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  1. #1
    godawgs50's Avatar
    godawgs50 is offline New Member
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    Help With First Blast! Advice/Opinions

    Starting my first TRT blast this week and wanted some advice/opinions. Been on TRT for the first half of this year or so. Going to do a 10-12 week blast of the following:

    550mg Test C- split into 3 injections- M/W/F

    250iu HCG - split into 2 injections- T/TH

    Arimidex - .5 once a week (will blood test 2-4 weeks in to see if I need to up this to twice a week.)

    Anavar - 80mg/day- split into 2 doses (one in morning, one in evening)

    Let me know what you think and if you have any critique or advice. Thanks in advance for any help!

  2. #2
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    Do u take an a/i while on your hrt ?

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    looks good

    what are your stats and goals

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    What was your E2 serum levels last BW?

    I doubt that .5mg AI is going to cut it at 550mg/wk.

    Keep an eye out on neg sides.

  5. #5
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    The AI is definitely something that needs to be considered. Like others questions, ai on trt? what was e2 levels on trt protocol? what was whole protocol before?

    I'm personally curious if someone on 200 mg a week without ai and semi ok e2 levels needs only a small amount of ai on blast.

    Will be doing similar eventually, but personally I'm more prone to start on the less ai side of things.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    clarify your hCG dose, is it 125 twice a week? i agree regarding AI dose for 550mgs test, and yes blood work in 4 weeks should tell you how its working, but if i were you id do 0.5 mg after each injection to start with, you may need more if you are a converter.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    its a 10 week cycle

    is he gonna get gyno in 10 weeks?


  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    why you think no? I'd say yes he can get a gyno if he doesn't control his e2, most cycles run at 10-12 weeks and many get gyno!

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i dont remember that


  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Not that rare JPK. Spikes in E occur and a resultant buildup can become fibrous over time.

    Op, as requested above, what is your current protocol and have you done similar AAS in the past pre-TRT? Like GD said, .5 won't cut it. Probably .25 eod.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yeh understood

    i guess i would risk it but i'm not advising it

  12. #12
    godawgs50's Avatar
    godawgs50 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the help guys. To answer some of your questions:

    The HCG will be 250iu on Tue and 250iu on Thur for a total of 500/week

    I do not have any prior experience with AAS so this will be a first for me. I have been on 150mg T for my TRT and on that dosage it doesn't appear as if I am a big converter. The clinic I go to had prescribed me 1mg arimidex a week split into two dosages but I wasn't taking it. I was either not taking any at all or some weeks only .5 per week. My last blood test (month ago) showed my levels were only 39 (so barely elevated). I know that is about to change with the increase to 500mg T/week but I was scared the .5/arimidex twice a week would drive my levels too low being that 150mg didn't effect me too much? What do you think? Would it be better to go ahead and do the AI twice a week and blood test in 4 weeks to see if levels too low, or better to only do AI once a week and check in four weeks to see if E levels too high? Any opinions on which one could potentially have a worse effect on the blast? Or does it really matter if I blood test in 4 weeks and adjust either way? Thanks as always for all the help. This board is great!

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Your upping your dosage by 400mg. You will see a spike in E and you don't want possible related sides from it. Buy a pill cutter at walmart and cut them into quarters and take .25 eod then check levels in 4 weeks. I'd bet your fine.

    For that matter, how did you come up with 550 mgs? If it's your first blast why not run it around 400 split into two shots. You will see great results. Next blast go higher if you feel the need but I think you'll be just fine at 400 split. It's not like you have to worry about pct or anything, right!!! Just my .02

    Keep us posted please.

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