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  1. #1
    bucknut24's Avatar
    bucknut24 is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp, Dosage, Acne

    My doc started me on 60 mg a week of test cyp and Hcg 250 IU x 2 a week. After a few months he moved me to 80mg a week. I complained about all the facial acne and scalp folliculitis it was causing. He said 40 mg twice a week would work better. It didn't. I went off HRT for 3 months and my acne was more controllable. I recently went back on it. I have been doing 30 mg twice a week and the acne has noticeably returned. I don't want to go off HRT but it's gotten to the point that the benefits do not outweigh the negative skin issues.

    I have to pay my doc $50 bucks every time I do a phone consult with him so I was hoping you guys may have some suggestions.

    I've recently went to the dermatologists and got a medicated scalp shampoo and some topicals for my face. They aren't really helping yet.

    Are there any other dosages I could do that may help? Would 20-25mg 3 times a week possibly work better? What about subcutaneous shots instead of intramuscular?

    Any information you can provide would really be appreciated.


  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Listen, if you are prone to acne, well T will only aggravate it. Accutane, pretty harsh but done it twice (years ago) its a possibility. What jumps out at me is the dosage of t you do??? Have you had BW done at these low injection levels???? You are in essence "shutting yourself down" but not putting very much in the tank?? Just wondering if you are doing more harm than good. Why be on TRT if you have artificial levels at say 400 and natureally you are at 350 or 400?? Making these numbers up because you didnt indicate, but would be curious on your pre and post BW?

  3. #3
    Logonzo is offline New Member
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    I had the same thing going on after I started trt. It was very aggravating, but I went on with treatment. It took many weeks before my body adjusted to the Exo test and my acne has calmed down considerably. No more scalp issues either. I also noticed it was better after starting an AI. Good luck man.

  4. #4
    bucknut24's Avatar
    bucknut24 is offline New Member
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    Yes, I've had blood work done several times. I am secondary hypo. I started out total test 333ng/dl and 8.4pg/mL on an 8.7-25.1 scale. 60mg a week got me up to 441 and 10.9

    80mg got me to 816 and 21.9

    AI is not required as my sensitive estradiol test came back 18pg/mL on a 3-70 scale.

    Does anyone know if taking smaller dosages such as 20mg several times a week versus a larger dose would be more stable on my hormones and lesson the degree of acne?


  5. #5
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    which dose is that e2 value on?

  6. #6
    bucknut24's Avatar
    bucknut24 is offline New Member
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    the e2 value of 18 was after being on 80mg once a week for 3 months.

  7. #7
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Personally, I think acne is just part of the deal with TRT. Mine was very bad when first starting out, but after a year it leveled out. I still get bouts of it, but not as bad. Just deal with it. The benefits are more than worth it....

  8. #8
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    Mine was bad for about 6-8 months and now its not bad at all. It seems to take some time for the body to adjust.

  9. #9
    vinceproduction's Avatar
    vinceproduction is offline Associate Member
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    My acne is starting to go away after breaking shots up to 3 per week, at 30mg per shot. Don't discount the low doses as not doing enough as it had me above 1100! How's your diet? That makes a big difference for me. Also the more sun I get the less acne I have as well.

  10. #10
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    that's very interesting. you are on a very low dose. if I was okay doing it, I think I would do small EOD shots of T propionate . that would probably more closely resemble the natural rise and fall and possibly possibly prevent some of the high T sides because you can take a small dose, albeit more often. of course, some people just get more acne! you could try more frequent injects, definitely twice a week but you're on that...

    other than that, I would consider general skin health, regular showers, nutrition etc.

    I don't get facial acne so I can't help that much but I have read on forums that some people said the acne subsided over time. it seems like some are saying that again here. if you feel like TRT can help you in the long run, then I think it's worth the chance of having facial acne for a few months and see if it starts to get better.

    and if it doesn't, you can always come off...

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