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  1. #1
    bass's Avatar
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    how to check if hCG is good or bad?

    this question is more for Vette since he made a suggestion to use a pregnancy test to see if hCG is good or bad, but all are welcome to chime in of course. okay Vette, i bough a kit with two sticks, i use one by applying about 200iu hCG on the absorbent tip, but that wasn't enough for the liquid to reach the results window area, so i submerged the tip with cold running watter to push the hCG further toward the window, the test came back negative. i am not sure if i did this incorrectly or maybe it worked and my hCG is bunk! i want to run the test again but i want to make sure i do it right. any suggestions as to hot do this correctly? should i mix little hCG in a cup of water, mix it then dip the test stick in?
    Last edited by bass; 06-15-2012 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would say you basically can't do it with a home HCG test kit.

    You have to realize that they were designed to pick up mIU HCG quantities in urine. They typically have a "hook effect" when you apply very high HCG concentrations to them thereby giving a negative reading.

    If you really wanted to devise a way of using them, I would suggest applying no more than 1-2 IU mixed in urine (which has been tested/or is known to be free of HCG) from a guy not using HCG or a non-pregnant female.

    Unfortunately they typically give a positive reading with anything more than 50 mIU (.05 IU) HCG, so even if your stuff was crap, it would probably give a positive reading.

    I'll have to think about this, but I would think if you injected 500+ IU of HCG, your urine should test positive, but not sure.

    edit: just going some quick lookups, it appears that if you were to inject 2000 IU HCG, 1-2 days later you would have a peak urine value of 20-60 mIU which would show as a positive result on nearly any HCG test kit.
    Last edited by ecdysone; 06-15-2012 at 05:00 PM.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    take your normal reconstituted injection (250iu) and draw more sterile water to fill a 3cc pin, then swirl it around gently to ensure a mix, then squirt it slowly on test kit. this is what i did and it worked with my hcg from the USA but not with China product.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
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    thanks guys. Mike, ill give it another try, but after i hear from Vette.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
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    okay, took ECD's advise and used 250is and mix it with my urine sample, and guess what? i am pregnant! LOL. the line not only appeared but it was dark as it can be! so the hCG is good, and i maybe desensitized! I'll update my other thread for future members... Thanks for the suggestion ECD!

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Well, there you go, you discovered the process, good job!

    Congrats on your expected anabolic little bundle of joy. You should keep the test and show it to some of your friends and family to get a real rise out of them.

  7. #7
    GFA is offline Associate Member
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    Im actually going to take a break from my HCG as well. I know its good because its from CVS. I want to see if my nuts shink a lot with no HCG and 100 mg test a week. I want to really limit the amount of stuff I put into my body for TRT.

  8. #8
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Congrats on your expected anabolic little bundle of joy.
    lol... a little reported side effect of TRT!

    But Bass - I thought one of the questions you had was the formulation, e.g., strength of your HCG . The spot-testing only shows IF its HCG.

    I'm not overly confident in the exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure if you did inject 2000iu that the test should be positive with your urine. In any event, the degree of color should be able to distinguish between good HCG and week HCG but it would require a couple of experiments to find out.
    Last edited by ecdysone; 06-16-2012 at 06:56 AM.

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    lol... a little reported side effect of TRT!

    But Bass - I thought one of the questions you had was the formulation, e.g., strength of your HCG . The spot-testing only shows IF its HCG.

    I'm not overly confident in the exact numbers, but I'm pretty sure if you did inject 2000iu that the test should be positive with your urine. In any event, the degree of color should be able to distinguish between good HCG and week HCG but it would require a couple of experiments to find out.
    yea i really didn't want to inject 2000ius so went the less accurate but easy test. my wife used these stick and i know when she was positive the line was so light, you could barley see it but she was pregnant, so assuming on my test the line being so damn dark means hCG is pretty potent. i don't want to waist the hCG i just mixed a week or so ago, so I'll cut the dose by 1/2 then stop for a month and get back on it again. thanks for the info and the help!

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