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  1. #1
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thumbs up Diet and dosage where the key

    I am not back on TRT but i decided to do a 12 week depo testosterone since my recovery and prolotherapy treatment are going amazing.

    I just got back for a 10 days vacation in Mexico, and i ate like a pig, my weight was actually at 242 pounds the day we left.

    We got back Saturday during the night, at that time i had already had my first 100mg injection, and took another one on Monday of this week.

    I am on a semi low carb diet, eating a lot more protein, cut out sugar, and have been taking 1-2IU of GH for about 5 weeks now.

    I am glad to say that this time around i have dropped 10 pounds i am around 232 pounds even with the addition of depo testosterone. I guess that last time the deca durabolin and masteron plus delatestryl at 200mg each per week was way too much.

    I got letro on hand and did not need to use it yet, i also take diurex an OTC water pill and HCG at 250IU per day. Prolotherapy treatments have been pushed to once every 2 weeks the cocktail has not change, we still use testosterone suspension at 150MG and GH at 2IU, its amazing my lower back is fixed, i still get some muscle fatigue but the pain is gone, the hip stopped snapping and the upper back and neck and rib are getting better too.

    Best advise stay away from idiot chiropractors, over adjusting people will cause ligament laxity theses idiots don't even know about it either.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    u always said youd be back with some bicep avy's!

    good luck with the cut

    congrats on the results so far

  3. #3
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    u always said youd be back with some bicep avy's!

    good luck with the cut

    congrats on the results so far
    Thanks JPkman hope you are doing well to, no bicep avis for me LOL just not for me, cut yes, to feel better not to be at 7%bf

    My avatar is quite funny i bought a luchador mask in mexico cool mask LOL

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yeh u definitely surprised ME

    and thanks...doin well

    i guess chiropractors are the same as any practice..

    some good and some bad

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
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    good to see you Yannik! glad things are going well for you.

  6. #6
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was actually able to train good in Mexico the gym at the resort was amazing. Nothing too intense like 5 sets of 12 reps moderate weight but it felt great, also walking walking and more walking, xlpore and xcaret where all ups and down hills.

    I was really amazed at how good i felt for a chubby fat 240 pounder, able to climb like this, yes i was out of breath but i did it.

    If everything goes well goal should be 198-200 pounds i will be glad to post pics when i reach that goal. Also fit into my normal pants and not 42 inches.

    In that journey i will try to learn has much has i can to help others, who knows maybe i can avoid a few to make the mistakes i did.

    I also feel that deca might have been another issue for all that weight gain and water gain.

    Can't wait to see how GH works out too, i know that many on here say 1IU per day is not enough but HRT clinics will give there clients .5-1IU per day for 5/2 and they get results.

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    I'm surprised your Clinic use so many of these drugs....!

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    nothing clinics do surprise surprises me that it surprises u

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    nothing clinics do surprise surprises me that it surprises u
    LOL! yea me too, clinics are a real sham when it comes to health, they are what they are, legal steroids dealer!

  10. #10
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    I'm surprised your Clinic use so many of these drugs....!
    ? what clinic, test E is prescribed and that is it, the rest is all underground.

  11. #11
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    LOL! yea me too, clinics are a real sham when it comes to health, they are what they are, legal steroids dealer!
    Living in Canada and being injured is the worst ever, in the US a lot of medical doctors are allowed to perform prolotherapy and add GH and testosterone to the mix, here in Canada its against the law.

    It is also against the law to use any type of steroid to speed up healing or recovery. Yes some medical doctor will prescribe testosterone and some will even go has far has prescribing GH, good luck with the later because insurance will not cover it unless there is a very good reason for it.

    GH with a prescription here cost 859$ for 72IU, not allowed to post pricing i get a better deal for a lot more IU from my source.

    All the information i got from prolotherapy comes from US websites, Bresil is also big on prolo, but in Canada we got physio, sport medicine and useless therapies that are aimed toward the symptom not the cause.

    When i was in Mexico i went to Playa Del Carmen, i had some groin pain related to the hip, and all that walking, i was not about to ruin my vacation with that dumb nagging pain, i went to the local drug store and bough cortisone injections without a prescription and injected myself to remove the pain.

    In Mexico steroids are legal, right next to tylenol and viagra. Has far has i am concerned if i would not have found that guy who treats me now chronic pain and a wasted life would all i would have right now.

    Better life true chemistry is right on, of course there are risk when using steroids, but therapeutic dosage can improve someone health like crazy.

    Stallone said it anyone above 30 should use GH its the fountain of youth.

    When i first started this deca masteron and test E 20 week cycle it was crazy, 200mg each, i gained water, fat, my blood pressure went true the roof, i also got tinnitus, rapid heart beats. Theses dosage where clearly way to high and i just did not need that at all.

    Now with depo testosterone at 100mg per 10-14 days i split in 2, i feel great, use HCG each day low dose, got some letro on hand that i did not use yet, no more tinnitus in the ear, so far no weight or water gain, no water retention. Of course i eat a lot less too, i got slight water retention from the GH at first that is now gone, and diurex is doing a great job too.

    I am only doing a 10-12 week low dose cycle now with depo testosterone, hey i got 18 bottles left on my prescription so.... if everything goes well i might do this when i fully get back into weight lifting, small dosage, to help me recuperate faster.
    Last edited by yannick35; 06-14-2012 at 02:38 PM.

  12. #12
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yannick35 View Post
    ? what clinic, test E is prescribed and that is it, the rest is all underground.

    I thought you mentioned your prolotherapist prescribing you the deca .

  13. #13
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post

    I thought you mentioned your prolotherapist prescribing you the deca.
    In respect to all the guys on here i will not start on this again, no deca was not prescribed by my prolotherapist, it was a mistake plain and simple along a lot that i made during last year and this year.

    Lets just say that with research, the help on here and more i was able to get on the right track. I am not saying deca could not help others but for me and ligament laxity it was a very bad choice and a waste of time.

    There are also a lot of mixed reviews and opinion on deca and its healing properties, from those i have spoken with and my personal experience its great when you are on but after you stop most of the pain comes back. Positive i have head tendonitis apparently very good to fix that.

    Be sure that if i was younger and having suffered from chronic pains i would learn has much has i could about this, prolotherapy and probably would be an underground medicine myself seeing on how well its working for me and others.

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