE. I can't stress enough to people to get a vitamin D lab value checked if they are having joint issues.

  14. #54
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    thanks for the update Vette, thats a nice number. when was your previous test done?
    I took the initial lab back in January.

    I met with my doctor today, and she pulled me off the Drisdol. She said my base is built up and I can continue to maintain it with the OTC liquid D that I was taking prior to the script.

  15. #55
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    That's awesome Indy! Happy for you.

  16. #56
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    Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 101 High ng/mL 30 0-100.0

    WOW, i didn't expect this! this is cutting back 1/2 of what i was taking! i was on 10,000 ed then switched to 10,000 eod, and still going up. I'll cut back more especially now that summer is here.

  17. #57
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 101 High ng/mL 30 0-100.0

    WOW, i didn't expect this! this is cutting back 1/2 of what i was taking! i was on 10,000 ed then switched to 10,000 eod, and still going up. I'll cut back more especially now that summer is here.
    Good job!

  18. #58
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Just got my results from a recent blood test.

    OLD: VitD,25-Hydroxy Tot 20 30 - 100
    Collected: 5/9/2012 8:38 PM

    New: VitD,25-Hydroxy Tot 40 30 - 100
    Collected: 7/28/2012 1:25 PM

    Looks like I doubled it by taking 50,000 UI once a week and then taking 2000-4000IU OTC on the "off" days.

    I could still double it again and be in range. I'm out of the prescribed 50,000IU so I think I'm going to buy 5000 IU and take twice a day. What do you guys think of that plan?

  19. #59
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    all you need is OTC cheap bottle of vitamin D. i was 32 on scale of 30-100, taking 10,000 iu tiny gelcap eod put me at 101.

  20. #60
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    I personally take ZMA (450mg of Magnesium) with 5,000iu of Vitamin D before bed. And the same in the morning.

    "We know, that vitamin D to get absorbed in the bloodstream requires magnesium to convert it into its active state, and it is also a fact that vitamin D blood levels will fail to rise in those who are already magnesium deficient, irrespective of their vitamin D consumption. Therefore, it becomes important to study vitamin D magnesium interrelationship. The vitamin D magnesium relationship can be easily understood from the following:

    In order to convert into its active form, vitamin D uses magnesium as a medium and gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Magnesium is also an essential element to help the conversion of vitamin D to its active state."

  21. #61
    xtitan1's Avatar
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    My D,25 Levels (30-100 reference):

    4/15/2010 12.3 ***started 1000IU D3 daily
    5/24/2010 21.7 ***changed to 5000 IU D3 daily
    6/29/2010 32
    10/8/2010 29
    12/9/2010 29
    6/22/2011 27
    1/26/2012 24.9

    I've been taking 5000 IU daily since that second blood test. I asked my Doc about Drisdol but he said he never heard of it. He recently sent me the B/W orders for a whole load of tests and I will re-visit the issue when we go over the results.

    I don't want to derail the thread but I thought I would throw this idea out there. My Doc is an integrated medicine guy and is really into the whole chronic Lyme disease thing. I had straightforward positive Lyme tests and the rash in '06 and took antibiotics, but this guy doesn't think it was enough and now the Lyme disease is attacking my pituitary and low D,25 levels with high 1,25 levels are indicative of the disease (my most recent 1,25 was 68.8 ref range 10-75).

  22. #62
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012 View Post
    Just got my results from a recent blood test.

    OLD: VitD,25-Hydroxy Tot 20 30 - 100
    Collected: 5/9/2012 8:38 PM

    New: VitD,25-Hydroxy Tot 40 30 - 100
    Collected: 7/28/2012 1:25 PM

    Looks like I doubled it by taking 50,000 UI once a week and then taking 2000-4000IU OTC on the "off" days.

    I could still double it again and be in range. I'm out of the prescribed 50,000IU so I think I'm going to buy 5000 IU and take twice a day. What do you guys think of that plan?
    I did exactly what you want to do and brought my number to 90s. 5000 IU with breakfast and then with dinner. I didn't bother with Rx vitamin D because apparently it's not even the preferred vitamin D form for the body, and also because vitamin D over the counter is cheaper.

    Once I got my level high I switched to 5000 IU once daily with breakfast. I don't know how my levels are at this point because I'm waiting some months to re-test.
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    all you need is OTC cheap bottle of vitamin D. i was 32 on scale of 30-100, taking 10,000 iu tiny gelcap eod put me at 101.
    I took the same thing. My level was in the 90's. I got the 5000 IU gels from walmart. Cheaper than a monthly $10 copay. One bottle is 250 pills I believe and its under $15.

  23. #63
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    Thats where i got mine too!

  24. #64
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    I was taking 6 a day and tanning and I was at 87 level,

  25. #65
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys! I got the 5000ui ones from Amazon and will be taking 1 at breakfast and 1 and dinner. How long should I wait before retesting?

  26. #66
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    3-6months is what I went with. Not sure how long I will wait to retest now that I dropped to half dose. Probably 6 months.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice2012 View Post
    Thanks guys! I got the 5000ui ones from Amazon and will be taking 1 at breakfast and 1 and dinner. How long should I wait before retesting?
    I wouldn't re-test "just" for D. Wait until your doing other BW too. You know it's going to go up! Mine went from less than 25 to around 80 when I tested 3 months later.

  28. #68
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    hey guys ive a good update just had bloods an was quite suprized with the outcome
    TT ( 9.2 nmol) (8.3-30.2)
    SHBG(26 nmol) (13-71)
    FREE T(174 pmol) (225-725)
    FSH(2-iu/L) 1-10
    LH( 1-iu/L 1-10

    3 WEEKS AFTER on 15000iu's of d3 ed an 2000iu's ed of vit E and the last week introduced nolvadex 20mgs ed
    TT (14.3
    SHBG (18
    FREE T (400
    FSH (3
    LH( 4

    as u can see the vit d has lowered my shbg considerbly an givin me some more free t an am getting good night wood during the night

  29. #69
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    that's awesome, however you are still low on LH and FSH.
    Last edited by bass; 09-03-2012 at 10:20 AM.

  30. #70
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    That is great improvement! LH aspect does't appear that bad IMO though. Average labcorp range is 1.7 to 8.6 so if that's a 4 and not .4 your basically mid range now. I'm curious now what the nolva will do for you now after some time as it's really had no time for a positive effect as yet.

    Nice work. Let us know how your next BW comes out please.

  31. #71
    jwh7699 is offline Member
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    Good to hear shorty09! Good Luck!!

  32. #72
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    Did anyone have thier calcium levels checked after they brought up their vit D levels? I've been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism, calcium only at top of normal range 10.3, but PTH level is 131 and the normal range is 10-30. The endo I saw wants to test vit D and bring that level up,if low,hoping to bring my calcium up as well to verify I have a parathyroid problem. The prob I have with this is I can't get back in just to go over test for another month. I had a feeling this might happen so I had my MD send all my stuff to a university that has a parathyroid dept. I've been scheduled for a bone density scan and did the BW for the vit D yesterday so should have results soon. So if anyones calcium level went up with their vit D level please chime in.

  33. #73
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    Don't recall that I did but will check on my upcoming BW. D will bring your calcium level up. Tons of info on it:

  34. #74
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    Ive been off D for about 3 months(getting a lot of sun though). Tested last month, at 47. Happy to hear a somewhat normal level without a supp, looks like ill go back on the 10,000 iu again and see if I can get it in the 90's.

  35. #75
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    just did a complete male hormone panel including vitamin D, I will post the results when I get it and see if my calcium has changed from last blood work.

  36. #76
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    as promised!

    Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 87.0 ng/mL 30.0-100.0 (at 10,000 ius eod)

  37. #77
    Jake14 is offline Junior Member
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    What level of Vitamin D, 25- Hydroxy do people shoot for?

    I am now at 53.0 ng/mL 30.0-100.0 at 6000 ius a day. Before supplementing I was at 21.


  38. #78
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    I would think 70 and up but not above 100.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jake14 View Post
    What level of Vitamin D, 25- Hydroxy do people shoot for?

    I am now at 53.0 ng/mL 30.0-100.0 at 6000 ius a day. Before supplementing I was at 21.

    I'm going to aim for just 75-100 for now. If I see any promising evidence about going beyond 100 it could sway me. But right now it seems that getting to just 75 is associated with strong positive benefits compared to being so dismally low like I was and many others.

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    I'm going to aim for just 75-100 for now. If I see any promising evidence about going beyond 100 it could sway me. But right now it seems that getting to just 75 is associated with strong positive benefits compared to being so dismally low like I was and many others.

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