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  1. #1
    anabolichulk is offline Junior Member
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    Getting anabolic's Legally

    I am a Physician and it is possible to get a prescription for nandrolone decanoate and testosterone . I just had an appointment with a internal medicine Doc and she prescibed me testosterone cypionate 200mgs 1x week and nandrolone decanoate 200mgs 1x 2 weeks. The doctor will want to monitor your blood work cbc to see if your rbc's are elevated from the deca every 6 months some docs 3 months. The reason she prescribes deca or nandrolone decanoate is for joint pain. I told her I tried it a couple years ago and it helped which it did. So be honest with your Doc and they will be cool, just say you can get it overseas illegally but you want to do it right and legally. So yes certain docs will prescribe it. You might have to go in every 2 weeks for 55 doll an injection but its worth it. Yes I had blood work done before I went in and yes I had 293 L 340-1197 is the total. My free test DHT and Dhea were normal. The way I obtained low test was too take 400mg every week for 14 weeks then did not take a recovery. THen got tested 2 months after it was 800 which was on the higher end so I waited another 2 months and thats when it was low. I noticed fatigue by month 3 loss of weight 10 pounds but all you need to do is have a blood test showing low test once. Make sure you get free, total test dhea, sex binding hormone, and DHT if any are low you can get a script. Thought this would help some of you out.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I understand that you cannot write your own prescriptions, right?

    but i suspect that just like cops do not give other cops tickets, I suspect that there are certain professional courtesies being extended your way that some of us may not be so lucky to have come our way. As hard as i had to fight to get on testosterone therapy , I was denied HCG , and although i didn't ask, know that absolutely Kaiser would not prescribe deca .

    Assuming you are in the USA, right?

  3. #3
    anabolichulk is offline Junior Member
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    Yes I am in the USA and I did not tell the Doc that I was a Doc so no it was not professional courtesies. You just need to talk to people mainly older men and find out who is willing to do it.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman
    I understand that you cannot write your own prescriptions, right?

    but i suspect that just like cops do not give other cops tickets, I suspect that there are certain professional courtesies being extended your way that some of us may not be so lucky to have come our way. As hard as i had to fight to get on testosterone therapy , I was denied HCG , and although i didn't ask, know that absolutely Kaiser would not prescribe deca .

    Assuming you are in the USA, right?
    Some clinics in California will prescribe low doses of cyp, prop, hcg, and GH as well as aromitase inhibitors. Many PPO insurers will cover it but many HMOs will not.

    Harsher ASSs would never be prescribed for obvious reasons.

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I'd say at least 50% of the regular posters here have easy access to deca (and others) through their doctors/clinics.

    Never had any obstacle with requesting at my clinic. The compound pharmacy sends it Fed X, along with whatever else is on my script, and it's GTG!

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08
    I'd say at least 50% of the regular posters here have easy access to deca (and others) through their doctors/clinics.

    Never had any obstacle with requesting at my clinic. The compound pharmacy sends it Fed X, along with whatever else is on my script, and it's GTG!
    Accessibility and legally are separate issues. Once you enter the realm successfully, accessibility is no longer a problem. Obtaining it legally however is another matter. Still not impossible (as you point out) but does pose a greater challenge I would argue.

    Like I said, there are TRT clinics available in many states but often the protocols they use are (or should be) regulated and controlled to keep doses low and stacking compounds is less common. Some of the clinics I've seen only offer cyp OR t-prop. A few have dermals/topicals available but I'm not a fan of that ROA.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds good to me, I would love to find a doc like this also for 100% legit reasons. 50, low test, aches/pains due to years of abuse from manual labor and accidents and injuries. Gawd it would be nice to at least find someone willing to TRY to help besides pushing pain meds all the time....

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