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  1. #1
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    sensitive nipples

    I have been on 200mg per week of test cyp for a couple of months now. Over the last couple of days, my shirt has started to bother my nipples. I have some Nolvadex on hand, but do I need Aromasine instead? Im seeing some nice changes in my body and I would like to keep on trucking.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Either that or Anastrozol. Nolva is a SERM and will do nothing to stop your E from rising. It just blocks E from binding to chest receptors. AI during cycle/TRT and nolva for PCT/fresh gyno issues. Get your doc to write you if possible. If Anastrozole I'd suggest .25 x 2 per week and titrate up if needed based on BW. It has a 46 hr half life. You can also visit the site sponsor Ar-r and order it for research. You'll have it in 2-3days, no problem.

    If it's going to be a while before you can get on your AI it won't hurt you to jump on some Nolva. Maybe 40mg for a couple days then drop back to 20 per day. Read this:

  3. #3
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    ^^^^What the wise man said...get BW first so you can calc dosage rate.

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
    I have been on 200mg per week of test cyp for a couple of months now. Over the last couple of days, my shirt has started to bother my nipples. I have some Nolvadex on hand, but do I need Aromasine instead? Im seeing some nice changes in my body and I would like to keep on trucking.
    sensitive and/or itchy nipples is the classic symptom of early gyno formation. I would take the nolvadex at 40mg until Sx subside then taper off. of course, you will need to do something to lower your overall e2 conversion for the long term.

    you can do this via other methods. 200mg is a very high dose for TRT. what's your T look like on that? you could and, dare I say, should drop it (presuming your T ends up in a good range). very few people actually need that much T injection.

    also, you could try splitting the dose into twice weekly. other methods include, losing body fat, natural AI such as chrysin with bioperine, DIM, grapeseed extract, and some others. probably wouldn't hurt to take zinc as well.

    if this fails, then consider a more powerful AI like aromasin or anastrozole. but really, it took you 8 weeks to get the sensitive nips so you are not a super active converter to e2. it took me like 2 weeks on 100mg to get nice perkies, lol.

    it comes down to this... would you rather spend the rest of your life on an herb (if it gets the job done) or anastrozole? that's easy for me, especially considering that herbs like chrysin and GSE have been shown to have anti-cancer and other health benefits.

  5. #5
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the replies. I had BW returned just last week. My estradiol was 57 PG/ML and the range was <=63. My total test was 1083 and the upper range is like 850. I had started another thread titled My Bloodwork Numbers which has some other information as well. My TRT doctor was okay with all the numbers he saw. My initial test value was very low. Could this be the reason for the weekly 200mg

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Could be Mike. Most docs like to start low and move up based on BW. But we do still see a good amount that seem to start high for unknown reasons. Really no need to slam it into high gear, so to speak. Slow and steady wins this race. Still, if you lower your E your T will adjust up. So work on lowering you E then you can titrate down a bit on your T dosage. Then HCG and another adjustment.........It takes a while. Be patient.

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
    Thank you for the replies. I had BW returned just last week. My estradiol was 57 PG/ML and the range was <=63. My total test was 1083 and the upper range is like 850. I had started another thread titled My Bloodwork Numbers which has some other information as well. My TRT doctor was okay with all the numbers he saw. My initial test value was very low. Could this be the reason for the weekly 200mg
    Definitely need to get this E2 down. IMO, your protocol is too high for starters. Unless you have a really low T score (and I don't think you do), 1083 serum isn't a healthy LONG-TERM protocol.

    I would suggest getting Anastrozole, or Liquidex from our sponsor, and run .25mg x 2/wk as Kelkel suggested, or possibly even x 3/wk, and run another set of labs in 4 weeks. If you can cut your test dosage down to 120mg or so, and possibly get your serum around 700-800, you will be able to adjust your AI down a bit too.

    I would only go with 20mg/day (that's just my experiences) on the Nolva to mitigate the sensitivity with the receptor sites. If you can get on a AI protocol with it, you shouldn't need the Nolva for very long at all (possibly 1 week), as things will begin to normalize fairly quickly once you start to reverse the direction of your E2.

  8. #8
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
    Thank you for the replies. I had BW returned just last week. My estradiol was 57 PG/ML and the range was <=63. My total test was 1083 and the upper range is like 850. I had started another thread titled My Bloodwork Numbers which has some other information as well. My TRT doctor was okay with all the numbers he saw. My initial test value was very low. Could this be the reason for the weekly 200mg
    if your numbers were above range I would have to wonder why your doc is perfectly ok with that....

    did he START you on 200mg test per week? are you going to a clinic by chance?

    for what it's worth, if you are just starting out and your estradiol is that high and your dose is PROBABLY too much then I think you are setting yourself up for definite high estradiol symptoms.

    subjective well being is important to be sure, but so is long term safety. if your trough number is 200 units above range, then you are basically living at "steroid " doses, as much as I hate to use that word.

  9. #9
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    Yes, he started me at 200mg per week and I am going to a clinic called Lifetime health in Lakeway, Tx. I am seriously considering changing clinics, bec these guys seem more interested in selling supplements than in their patients health. I heard through the grapevine that the physician there is under medical review. Going to another clinic is more up front money and this stuff isnt cheap, and none of these places will run it through your insurance, so it comes out of pocket.

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AustinMike View Post
    Yes, he started me at 200mg per week and I am going to a clinic called Lifetime health in Lakeway, Tx. I am seriously considering changing clinics, bec these guys seem more interested in selling supplements than in their patients health. I heard through the grapevine that the physician there is under medical review. Going to another clinic is more up front money and this stuff isnt cheap, and none of these places will run it through your insurance, so it comes out of pocket.
    find a new place. no legitimate doctor who knows what he is doing starts someone on 200mg. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, a worthless doctor or anything other than he is not the expert in male TRT that you want treating you for life.

    Also, do you have insurance? I was scared away from clinics because they seemed far more interested in selling drugs than anything else. Just not my personal cup of tea.

    I see that you are relatively close to both san antonio and Austin. Both of these cities would probably have a medical school (total guess) and if you have insurance I am just guessing that you can find a good doc that knows more about TRT and is willing to help you medically in the fashion that you want and need.

    Honestly, in the mean time, IF IT WERE ME, I would lower my dose. Gyno scares me I will be honest. It crept up on me twice now. If you are getting symptoms and I was you, I would cut my dose in half and take it from there. if everything is okay, and no gyno Sx then considering upping the dose, but I wouldn't go near 200mg unless my bloodwork was showing me that I was a hyper-excreter or something that indicates I actually need so much T.

    As I said before, numerous good docs have said that their upper limit for TRT is 200mg per week. beyond that, T is not your main problem!

  11. #11
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    I found a doctor here in Austin that specializes in TRT and will run it through my insurance. Im going to see him in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully this guy will have a better handle on things.

  12. #12
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    Okay guys, my rats took their first dose of Liquidex yesterday. So you guys recommended giving this to my rats 2X or 3X a week, right? That was at .25ml per dose? Should my rats look less puffy, harder,etc?

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    .25 probably will work fine, like stated above. BW is the key. Yes, less puffy in time.

  14. #14
    AustinMike is offline New Member
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    Great news. My Great news. Thanks for all the advice guys!

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