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  1. #1
    GetItHot's Avatar
    GetItHot is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012

    Saw the Endo at the VA..

    I finally got in to see the Endo after waiting for three months. I started off by explaining to the resident how my doctor put me on trt. I explained my original symptoms, lack of sex drive, no energy, just wanted to sloth around. He then reviewed my labs. I explained to the guy how i got to the endo. that I was put on trt at 200mg/ month. I did that for three months, then got tested. Came back even lower, so he put me on 300mg/ month. Three months pass and low again. He wanted three more months on this protocol before he would refer me to the endo. This was around Feb'12, around the time I found this forum and got educated. It was around this time that I started on 100mg/ wk.
    I was totally honest about not wanting to be on one shot a month and how it has a roller coaster effect. He was ok with it. So that made me happy. I tried to explain all my syptoms like when my E2 blew up to 50 after going on the 2x/wk injections.
    So he took his notes and then went to the real endo.
    Well, the endo walks in, and guess what, its a female. I was really dissappointed about that, but its the VA, cant really go down the road. Her big concern was if I was primary or secondary. She was pissed that my doc didnt check my LH and FSH levels prior to going on TRT. I again explained my symptoms, lack of sex drive, sensitive nips, and I threw in shrunken balls to see where she was at on TRT.
    She said we can do one of two things to figure out if im primary or secondary.
    1.) go off trt for a month and do labs for LH and FSH.
    2.) get an MRI of my pituitary.

    I explained how I had been on the roller coaster and that I was not willing to do that ever again, and damn sure not during the summer. She was quite understanding of that and was ok with scheduling me for an MRI.

    I never mentioned the fact that I had labs done on my own and I also never mentioned AI's and E2 levels. I tried for HCG by asking if there was anything I could get for my shrunked bawls due to exogenous test being put in my body. "That's just part of being on TRT. We dont treat for that." Ok, fine, no HCG. I also didnt try to get an AI. I was hoping that complaining about sensitive nips and feeling like a bitch would be enough. Nope.

    She did however say that once a month injections are crap and that it is the wrong way to do TRT. She prescribed my 200 mg every two weeks of cyp, and said I could do 100/ week if I wanted to. I explained that Im going to college in the fall and that I wont be around for follow ups, so I was able to snag a prescription for cyp for one full year.

    She wanted to have blood drawn to check my prolactin (I did this on my own earlier this month, it's 3.9) to see if it was high. Also a draw for creatine to check kidney function prior to getting the MRI.

    One of the things I did find surprising is that she was much more concerned with my free test levels and didnt really care at all about my total test levels.

    So, Cyp scrip for a year, no hcg, no ai, and an MRI.

    Big thanks to everyone on the forum for helping to educate me.

  2. #2
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GetItHot View Post
    I finally got in to see the Endo after waiting for three months. I started off by explaining to the resident how my doctor put me on trt. I explained my original symptoms, lack of sex drive, no energy, just wanted to sloth around. He then reviewed my labs. I explained to the guy how i got to the endo. that I was put on trt at 200mg/ month. I did that for three months, then got tested. Came back even lower, so he put me on 300mg/ month. Three months pass and low again. He wanted three more months on this protocol before he would refer me to the endo. This was around Feb'12, around the time I found this forum and got educated. It was around this time that I started on 100mg/ wk.
    I was totally honest about not wanting to be on one shot a month and how it has a roller coaster effect. He was ok with it. So that made me happy. I tried to explain all my syptoms like when my E2 blew up to 50 after going on the 2x/wk injections.
    So he took his notes and then went to the real endo.
    Well, the endo walks in, and guess what, its a female. I was really dissappointed about that, but its the VA, cant really go down the road. Her big concern was if I was primary or secondary. She was pissed that my doc didnt check my LH and FSH levels prior to going on TRT. I again explained my symptoms, lack of sex drive, sensitive nips, and I threw in shrunken balls to see where she was at on TRT.
    She said we can do one of two things to figure out if im primary or secondary.
    1.) go off trt for a month and do labs for LH and FSH.
    2.) get an MRI of my pituitary.

    I explained how I had been on the roller coaster and that I was not willing to do that ever again, and damn sure not during the summer. She was quite understanding of that and was ok with scheduling me for an MRI.

    I never mentioned the fact that I had labs done on my own and I also never mentioned AI's and E2 levels. I tried for HCG by asking if there was anything I could get for my shrunked bawls due to exogenous test being put in my body. "That's just part of being on TRT. We dont treat for that." Ok, fine, no HCG. I also didnt try to get an AI. I was hoping that complaining about sensitive nips and feeling like a bitch would be enough. Nope.

    She did however say that once a month injections are crap and that it is the wrong way to do TRT. She prescribed my 200 mg every two weeks of cyp, and said I could do 100/ week if I wanted to. I explained that Im going to college in the fall and that I wont be around for follow ups, so I was able to snag a prescription for cyp for one full year.

    She wanted to have blood drawn to check my prolactin (I did this on my own earlier this month, it's 3.9) to see if it was high. Also a draw for creatine to check kidney function prior to getting the MRI.

    One of the things I did find surprising is that she was much more concerned with my free test levels and didnt really care at all about my total test levels.

    So, Cyp scrip for a year, no hcg, no ai, and an MRI.

    Big thanks to everyone on the forum for helping to educate me.
    So, looks like you'll need to order some hCG and Aromasin or Anastrozole!

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