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  1. #1
    cmn is offline New Member
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    41yo: Low Free Test?

    I am 41yo, 6', 225lbs, <15%bf. I've been in the gym consistently for 25 years.

    (As a bodybuilding teen, I spent several years cycling on and off various anabolics but never running stuff
    just seemed to kick back in on its own quickly.)

    I went to the Dr a couple months ago to investigate why I've been having trouble leaning up and why my max lifts
    have been in a decline for a year or so.

    My free test was low and total test was not impressive for a 41yo. He recommended test cyp; I started 100mg/wk.

    He ran blood tests. I now see that I should have requested for FSH, LH, and SHGB.

    Does anyone have insight into why my free test would be so low without the tests above? I'll list what I have that
    may be relevant. I actually feel VERY good on this dose of test and would really prefer not to stop for the purpose
    of having those tests done if at all possible.

    Lipids are good.

    TSH 1.050 0.270-4.200
    T4 9.1 4.5-12.0
    T3 uptake 33.8 24.3-39.0
    Thyroxine, free 1.37 0.83-1.62
    Free T4 Index 3.1 1.5-3.8
    T3, Total 118 80-200

    Testosterone ,total 446.5 249.0-836.0
    Testosterone, free 10.05 7.20-23.00

    Amylase, serum 76 28-100
    Lipase, serum 46 13-60
    Phosphorous 2.3 2.7-4.5

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I started out at 200mg c eow, then 100mg c ew, then after the last blood test, moved down to 80mg ew

    btw... welcome to the board mate!

    everyone is different. before i started trt, total test was VERY low, and free test not so bad, but still low. (can't remember the numbers right now)

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    welcome. i must say i am impressed that your test level still okay after doing so much AAS without PCT! if you are wondering why your test is so low now, well thats because of passed AAS use and no PCT. glad your doc even considered putting you on TRT, most would say your perfect! LOL. post the entire blood work if you have it. your thyroid seems to be in great condition i would suggest hCG mono therapy at this point, JMO, but since you've done AAS in the passed TRT maybe a good route to take.

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Welcome to the forum, cmn!

    Your free test will be reflective on your total serum score. A healthy level would be 2% to 3%. Yours falls in at 2.25%. Your total serum is leaning on the lower end of the scale, but it's not in the tank by any means. My guess is that your HPTA is mildly suppressed, but that's just speculation without seeing the LH/FSH labs.

    Would also like to see your E2 sensitive, PSA & DHEA labs on top the labs you already mentioned. It's always good to look upstream and downstream when evaluating your testosterone . If you have your albumin score we can figure your SHBG from what you already provided. My guess is that your SHBG will be somewhere between 27 to 30nmol/l.

    Since you're jumping into this with both feet, talk to your doctor about HCG . It's probably safe to say that your testicles were getting signaled with some LH, even though it wasn't what you would call optimal. However, that will all stop soon enough with administration of exogenous testosterone, and complete suppression of the HPTA is imminent . HCG will fill in the slot (and then some) for the LH signal to keep your testicles happy and healthy.

    Please jump on the E2 lab as well to help determine if any AI will be needed. I would suggest (as others will too) that you have your doctor run labs again in six (6) more weeks, then make adjustments accordingly.

  5. #5
    cmn is offline New Member
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    Thank you all for responding so quickly! I will get the necessary labs asap. Is there value in the labs
    (LH, FSH, SHGB) without a pre-exo test baseline?

    Bass - I don't think I have more of the bw suggested in the sticky. I will look again and post if I do.

    Vette - Albumin 4.8 3.5-5.2


    Last edited by cmn; 06-12-2012 at 04:57 PM. Reason: Spelling Challenges

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Looking at your total and free T, it doesnt look that unusual in the sense that one is drastically different that the other. They are both just a bit on the low but normal side of things.

    Getting your FSH and LH at this point is really not going to matter that much since you already started on T shots. Quite frankly, if you are done worrying about having children then it really puts you in a position to call this legitimately a lifelong move to stay on TRT. If you want to have kids again though, let us know.

    Finally, before you go too much farther, it would be nice for you to get a baseline estradiol sensitive lab so you know where you are starting there. It's one of those labs you need to check up on especially in the beginning because your T and estradiol are going to be going through a lot of changes. Be sure to ask for the sensitive test or if quest the ultrasensitive.

    Probably worth checking out your DHEA, but whether or not you want to supplement with that would be up to a personal decision. There is nothing you will take that comes close to the impact that testosterone will have on your well being, in my personal opinion.

    Get follow up labs in 4-6 weeks as well to make sure you are taking a healthy dose of T. For some reason, lots of docs start someone on TRT and tell them to come back in 3 months.... dumb!

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Ah, a little more albumin than anticipated. Your SHBG is right around 25nmol/l. It's at a decent level and not causing a major impact in your program.

    If it came down a few points, great, your free test would be in the mid 2's. However, I wouldn't make that the focal point of your plan.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Ok, I'll say it. Add vit D to your program. It will help to lower your shbg and in turn raise your free T.

    Vette, HRT, it was killing me not to add that.....

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